
11066 ワード

1:CREATE DATABASE test;   //     test

2:SHOW DATABASES; //              ,          3:USE test;              // test           

4:SHOW TABLES;           //            

5:SHOW COLUMNS FROM test.table //  test            

1:SELECT col FROM test.table;   // test.table  col     

2:SELECT col,col1 FROM test.table; // test.table col,col1     

3:SELECT * FROM test.table;    // test.table        

4:SELECT DISTINCT col FROM test.table;  // test.table col     ,      。
  SELECT DISTINCT col,col1 FROM test.table;   //    ,  col col1        ,             。

5: SELECT col FROM test.table LIMIT 5;   //  test.table col ,     5 

   SELECT col FROM test.table LIMIT 5,5; //  5   ,   5 ,  ,MySQL  0      

四:ORDER BYのソート
6: SELECT col FROM test.table ORDER BY col;  // test.table   col ,    col   。

   SELECT col,col1 FROM test.table ORDER BY col,col1;  //  col col1   

   SELECT col FROM test.table ORDER BY col DESC;    //DESC        ,         ,            DESC

7: SELECT col FROM test.table WHERE col=5;  // test.table   col   5   。
   //WHERE       : =    <>     !=     <    <=      >    >=      BETWEEN A AND B A B     
   SELECT col FROM test.table WHERE col <> 5;  //col     5 ,     !=

   SELECT col FROM test.table WHERE col BETWEEN 5 AND 10;  //col   5  10 。

   SELECT col FROM test.table WHERE col1 IS NULL;  //    col1      ,            。

8: SELECT col,col1 FROM test.table WHERE col=1 AND col1=2; //  col=1  col1=2   

   SELECT col,col1 FROM test.table WHERE col=1 OR col1=2; //  col=1  col1=2   

   SELECT col,col1 FROM test.table WHERE (col=1 OR col1=2) AND col3 = 5; //  col=1  col1=2  col3=5     
   //  :     AND     OR 。

   SELECT col FROM test.table WHERE col IN(3,5,...);   //IN   OR     , ()          

   SELECT col FROM test.table WHERE col NOT IN(3,5); //  col=3,4,5,   ,      

9: SELECT col FROM test.table WHERE col LIKE 'Jet%';  //%    ,'Jet%'     Jet   。

10: SELECT col FROM test.table WHERE col LIKE '_ ton';   //_    ,'_ ton'     ton           。
    //                      ,          ,               。

//     : REGEXP               
//          ,    ,                           ,                ,    
//    'hello' ,WHERE col LIKE 'hell'     'hello'   ,     REGEXP   
//      , REGEXP          。
11: SELECT prod_name FROM test.table WHERE col REGEXP '.Jet';  // .          ,        

12:SELECT prod_name FROM test.table WHERE col REGEXP 1000|2000; // col   1000  2000,        OR

13: SELECT prod_name FROM test.table WHERE col REGEXP '[123] Ton'; //      1 Ton|2 Ton|3 Ton;

    SELECT prod_name FROM test.table WHERE col REGEXP '[1-3] Ton'; //            ,  。

    SELECT prod_name FROM test.table WHERE col REGEXP '1|2|3 Ton'; //      ,    1 | 2 | 3 Ton;

    SELECT prod_name FROM test.table WHERE col REGEXP '[^123] Ton'; //  123   .Ton,  ^  []   。

    //     MySQL   \\X x              \MySQL    ,   \        
    SELECT prod_name FROM test.table WHERE col REGEXP '\\.';   //     . 。
    SELECT prod_name FROM test.table WHERE col REGEXP '\\([0-9] sticks?\\)'; //  \\(       [0-9]  0-9 ?      ,\\)     。
    SELECT prod_name FROM test.table WHERE col REGEXP '^[0-9]\\.';  //       .    。

    //REGEXP     LIKE      
    SELECT prod_name FROM test.table WHERE col REGEXP '1000' SELECT prod_name FROM test.table WHERE col REGEXP '^1000$' //             ,     .