
11194 ワード

step 1:
C# code

< authentication mode = " forms " > < forms name = " .ASPXAUTH " loginUrl = " /login.aspx " timeout = " 30 " path = " / " > </ forms > </ authentication >

step 2:
C# code

< authorization > < allow users = " comma-separated list of users " roles = " comma-separated list of roles " verbs = " comma-separated list of verbs " /> < deny users = " comma-separated list of users " roles = " comma-separated list of roles " verbs = " comma-separated list of verbs " /> </ authorization >

step 3:
C# code

FormsAuthenticationTicket Ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket ( 1 ,user,DateTime.Now,

DateTime.Now.AddMinutes( 30 ), false ,userRoles, " / " ) ; // string HashTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt (Ticket) ; // HttpCookie UserCookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, HashTicket) ; // Cookie Context.Response.Cookies.Add (UserCookie) ; // Cookie

Step 4:(手動でロールを作成)
C# code

protected void Application_AuthorizeRequest( object sender, System.EventArgs e) { HttpApplication App = (HttpApplication) sender; HttpContext Ctx = App.Context ; // Http HttpContext if (Ctx.Request.IsAuthenticated == true ) // role { FormsIdentity Id = (FormsIdentity)Ctx.User.Identity ; FormsAuthenticationTicket Ticket = Id.Ticket ; // string [] Roles = Ticket.UserData.Split ( ' , ' ) ; // role Ctx.User = new GenericPrincipal (Id, Roles) ; // Identity GenericPrincipal , role } }