
Sub Query

  • queryのquery

  • select単行単列(生成されたデータは1つのみ、または1つのみ)

  • 複数行の複数列から

  • whereマルチラインマルチカラム
  • select
     -- employee_id가 100인 사람의 이름을 함께 출력
    select employee_id, first_name,
    	(select first_name
    	from EMPLOYEES
    	where employee_id = 100)
    from EMPLOYEES;
    -- 전체 인원수를 같이 출력
    select employee_id, first_name, (select count(*) from EMPLOYEES)
    from EMPLOYEES;
    -- Error : 단일 행이 아니면 안 됨
    select employee_id, first_name,
    	(select first_name
    	from EMPLOYEES
    	where salary > 10000)
    from EMPLOYEES;
    -- Error : 단일 컬럼이 아니면 안 됨
    select employee_id, first_name,
    	(select first_name, salary
    	from EMPLOYEES
    	where employee_id = 100)
    from EMPLOYEES;
    -- Error : 단일 그룹의 그룹함수가 아닙니다.
    select employee_id, first_name, count(*)
    from EMPLOYEES;
    select employee_id, salary
    from (select employee_id, first_name, salary
    	from EMPLOYEES
    	where department_id = 80)
    where salary >= 10000;
    -- 부서번호 50번, 급여가 6000이상인 사원
    select * 
    from EMPLOYEES
    where salary >= 6000
    	and department_id = 50;
    -- 위와 동일
    select employee_id
    from (select *
    		from EMPLOYEES
    		where department_id = 50)
    where salary >= 6000;
    -- 업무별 급여의 합계, 인원수, 사원명, 급여
    select e.employee_id, e.salary, e.job_id, j.job_id, j."급여의 합계", j.인원수
    from EMPLOYEES e, (select job_id, sum(salary) as "급여의 합계", count(*) as 인원수
    					from EMPLOYEES
    					group by job_id) j 
    where e.job_id = j.job_id;
    -- 평균 급여보다 많이 받는 사원
    select first_name, salary
    from EMPLOYEES
    where salary > (select avg(salary) from EMPLOYEES)
    -- 부서별로 가장 급여를 많이 받는 사원만을 출력
    select department_id, salary, first_name 
    from EMPLOYEES
    where (department_id, salary) in (select department_id, max(salary) from EMPLOYEES group by department_id)
    order by department_id;
    switch case
    -- #1
    select employee_id, first_name, phone_number, 
    	case substr(phone_number, 1, 3)
    		when '515' then '서울'
    		when '590' then '부산'
    		when '650' then '광주'
    		else '기타'
    from EMPLOYEES;
    -- #2
    select employee_id, first_name, phone_number, 
    		when substr(phone_number, 1, 3) = '515' then '서울'
    		when substr(phone_number, 1, 3) = '590' then '부산'
    		when substr(phone_number, 1, 3) = '650' then '광주'
    		else '기타'
    	end as 지역
    from EMPLOYEES;
    select employee_id, first_name, phone_number,
    	decode( substr(phone_number, 1, 3),
    		'515', '서울',
    		'590', '부산',
    		'650', '광주'
    from EMPLOYEES;
    -- 급여 랭킹 top10을 구하라
    -- 1. 급여의 순위 -> 정렬
    -- 2. 번호 지정 -> rownum
    -- 3. 범위 지정
    select * from
    	(select rownum as rnum, employee_id, first_name, salary
    	from (select employee_id, first_name, salary
    			from EMPLOYEES
    			order by salary desc)
    where rnum <= 20 and rnum >= 11