CodeWars符号化問題2021/01/24-Upside down numbers


Consider the numbers 6969 and 9116 . When you rotate them 180 degrees (upside down), these numbers remain the same. To clarify, if we write them down on a paper and turn the paper upside down, the numbers will be the same. Try it and see! Some numbers such as 2 or 5 don't yield numbers when rotated.
Given a range, return the count of upside down numbers within that range. For example, solve(0,10) = 3 , because there are only 3 upside down numbers >= 0 and < 10 . They are 0, 1, 8 .
More examples in the test cases.
function solve(x, y) { let answer = 0; let check = true; const updown = { '1': '1', '6': '9', '8': '8', '9': '6', '0': '0' }; for(let i = x; i < y; i++) { const numToStr = `${i}`; if(numToStr.includes('2') || numToStr.includes('3') || numToStr.includes('4') || numToStr.includes('5') || numToStr.includes('7')) { continue; } else { const changeNum = `${i}`.split('').reverse().join(''); check = true; for(let k in changeNum) { if(`${i}`[k] !== updown[changeNum[k]]) { check = false; break; } } if(check) answer++; } } return answer; }; まず、反転した数値をオブジェクトにし、繰り返し文を使用して所定の範囲内で数値を使用します。 数値を反転させる効果を得るには、数値の順序を反転させ、各数値を反転時に変更した数値に変更します。 そして同じものしか見つからず、その数を返します。