
統合Angular Rich Text Editor 機能豊富なWYSIWYG HTMLエディタです.これは、ユーザーが簡単にコンテンツをカスタマイズすることができます.これは、さまざまなツールを編集し、リッチコンテンツをフォーマットし、有効なHTMLマークアップまたはマークダウン(MD)のコンテンツを返します.また、画像、リンク、テーブルを挿入することができますし、モジュラーアーキテクチャのリストです.

まず、Getting started with Angular Rich Text Editor ドキュメント.これは角度環境を設定し、アプリケーションに角度リッチテキストエディターコンポーネントを追加するのに役立ちます.

この既定の動作は、EnterKeyプロパティを使用して角度リッチテキストエディターでカスタマイズできます.カスタマイズできるタグは< p >, < div >, < br >です.デフォルトでは

<div class="control-section">
  <table class="api">
      <ejs-dropdownlist id='enterOption' #enterOption
        [dataSource]='enterOptionData' (change)='enterChange()'
        [value]='enterValue' [fields]='fields' [popupHeight]='height'
        [placeholder]='enterPlaceHolder' [floatLabelType]='floatLabel'></ejs-dropdownlist>
 <ejs-richtexteditor id='defaultRTE' #defaultRTE [height]='rteHeight'>
    <ng-template #valueTemplate>
     <p>In the Rich Text Editor, the enter key and shift + enter key actions can be customized using the enterKey and shiftEnterKey APIs. The possible values are as follows:</p><ul><li>P - When 'P' is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a 'p' tag</li><li>DIV - When 'DIV' is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a 'div' tag</li><li>BR - When 'BR' is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a 'br' tag</li></ul>

import { Component, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import { ToolbarService, LinkService, ImageService, HtmlEditorService, RichTextEditorComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-richtexteditor';
import {DropDownListComponent, FieldSettingsModel} from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-dropdowns';
import { FloatLabelType } from '@syncfusion/ej2-inputs';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: 'app.component.html',
  providers: [ToolbarService, LinkService, ImageService, HtmlEditorService]
export class AppComponent {

public rteObj: RichTextEditorComponent;

public enterObj: DropDownListComponent;

public enterOptionData: { [key: string]: Object }[] = [
  { Text: 'Create a new <p>', Value: 'P' },
  { Text: 'Create a new <div>', Value: 'DIV' },
  { Text: 'Create a new <br>', Value: 'BR' }

public enterPlaceHolder: string = 'When pressing the enter key';
public floatLabel: FloatLabelType = 'Always';
public fields: FieldSettingsModel = { text: 'Text', value: 'Value' };
public rteHeight = 220;
public height: string = '200px';
public enterValue: string = 'P';

public enterChange(): void {
 if (this.enterObj.value === 'P') {
  this.rteObj.enterKey = 'P';
  this.rteObj.value = `<p>In the Rich Text Editor, the enter key and shift + enter key actions can be customized using the enterKey and shiftEnterKey APIs. The possible values are as follows:</p><ul><li>P - When 'P' is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a 'p' tag</li><li>DIV - When 'DIV' is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a 'div' tag</li><li>BR - When 'BR' is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a 'br' tag</li></ul>`;
 } else if (this.enterObj.value === 'DIV') {
  this.rteObj.enterKey = 'DIV';
  this.rteObj.value = `<div>In the Rich Text Editor, the enter key and shift + enter key actions can be customized using the enterKey and shiftEnterKey APIs. The possible values are as follows:</div><ul><li>P - When 'P' is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a 'p' tag</li><li>DIV - When 'DIV' is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a 'div' tag</li><li>BR - When 'BR' is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a 'br' tag</li></ul>`;
 } else if (this.enterObj.value === 'BR') {
  this.rteObj.enterKey = 'BR';
  this.rteObj.value = `In the Rich Text Editor, the enter key and shift + enter key actions can be customized using the enterKey and shiftEnterKey APIs. The possible values are as follows:<ul><li>P - When 'P' is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a 'p' tag</li><li>DIV - When 'DIV' is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a 'div' tag</li><li>BR - When 'BR' is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a 'br' tag</li></ul>`;



既定では、任意のエディタのContenteditable要素内でShiftキーを押したEnterキーが押されたときに要素が作成されます.ShiffterTerkeyプロパティを使用して、この既定の動作を角度リッチテキストエディターでカスタマイズできます.カスタマイズ可能なタグは< br >、< p >、< div >です.

<div class="control-section">
 <table class="api">
      <ejs-dropdownlist id='enterOption' #enterOption
         [dataSource]='enterOptionData' (change)='enterChange()'
         [value]='enterValue' [fields]='fields' [popupHeight]='height'
         [placeholder]='enterPlaceHolder' [floatLabelType]='floatLabel'></ejs-dropdownlist>
        <ejs-dropdownlist id='shiftEnterOption' #shiftEnterOption
           [dataSource]='shiftEnterData' (change)='shiftEnterChange()'
           [value]='shiftEnterValue' [fields]='fields' [popupHeight]='height'
           [placeholder]='shiftEnterPlaceHolder' [floatLabelType]='floatLabel'></ejs-dropdownlist>
 <ejs-richtexteditor id='defaultRTE' #defaultRTE [height]='rteHeight'>
   <ng-template #valueTemplate>
      <p>In the Rich Text Editor, the enter key and shift + enter key actions can be customized using the enterKey and shiftEnterKey APIs. The possible values are as follows:</p><ul><li>P - When 'P' is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a 'p' tag</li><li>DIV - When 'DIV' is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a 'div' tag</li><li>BR - When 'BR' is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a 'br' tag</li></ul>

import { Component, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import { ToolbarService, LinkService, ImageService, HtmlEditorService, RichTextEditorComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-richtexteditor';
import {DropDownListComponent, FieldSettingsModel} from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-dropdowns';
import { FloatLabelType } from '@syncfusion/ej2-inputs';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: 'app.component.html',
  providers: [ToolbarService, LinkService, ImageService, HtmlEditorService]
export class AppComponent {

public rteObj: RichTextEditorComponent;

public enterObj: DropDownListComponent;

public shiftEnterObj: DropDownListComponent;

public enterOptionData: { [key: string]: Object }[] = [
  { Text: 'Create a new <p>', Value: 'P' },
  { Text: 'Create a new <div>', Value: 'DIV' },
  { Text: 'Create a new <br>', Value: 'BR' }
public shiftEnterData: { [key: string]: Object }[] = [
  { Text: 'Create a new <br>', Value: 'BR' },
  { Text: 'Create a new <div>', Value: 'DIV' },
  { Text: 'Create a new <p>', Value: 'P' }

public enterPlaceHolder: string = 'When pressing the enter key';
public shiftEnterPlaceHolder: string = 'When pressing the shift + enter key';
public floatLabel: FloatLabelType = 'Always';
public fields: FieldSettingsModel = { text: 'Text', value: 'Value' };
public rteHeight = 220;
public height: string = '200px';
public enterValue: string = 'P';
public shiftEnterValue: string = 'BR';

public enterChange(): void {
  if (this.enterObj.value === 'P') {
    this.rteObj.enterKey = 'P';
    this.rteObj.value = `<p>In the Rich Text Editor, the enter key and shift + enter key actions can be customized using the enterKey and shiftEnterKey APIs. The possible values are as follows:</p><ul><li>P – When ‘P’ is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a ‘p’ tag</li><li>DIV – When ‘DIV’ is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a ‘div’ tag</li><li>BR – When ‘BR’ is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a ‘br’ tag</li></ul>`;
  } else if (this.enterObj.value === DIV) {
    this.rteObj.enterKey = DIV;
    this.rteObj.value = `<div>In the Rich Text Editor, the enter key and shift + enter key actions can be customized using the enterKey and shiftEnterKey APIs. The possible values are as follows:</div><ul><li>P – When ‘P’ is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a ‘p’ tag</li><li>DIV – When ‘DIV’ is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a ‘div’ tag</li><li>BR – When ‘BR’ is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a ‘br’ tag</li></ul>`;
  } else if (this.enterObj.value === BR) {
    this.rteObj.enterKey = BR;
    this.rteObj.value = `In the Rich Text Editor, the enter key and shift + enter key actions can be customized using the enterKey and shiftEnterKey APIs. The possible values are as follows:<ul><li>P - When 'P' is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a 'p' tag</li><li>DIV - When 'DIV' is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a 'div' tag</li><li>BR - When 'BR' is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a 'br' tag</li></ul>`;

public shiftEnterChange(): void {
  if (this.shiftEnterObj.value === 'BR') {
  this.rteObj.shiftEnterKey = 'BR';
  } else if (this.shiftEnterObj.value === 'DIV') {
    this.rteObj.shiftEnterKey = 'DIV';
  } else if (this.shiftEnterObj.value === 'P') {
    this.rteObj.shiftEnterKey = 'P';


角度リッチテキストエディタでのシフト+ Enterキー設定のカスタマイズ

詳細については、の例をチェックアウトcustomizing the Enter and Shift+Enter key configurations in the Angular Rich Text Editor .

読書ありがとう!SyncFusionでEnterキーとShiftキーを押しながらEnterキーをカスタマイズする方法についての明確なアイデアがありますAngular Rich Text Editor . これは、私たちの開発の時間と負荷を削減し、生産性を高めるのに役立ちます.
また、私たちを介してお問い合わせすることができますsupport forum , support portal , or feedback portal . いつものように、我々はあなたを支援して満足している!

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