Lecture 17

18585 ワード

6.4 Lock Programming

S1: a := 1
S2: b := 2
S3: c := a + b
S4: d := 2 * a
S5: e := c + d
Make the 5 lines execute as fast as possible, but end up in same result as it would have executed sequencially
S1: independent
S2: independent
S3: dependent on S1, S2
S4: dependent on S1
S5: dependent on S3, S4

So in semephore,
Semaphore L1(0), L2(0), L3(0), L4(0)
/*S1*/  BEGIN a:=1; V(L1); END;
/*S2*/  BEGIN b:=2; V(L2); END;
/*S3*/  BEGIN P(L1); P(L2); c:=a+b; V(L3) END;
/*S4*/  BEGIN P(L1); d:=2*a; V(L4) END;
/*S5*/  BEGIN P(L3); P(L4); e:=c+d; END;
This will not work because as soon as S3 or S4 acquires L1, it will block the other statement from execution.
  • If we have multi-semaphore
    - we can solve by calling V(L1) twice from S1
  • If we only have binary-semaphore
    - we can solve by calling V(L1) after P(L1) from both S3 and S4 to let the other in.
  • but this makes the count of L1 to 1 at the end of execution.
  • if we were to use it in a loop, this will not work.
  • so you need to call additional P(L1) after COBEGIN
  • but we can do better and optimize it by constructing the concurrency based on a spenning tree from the graph
    Semaphore L1(0), L4(0)
      BEGIN a:=1; V(L1); d:=2*a; V(L4)  END;
      BEGIN b:=2; P(L1); c:=a+b; P(L4); e:=c+d; END;

    6.4.2 Buffering

    Tasks communicate unidirectionally through a queue
    producer and consumer example
    unbounded buffer
    #define QueueSize /*infinite*/
    int front=0, back=0;
    int Elements[QueueSize]
    uSemaphore full(0);
    void Producer::main(){
        // produce an item
        // add it to the back of queue
      // produce a stopping value
    void Consumer::main(){
        // take an item from the front of the queue
       if (stopping value?) break;
        // process of consume the item
    bounded buffer
    uSemaphore full(0), empty(QueueSize);
    void Producer::main() {
      for ( ;; ) {
        // produce an item
        // add element to buffer
      // produce a stopping value
    void Consumer::main() {
      for ( ;; ) {
        // remove element from buffer
       if ( stopping value ? ) break;
        // process or consume the item
    if you pick a right buffer size, then the buffer would be half full for the most of the time.
    This does not work with multiple producers and consumers
    because producers may try to insert item into same buffer slot
    and same thing can happen with consumers as well.
    So you need mutual exclusion locks
    bounded buffer with multiple producers/consumers capability
    uSemaphore full(0), empty(QueueSize);
    uOwnerLock pLock, cLock;
    void Producer::main() {
      for ( ;; ) {
        // produce an item
        // add element to buffer
      // produce a stopping value
    void Consumer::main() {
      for ( ;; ) {
        // remove element from buffer
       if ( stopping value ? ) break;
        // process or consume the item
    If the array/buffer specifically indicates that it is save to concurrently execute insert and remove, you can use two different locks for consumers and producers.
    But in other cases, you must assume the buffer is not insert/remove safe for concurrent execution.