[vercel] deploy npm ERR! Incorrect or missing password.



Hi, suxxzzy!

It looks like you are trying to log in to npm using your username and password. As an additional security measure you are requested to enter the OTP code (one-time password) provided in this email.

If you did not intend to log in to npm, please ignore this email.

The OTP code is: _______________

If you enable two-factor authentication (2FA) with a trusted device you will not be asked for an OTP over email anymore.

2FA is an extra layer of security used when logging into websites or apps. With 2FA, you have to log in with your username and password and provide another form of authentication that only you know or have access to. 2FA also protects package publishing. When you publish a package from the command line you will be prompted to provide a generated token in order to do so. Don't worry, if you want to automate publishing in CI/CD you can use an Automation Token to allow for publishing via token only without 2FA.

To enable 2FA, please follow the instructions found here.
To create an automation token, please follow the instructions found here.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to the npm support team.
使い捨てパスワードを入力するたびに面倒な場合は2 FAをアクティブにし、私の携帯電話にGoogle OTPアプリ(国内のQR認証アプリは失敗しているのでダメ)、QRコードに6桁の文字を入力すれば認証できる方式です.
電子メールの内容に基づいて、端末にパッケージを配布します(私から見れば、これは配布ですか?)やるならコインを渡すと書いてあります.これがオートゴージャスであればオートメーションtokenを使います.△このコインを使う場合、2 FAがなくても出版できるそうです.そのため、最初は2 FAを直接作成するのではなく、npmのWebサイトの内容に従ってautomation tokenを作成し、vercelで再配置しましたが、失敗しました.