asp.Netcore mvc 3.1ソース分析(五)

41861 ワード

ApplicationModelの作成が完了したら、C o n t o r l e r A n g o n DescriptorBuilderクラスのBuildメソッドを呼び出して、対応するControllerActionDescriptorを作成します.
internal static class ControllerActionDescriptorBuilder
        public static IList Build(ApplicationModel application)
            return ApplicationModelFactory.Flatten(application, CreateActionDescriptor);

        private static ControllerActionDescriptor CreateActionDescriptor(
            ApplicationModel application,
            ControllerModel controller,
            ActionModel action,
            SelectorModel selector)
            var actionDescriptor = new ControllerActionDescriptor
                ActionName = action.ActionName,
                MethodInfo = action.ActionMethod,

            actionDescriptor.ControllerName = controller.ControllerName;
            actionDescriptor.ControllerTypeInfo = controller.ControllerType;
            AddControllerPropertyDescriptors(actionDescriptor, controller);

            AddActionConstraints(actionDescriptor, selector);
            AddEndpointMetadata(actionDescriptor, selector);
            AddAttributeRoute(actionDescriptor, selector);
            AddParameterDescriptors(actionDescriptor, action);
            AddActionFilters(actionDescriptor, action.Filters, controller.Filters, application.Filters);
            AddApiExplorerInfo(actionDescriptor, application, controller, action);
            AddRouteValues(actionDescriptor, controller, action);
            AddProperties(actionDescriptor, action, controller, application);

            return actionDescriptor;

        private static void AddControllerPropertyDescriptors(ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor, ControllerModel controller)
            actionDescriptor.BoundProperties = controller.ControllerProperties
                .Where(p => p.BindingInfo != null)

        private static void AddParameterDescriptors(ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor, ActionModel action)
            var parameterDescriptors = new List();
            foreach (var parameter in action.Parameters)
                var parameterDescriptor = CreateParameterDescriptor(parameter);

            actionDescriptor.Parameters = parameterDescriptors;
        private static ParameterDescriptor CreateParameterDescriptor(ParameterModel parameterModel)
            var parameterDescriptor = new ControllerParameterDescriptor()
                Name = parameterModel.ParameterName,
                ParameterType = parameterModel.ParameterInfo.ParameterType,
                BindingInfo = parameterModel.BindingInfo,
                ParameterInfo = parameterModel.ParameterInfo,

            return parameterDescriptor;

        private static ParameterDescriptor CreateParameterDescriptor(PropertyModel propertyModel)
            var parameterDescriptor = new ControllerBoundPropertyDescriptor()
                BindingInfo = propertyModel.BindingInfo,
                Name = propertyModel.PropertyName,
                ParameterType = propertyModel.PropertyInfo.PropertyType,
                PropertyInfo = propertyModel.PropertyInfo,

            return parameterDescriptor;

        private static void AddApiExplorerInfo(
            ControllerActionDescriptor actionDescriptor,
            ApplicationModel application,
            ControllerModel controller,
            ActionModel action)
            var isVisible =
                action.ApiExplorer?.IsVisible ??
                controller.ApiExplorer?.IsVisible ??
                application.ApiExplorer?.IsVisible ??

            var isVisibleSetOnActionOrController =
                action.ApiExplorer?.IsVisible ??
                controller.ApiExplorer?.IsVisible ??

            // ApiExplorer isn't supported on conventional-routed actions, but we still allow you to configure
            // it at the application level when you have a mix of controller types. We'll just skip over enabling
            // ApiExplorer for conventional-routed controllers when this happens.
            var isVisibleSetOnApplication = application.ApiExplorer?.IsVisible ?? false;

            if (isVisibleSetOnActionOrController && !IsAttributeRouted(actionDescriptor))
                // ApiExplorer is only supported on attribute routed actions.
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.FormatApiExplorer_UnsupportedAction(
            else if (isVisibleSetOnApplication && !IsAttributeRouted(actionDescriptor))
                // This is the case where we're going to be lenient, just ignore it.
            else if (isVisible)

                var apiExplorerActionData = new ApiDescriptionActionData()
                    GroupName = action.ApiExplorer?.GroupName ?? controller.ApiExplorer?.GroupName,


        private static void AddProperties(
            ControllerActionDescriptor actionDescriptor,
            ActionModel action,
            ControllerModel controller,
            ApplicationModel application)
            foreach (var item in application.Properties)
                actionDescriptor.Properties[item.Key] = item.Value;

            foreach (var item in controller.Properties)
                actionDescriptor.Properties[item.Key] = item.Value;

            foreach (var item in action.Properties)
                actionDescriptor.Properties[item.Key] = item.Value;

        private static void AddActionFilters(
            ControllerActionDescriptor actionDescriptor,
            IEnumerable actionFilters,
            IEnumerable controllerFilters,
            IEnumerable globalFilters)
            actionDescriptor.FilterDescriptors =
                actionFilters.Select(f => new FilterDescriptor(f, FilterScope.Action))
                .Concat(controllerFilters.Select(f => new FilterDescriptor(f, FilterScope.Controller)))
                .Concat(globalFilters.Select(f => new FilterDescriptor(f, FilterScope.Global)))
                .OrderBy(d => d, FilterDescriptorOrderComparer.Comparer)

        private static void AddActionConstraints(ControllerActionDescriptor actionDescriptor, SelectorModel selectorModel)
            if (selectorModel.ActionConstraints?.Count > 0)
                actionDescriptor.ActionConstraints = new List(selectorModel.ActionConstraints);

        private static void AddEndpointMetadata(ControllerActionDescriptor actionDescriptor, SelectorModel selectorModel)
            if (selectorModel.EndpointMetadata?.Count > 0)
                actionDescriptor.EndpointMetadata = new List<object>(selectorModel.EndpointMetadata);

        private static void AddAttributeRoute(ControllerActionDescriptor actionDescriptor, SelectorModel selectorModel)
            if (selectorModel.AttributeRouteModel != null)
                actionDescriptor.AttributeRouteInfo = new AttributeRouteInfo
                    Template = selectorModel.AttributeRouteModel.Template,
                    Order = selectorModel.AttributeRouteModel.Order ?? 0,
                    Name = selectorModel.AttributeRouteModel.Name,
                    SuppressLinkGeneration = selectorModel.AttributeRouteModel.SuppressLinkGeneration,
                    SuppressPathMatching = selectorModel.AttributeRouteModel.SuppressPathMatching,

        public static void AddRouteValues(
            ControllerActionDescriptor actionDescriptor,
            ControllerModel controller,
            ActionModel action)
            // Apply all the constraints defined on the action, then controller (for example, [Area])
            // to the actions. Also keep track of all the constraints that require preventing actions
            // without the constraint to match. For example, actions without an [Area] attribute on their
            // controller should not match when a value has been given for area when matching a url or
            // generating a link.
            foreach (var kvp in action.RouteValues)
                // Skip duplicates
                if (!actionDescriptor.RouteValues.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
                    actionDescriptor.RouteValues.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

            foreach (var kvp in controller.RouteValues)
                // Skip duplicates - this also means that a value on the action will take precedence
                if (!actionDescriptor.RouteValues.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
                    actionDescriptor.RouteValues.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

            // Lastly add the 'default' values
            if (!actionDescriptor.RouteValues.ContainsKey("action"))
                actionDescriptor.RouteValues.Add("action", action.ActionName ?? string.Empty);

            if (!actionDescriptor.RouteValues.ContainsKey("controller"))
                actionDescriptor.RouteValues.Add("controller", controller.ControllerName);

        private static bool IsAttributeRouted(ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor)
            return actionDescriptor.AttributeRouteInfo != null;
public static List Flatten(
            ApplicationModel application,
            Func flattener)
            var results = new List();
            var errors = new Dictionarystring>>();

            var actionsByMethod = new Dictionary>();
            var actionsByRouteName = new Dictionary<string, List>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            var routeTemplateErrors = new List<string>();

            foreach (var controller in application.Controllers)
                foreach (var action in controller.Actions)
                    foreach (var selector in ActionAttributeRouteModel.FlattenSelectors(action))
                        // PostProcess attribute routes so we can observe any errors.
                        ReplaceAttributeRouteTokens(controller, action, selector, routeTemplateErrors);

                        // Add to the data structures we use to find errors.
                        AddActionToMethodInfoMap(actionsByMethod, action, selector);
                        AddActionToRouteNameMap(actionsByRouteName, action, selector);

                        var result = flattener(application, controller, action, selector);
                        Debug.Assert(result != null);


            var attributeRoutingConfigurationErrors = new Dictionarystring>();
            foreach (var (method, actions) in actionsByMethod)

            if (attributeRoutingConfigurationErrors.Any())
                var message = CreateAttributeRoutingAggregateErrorMessage(attributeRoutingConfigurationErrors.Values);

                throw new InvalidOperationException(message);

            var namedRoutedErrors = ValidateNamedAttributeRoutedActions(actionsByRouteName);
            if (namedRoutedErrors.Any())
                var message = CreateAttributeRoutingAggregateErrorMessage(namedRoutedErrors);
                throw new InvalidOperationException(message);

            if (routeTemplateErrors.Any())
                var message = CreateAttributeRoutingAggregateErrorMessage(routeTemplateErrors);
                throw new InvalidOperationException(message);

            return results;
internal static class ActionAttributeRouteModel
        public static IEnumerable FlattenSelectors(ActionModel actionModel)
            // Loop through all attribute routes defined on the controller. 
            // These perform a cross-product with all of the action-level attribute routes.
            var controllerSelectors = actionModel.Controller.Selectors
                .Where(sm => sm.AttributeRouteModel != null)

            // We also include metadata and action constraints from the controller
            // even when there are no routes, or when an action overrides the route template.
            SelectorModel additionalSelector = null;
            if (actionModel.Controller.Selectors.Count > 0)
                // This logic seems arbitrary but there's a good reason for it.
                // When we build the controller level selectors, any metadata or action constraints
                // that aren't IRouteTemplateProvider will be included in all selectors. So we 
                // pick any selector and then grab all of the stuff that isn't IRouteTemplateProvider
                // then we've found all of the items that aren't routes.
                // This is fragile wrt application model customizing the data - but no one has
                // run into an issue with this and its pretty esoteric.
                additionalSelector = new SelectorModel(actionModel.Controller.Selectors.First());
                additionalSelector.AttributeRouteModel = null;

                for (var i = additionalSelector.ActionConstraints.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (additionalSelector.ActionConstraints[i] is IRouteTemplateProvider)

                for (var i = additionalSelector.EndpointMetadata.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (additionalSelector.EndpointMetadata[i] is IRouteTemplateProvider)

            var actionConstraints = new List();

            foreach (var actionSelector in actionModel.Selectors)
                var actionRouteModel = actionSelector.AttributeRouteModel;

                // We check the action to see if the template allows combination behavior
                // (It doesn't start with / or ~/) so that in the case where we have multiple
                // [Route] attributes on the controller we don't end up creating multiple
                if (actionRouteModel != null && actionRouteModel.IsAbsoluteTemplate)
                    // We're overriding the routes from the controller, but any *unbound* constraints
                    // still apply.
                    var selector = new SelectorModel(actionSelector);

                    selector.AttributeRouteModel = AttributeRouteModel.CombineAttributeRouteModel(
                        left: null,
                        right: actionRouteModel);

                    AddActionConstraints(selector, additionalSelector?.ActionConstraints);
                    AddEndpointMetadata(selector, additionalSelector?.EndpointMetadata);

                    yield return selector;
                else if (controllerSelectors.Count > 0)
                    for (var i = 0; i < controllerSelectors.Count; i++)
                        var controllerSelector = controllerSelectors[i];

                        // We're using the attribute routes from the controller
                        var selector = new SelectorModel(actionSelector);

                        selector.AttributeRouteModel = AttributeRouteModel.CombineAttributeRouteModel(

                        AddActionConstraints(selector, controllerSelector.ActionConstraints);
                        AddEndpointMetadata(selector, controllerSelector.EndpointMetadata);

                        // No need to include the additional selector here because it would duplicate
                        // data in controllerSelector.

                        yield return selector;
                    // There are no routes on the controller, but any *unbound* constraints
                    // still apply.
                    var selector = new SelectorModel(actionSelector);

                    selector.AttributeRouteModel = AttributeRouteModel.CombineAttributeRouteModel(
                        left: null,
                        right: actionRouteModel);

                    AddActionConstraints(selector, additionalSelector?.ActionConstraints);
                    AddEndpointMetadata(selector, additionalSelector?.EndpointMetadata);

                    yield return selector;

        private static void AddActionConstraints(SelectorModel selector, IList actionConstraints)
            if (actionConstraints != null)
                for (var i = 0; i < actionConstraints.Count;i++)

        private static void AddEndpointMetadata(SelectorModel selector, IList<object> controllerMetadata)
            if (controllerMetadata != null)
                // It is criticial to get the order in which metadata appears in endpoint metadata correct. More significant metadata
                // must appear later in the sequence. In this case, the values in `controllerMetadata` should have their order
                // preserved, but appear earlier than the entries in `selector.EndpointMetadata`.
                for (var i = 0; i < controllerMetadata.Count; i++)
                    selector.EndpointMetadata.Insert(i, controllerMetadata[i]);

        public static IEnumerable GetAttributeRoutes(ActionModel actionModel)
            var controllerAttributeRoutes = actionModel.Controller.Selectors
                .Where(sm => sm.AttributeRouteModel != null)
                .Select(sm => sm.AttributeRouteModel)

            foreach (var actionSelectorModel in actionModel.Selectors)
                var actionRouteModel = actionSelectorModel.AttributeRouteModel;

                // We check the action to see if the template allows combination behavior
                // (It doesn't start with / or ~/) so that in the case where we have multiple
                // [Route] attributes on the controller we don't end up creating multiple
                if (actionRouteModel != null && actionRouteModel.IsAbsoluteTemplate)
                    var route = AttributeRouteModel.CombineAttributeRouteModel(
                        left: null,
                        right: actionRouteModel);

                    yield return (route, actionSelectorModel, null);
                else if (controllerAttributeRoutes.Count > 0)
                    for (var i = 0; i < actionModel.Controller.Selectors.Count; i++)
                        // We're using the attribute routes from the controller
                        var controllerSelector = actionModel.Controller.Selectors[i];

                        var route = AttributeRouteModel.CombineAttributeRouteModel(

                        yield return (route, actionSelectorModel, controllerSelector);

                    var route = AttributeRouteModel.CombineAttributeRouteModel(
                        left: null,
                        right: actionRouteModel);

                    yield return (route, actionSelectorModel, null);