Node.js Tutorial for Beginners

1. What is Node

  • Great for prototyping and agile development
  • Superfast and highly scalable
  • Javascript everywhere
  • Cleaner and more consistent codebase
  • Large ecosystem of open-source libs
  • 2. Node Architecture

    it's a runtime environment for executing javascript code.

    3. How Node Works

  • non-blocking or asynchronous

  • blocking or synchronous
  • Node applications are asynchronous by default.
    Node is ideal for I/O-intensive apps.
    Do not use Node for CPU-intensive apps.

    4. Installing Node

    Node.js Download

    5. Your First Node Program

    function sayHello(name) {
    console.log('Hello '+name);
    [実行結果]node app.js
    Hello Karam

    6. Node Module System

  • os(operating system)
  • fs(file system)
  • events
  • http
  • 7. Global Object

    // global.변수명

    8. Modules

    // app.js
    [実行結果]node app.js
    Module {
      id: '.',
      path: 'C:\\workspace\\first-app',
      exports: {},
      parent: null,
      filename: 'C:\\workspace\\first-app\\app.js',
      loaded: false,
      children: [],
      paths: [

    9.Creating a Module

    // logger.js
    var url = '';
    function log(message){
        // Send an HTTP request
        console.log('hello, log message is ' + message);
    module.exports.log = log;

    10. Loading a Module

    var logger = require('./logger');
    [実行結果]node app.js
    { log: [Function: log] }
    hello, log message is message
    export a single function or an object
    // logger.js
    var url = '';
    function log(message){
        // Send an HTTP request
        console.log('hello, log message is ' + message);
    module.exports = log;
    // app.js
    const log = require('./logger'); // var가 아닌 const를 사용하는 이유: 변수의 재할당을 막기 위해서
    [実行結果]node app.js
    hello, log message is message

    11. Module Wrapper Function

    12. Path Module

    13. OS Module

    14. File System Module

    15. Events Module

    16. Event Arguments

    17. Extending EventEmitter

    18. HTTP Module


    Node.js Tutorial for Beginners: Learn Node in 1 Hour