[JavaScript] functions

🔮 What is a functions?
Functions are one of the fundamental building blocks in JavaScript. A function is a set of statements that performs a particular task of the program. This task could be just a little part of a program or even the whole program.
💡Declaring a function in JS
  • The function declaration is the process of creating function, but not executing it.
  • function sayHi()
  • The process of executing(calling) the function is known as function invocation
  • ==> as many as times as you invoke the function, that many times it will execute the code between the curly braces.( in our case: 'Hello!');
    💡 Function Syntax
    // keyword  function   parameters (if any)
    // ^         name  ________|
    // |          |   |
    function sayHello() {
      // the code or so called the body of the function
      // return an expression (if needed)
    💡 Arguments and Parameters
    // function declaration with a parameter
    function sayHello(language) {
      switch (language) {
        case 'fr':
        case 'ger':
        case 'esp':
    // function invocation with or without an argument
    sayHello('ger'); // => Hallo!
    sayHello('fr'); // => Bonjour!
    sayHello('esp'); // => Hola!
    sayHello(); // => Hello!
  • Parameter is the variable between the parentheses which is part of the function declaration. In the case above: The language variable. Note that this word is a placeholder and can be any word possible.
  • Argument is the value passed to the function at the moment of its invocation. In the case above: The different strings ger , fr , or esp that are passed and stored in the parameter.
  • // we passed argument "ger"
    //                      |
    //           -----------
    //          |
    sayHello('ger'); // => Hallo!
    // we passed argument "fr"
    sayHello('fr'); // => Bonjour!
    // we passed argument "esp"
    sayHello('esp'); // => Hola!
    // we didn't pass any arguments, so the default part was executed
    sayHello(); // => Hello!