
Just the Gist

A not uncommon criticism of PHP is that it lacks in security. The sad part is, we can't argue against it. It's too broad of a criticism which can be leveraged against most languages, as most have some way a secret can be leaked. Modern PHP and modern coding practices exists to mitigate this. But today, we are going to take a look at one very basic security flaw example, and a way we could mitigate it. It's what could happen if we don't run a web server but still have our php-files public.

私たちにはindex.php パブリックフォルダにあります.このファイルは、クリスマスの日まで秘密サンタのアイデンティティを保護しています.次のようになります.

define('SECRET_SANTA', "Olaf ⛄");


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <h1>The Secret Santa is a secret!</h1>
    <p>You have to wait until Christmas Day to know who it is.</p>


    $today = new DateTime("now");
    $christmas = new DateTime("2021-12-25");

    if ($today >= $christmas) {
        echo "<p>The Secret Santa is " . SECRET_SANTA . "!</p>";
    } else {
        echo "<p>The Secret Santa is still a secret.</p>";

Webサーバサービスがアクティブである限り( Apacheなど).


  |-- public-folder
  |   |-- index.php
  |-- private-folder
      |-- SecretSanta.php
私たちの訪問者はSecretSanta.php ファイルが、彼らはindex.php ファイル.だからここでどのように我々はこれを行うことができます.

class SecretSanta 
    private const SECRET_SANTA = 'Olaf ⛄';

    public static function getSecretSanta(): bool|string
        if ((new DateTime("now")) >= new DateTime("2021-12-25")) {
            return self::SECRET_SANTA;
        } else {
            return false;
このクラスは秘密のサンタのアイデンティティで定数を宣言します.他のファイルにアクセスできないのでプライベートです.静的関数を使わなければならないgetSecretSanta() 秘密サンタにアクセスする.この関数は秘密のサンタを返すでしょうfalse .
に戻るindex.php ファイルには、静的関数をクラスの呼び出しによって秘密のサンタを取得することができますSecretSanta::getSecretSanta() ):



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <h1>The Secret Santa is a secret!</h1>
    <p>You have to wait until Christmas Day to know who it is.</p>

    if (SecretSanta::getSecretSanta()) {
        echo "<p>The Secret Santa is " . SecretSanta::getSecretSanta() . "!</p>";
    } else {
        echo "<p>The Secret Santa is still a secret.</p>";


There is so much more to keep track of when it comes to security. This article hasn't covered even a fraction of it. And many of the issues are not specific to PHP. There are Cross Origin Resource Forgery (CSRF) attacks, SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting (XSS), and many more.


  • セキュリティマニュアルhttps://www.php.net/manual/en/security.php
  • セキュリティリスクの取り扱い方法https://www.zend.com/blog/managing-security-risks-php-engine-and-web-applications