TWIL 2021-4 (3)
1. HTTP vs. Websocket
🔗 HTTP and Websockets: Understanding the capabilities of today’s web communication technologies 👍
🔗 Webソケットについて説明しましょう
最近ずっと矢印関数を使っていて、宣言式を使うようになってからもうしばらく経ちましたが、習慣的に疑問が出てきたので、どこで式や宣言式を使うか正確に知りたいです.関数宣言(機能宣言): 関数式(機能式):
Hoisting refers to the availability of functions and variables “at the top” of your code, as opposed to only after they are created. The objects are initialized at compile time and available anywhere in your file.
Function declarations are hoisted but function expressions are not.
When to use a function declaration vs. a function expression ?
In short, use function declarations when you want to create a function on the global scope and make it available throughout your code. Use function expressions to limit where the function is available, keep your global scope light, and maintain clean syntax.
🔗 When to use a function declaration vs. a function expression
🔗 関数式vs関数宣言式
3. fetch, get, post
It is used in various contexts, but it usually means “get some data from some place so that the program can do something with it”.
🔗 Get and Post method using Fetch API
🔗 What does fetch means in computer science?
🔗 HTTP and Websockets: Understanding the capabilities of today’s web communication technologies 👍
🔗 Webソケットについて説明しましょう
function foo() {};
const foo = function() {}
// anonymous functions used with ES6 syntax (arrow function)
const foo = () => {}
関数名とともに関数を生成するのが関数宣言式です.関数式では、関数名を省略することもできます.(ES 6矢印関数は既存の関数式の代替品であるため、式に属する.)宣言式と式の機能の違いは、JavaScriptの基本動作hoistingに由来します.
Hoisting refers to the availability of functions and variables “at the top” of your code, as opposed to only after they are created. The objects are initialized at compile time and available anywhere in your file.
Function declarations are hoisted but function expressions are not.
When to use a function declaration vs. a function expression ?
In short, use function declarations when you want to create a function on the global scope and make it available throughout your code. Use function expressions to limit where the function is available, keep your global scope light, and maintain clean syntax.
🔗 When to use a function declaration vs. a function expression
🔗 関数式vs関数宣言式
3. fetch, get, post
Fetch API
から見ると、fetchdataはget dataでもpost dataでもよい.通常、fetch、postは、JavaScriptだけでなく、プログラミング中に必要なデータがどこかから来ているため、逆の意味として使用されます.It is used in various contexts, but it usually means “get some data from some place so that the program can do something with it”.
🔗 Get and Post method using Fetch API
🔗 What does fetch means in computer science?
この問題について(TWIL 2021-4 (3)), 我々は、より多くの情報をここで見つけましたテキストは自由に共有またはコピーできます。ただし、このドキュメントのURLは参考URLとして残しておいてください。
Collection and Share based on the CC Protocol