0224 Shell

Bash VS Shell
What is the difference between Shell scripting VS Bash shell scripting? 🔗
Shell is a program, which facilitates the interaction between the user and operating system(kernel). There are many shells available, like sh, bash, csh, zsh...etc.
Shell scripting is a way of automating things, in the form of collection of commands. The control of execution is steered by the predefined control statements.
Bash shell scripting is, a kind of shell scripting only. You can say, it's a subset of shell scripting.
Bash is the most widely used shell. It comes with Linux by default, having backward compatibility with sh.
For more information, do:
$~ man bash
Linux Bash VS Windows Powershell
Powershell vs. Bash Shell 🔗
PowerShell is a command shell and associated scripting language for the majority of windows operating system.
Bash is the command shell and scripting language for the majority of the Linux operating system.
PowerShell treats input and output as an object.
Bash always accepts input and output as a text structure.