
/* The double write buffer structure. */
typedef struct double_write_buffer DOUBLE_WRITE_BUFFER;
struct double_write_buffer
  DWB_BLOCK *blocks;		/* block array */

  pthread_mutex_t mutex;	/* The mutex to protect the wait queue. */
  DWB_WAIT_QUEUE wait_queue;	/* The wait queue, used when the DWB structure changed. */

  UINT64 volatile position_with_flags;	/* The current position in double write buffer and flags. Flags keep the
					 * state of each block (started, ended), create DWB status, modify DWB status.

/* DWB. */
static DOUBLE_WRITE_BUFFER dwb_Global;
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00001000 00000000 00000000 00000000 : DWB_MODIFY_STRUCTURE
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000100 00000000 00000000 00000000 : DWB_CREATE
template <typename T, typename V> inline T ATOMIC_INC_64 (volatile T *ptr, V amount)
  static_assert (sizeof (T) == sizeof (UINT64), "Not 64bit");
#if defined (_WIN64)
  return (T) InterlockedExchangeAdd64 (reinterpret_cast <volatile INT64 *>(ptr), amount) + amount;
#elif defined(WINDOWS)
  return win32_exchange_add64 (reinterpret_cast <volatile UINT64 *>(ptr), amount) + amount;
  return __sync_add_and_fetch (ptr, amount);
T __sync_add_and_fetch (T* __p, U __v, ...);
template <typename T, typename V1, typename V2> inline bool ATOMIC_CAS_64 (volatile T *ptr, V1 cmp_val, V2 swap_val)
  static_assert (sizeof (T) == sizeof (UINT64), "Not 64bit");
#if defined (_WIN64)
  return InterlockedCompareExchange64 (reinterpret_cast <volatile INT64 *>(ptr), swap_val, cmp_val) == cmp_val;
#elif defined(WINDOWS)
  return win32_compare_exchange64 (reinterpret_cast <volatile UINT64 *>(ptr), swap_val, cmp_val) == cmp_val;
  return __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (ptr, cmp_val, swap_val);
bool __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (T* __p, U __compVal, V __exchVal, ...);
template <typename T, typename V> inline T ATOMIC_TAS_64 (volatile T *ptr, V amount)
  static_assert (sizeof (T) == sizeof (UINT64), "Not 64bit");
#if defined (_WIN64)
  return (T) InterlockedExchange64 (reinterpret_cast <volatile INT64 *>(ptr), (__int64) amount);
#elif defined(WINDOWS)
  return win32_exchange64 (reinterpret_cast <volatile UINT64 *>(ptr), amount);
  return __sync_lock_test_and_set (ptr, amount);
template <typename T> inline T *ATOMIC_TAS_ADDR (T * volatile *ptr, T *new_val)
#if defined (WINDOWS)
  return static_cast <T *>(InterlockedExchangePointer (reinterpret_cast <volatile PVOID *>(ptr), new_val));
  return __sync_lock_test_and_set (ptr, new_val);
T __sync_lock_test_and_set (T* __p, U __v, ...);
dwb_create (thread_p, log_path, log_prefix)
=> boot_create_all_volumes
=> xboot_initialize_server
=> boot_initialize_server
=> boot_initialize_client
=> db_init
=> createdb
/* Create double write buffer if not already created. DWB creation must be done before first volume.
 * DWB file is created on log_path.
if (dwb_create(thread_p, log_path, log_prefix) != NO_ERROR)
  goto error;
storage/double_write_buffer.c: 2820
/* global variable */
/* DWB volume name. */
char dwb_Volume_name[256];

 * dwb_create () - Create DWB.
 * return   : Error code.
 * thread_p (in): The thread entry.
 * dwb_path_p (in) : The double write buffer volume path.
 * db_name_p (in) : The database name.
int dwb_create(THREAD_ENTRY *thread_p, const char *dwb_path_p, const char *db_name_p)
  UINT64 current_position_with_flags;
  int error_code = NO_ERROR;

  error_code = dwb_starts_structure_modification(thread_p, &current_position_with_flags);
>> 구조 변경 시작, bit 플래그 세팅, dwb 초기화

  if (error_code != NO_ERROR)
    dwb_log_error("Can't create DWB: error = %d\n", error_code);
    return error_code;

  /* DWB structure modification started, no other transaction can modify the global position with flags */
  if (DWB_IS_CREATED(current_position_with_flags))
> current_position_with_flags에 DWB_CREATE 가 set 되어 있다면
    /* Already created, restore the modification flag. */
    goto end;

  fileio_make_dwb_name(dwb_Volume_name, dwb_path_p, db_name_p);
> 만약 dwb_path_p가 /로 끝나는 경우
> *dwb_Volume_name = "[dwb_path_p][db_name_p]_dwb";
> /가 없는 경우
> *dwb_Volume_name = "[dwb_path_p]/[db_name_p]_dwb";

  error_code = dwb_create_internal(thread_p, dwb_Volume_name, &current_position_with_flags);
>> 설명하지 않음. 아마도 dwb_Global의 실질적 할당/초기화 부분
  if (error_code != NO_ERROR)
    dwb_log_error("Can't create DWB: error = %d\n", error_code);
    goto end;

  /* Ends the modification, allowing to others to modify global position with flags. */
  dwb_ends_structure_modification(thread_p, current_position_with_flags);
>> 구조 변경 종료, bit 플래그 세팅, 이 스레드의 점유 상태를 해제하고 wait_queue에 있는 다음 스레드를 깨움

  return error_code;
storage/double_write_buffer.c: 806
 * dwb_starts_structure_modification () - Starts structure modifications.
 * return   : Error code
 * thread_p (in): The thread entry.
 * current_position_with_flags(out): The current position with flags.
 *  Note: This function must be called before changing structure of DWB.
dwb_starts_structure_modification (THREAD_ENTRY * thread_p, UINT64 * current_position_with_flags)
  UINT64 local_current_position_with_flags, new_position_with_flags, min_version;
  unsigned int block_no;
  int error_code = NO_ERROR;
  unsigned int start_block_no, blocks_count;
  DWB_BLOCK *file_sync_helper_block;

  assert (current_position_with_flags != NULL);

      local_current_position_with_flags = ATOMIC_INC_64 (&dwb_Global.position_with_flags, 0ULL);
>>>   local_current_position_with_flags = dwb_Global.position_with_flags;

      if (DWB_IS_MODIFYING_STRUCTURE (local_current_position_with_flags))
>     만약 local_current_position_with_flags 에 DWB_MODIFY_STRUCTURE 플래그가 세워져있다면
	  /* 오직 하나의 스레드만 구조체에 영향을 줄 수 있기 때문에 에러처리 */
	  return ER_FAILED;

      new_position_with_flags = DWB_STARTS_MODIFYING_STRUCTURE (local_current_position_with_flags);

      /* Start structure modifications, the threads that want to flush afterwards, have to wait. */
  while (!ATOMIC_CAS_64 (&dwb_Global.position_with_flags, local_current_position_with_flags, new_position_with_flags));
> dwb_Global.position_with_flags 값과 local_current_position_with_flags값이 같으면,
  dwb_Global.position_with_flag에 new_position_with_flags를 할당하고 true를 반환
> 같지 않으면 false를 반환

> 아마도 다른 스레드가 위 코드를 거의 동시에 시작한 경우,
  while 에 늦게 도착한 스레드는 코드를 다시 실행하고 DWB_MODIFY_STRUCTURE 플래그가 세워져 있기 때문에 에러처리

#if defined(SERVER_MODE)
  while ((ATOMIC_INC_32 (&dwb_Global.blocks_flush_counter, 0) > 0)
	 || dwb_flush_block_daemon_is_running () || dwb_file_sync_helper_daemon_is_running ())
>>> while (dwb_Global.blocks_flush_counter > 0
	 || dwb_flush_block_daemon_is_running() || dwb_file_sync_helper_daemon_is_running())
> flush thread가 dwb에 접근 중일 때는 구조를 변경할 수 없으므로 flush가 끝날 때까지 대기
      /* Can't modify structure while flush thread can access DWB. */
      thread_sleep (20);

  /* Since we set the modify structure flag, I'm the only thread that access the DWB. */
  file_sync_helper_block = dwb_Global.file_sync_helper_block;
  if (file_sync_helper_block != NULL)
      /* All remaining blocks are flushed by me. */
      (void) ATOMIC_TAS_ADDR (&dwb_Global.file_sync_helper_block, (DWB_BLOCK *) NULL);
>>>   dwb_Global.file_sync_helper_block = NULL;

      dwb_log ("Structure modification, needs to flush DWB block = %d having version %lld\n",
	       file_sync_helper_block->block_no, file_sync_helper_block->version);

  local_current_position_with_flags = ATOMIC_INC_64 (&dwb_Global.position_with_flags, 0ULL);
>>> local_current_position_with_flags = dwb_Global.position_with_flags

  /* Need to flush incomplete blocks, ordered by version. */
  start_block_no = DWB_NUM_TOTAL_BLOCKS;
  min_version = 0xffffffffffffffff;
> 어떤 block의 version 보다 무조건 크도록 설정

  blocks_count = 0;
  for (block_no = 0; block_no < DWB_NUM_TOTAL_BLOCKS; block_no++)
      if (DWB_IS_BLOCK_WRITE_STARTED (local_current_position_with_flags, block_no))
>     MSB 부터 정방향으로 체크
	  if (dwb_Global.blocks[block_no].version < min_version)
	      min_version = dwb_Global.blocks[block_no].version;
	      start_block_no = block_no;
> DWB_IS_BLOCK_WRITE_STARTED(local_current_position_with_flags, block_no)
       = (local_current_position_with_flags) & (1ULL << (63 - (block_no)))) != 0
> local_current_position_with_flags 에서 오른쪽 방향으로 block_no 번째 bit가 set되어 있으면 true, clear되어있으면 false를 반환
  block_no = start_block_no;
  while (blocks_count > 0)
      if (DWB_IS_BLOCK_WRITE_STARTED (local_current_position_with_flags, block_no))
>     위와 같음. 오른쪽 방향으로 block_no 번째 비트가 set되어있으면 
	  /* Flush all pages from current block. I must flush all remaining data. */
	  error_code =
	    dwb_flush_block (thread_p, &dwb_Global.blocks[block_no], false, &local_current_position_with_flags);
>        블록에 남아있는 데이터 flush
	  if (error_code != NO_ERROR)
	      /* Something wrong happened. */
	      dwb_log_error ("Can't flush block = %d having version %lld\n", block_no,

	      return error_code;

	  dwb_log_error ("DWB flushed %d block having version %lld\n", block_no, dwb_Global.blocks[block_no].version);
>         flush 이후 flush 가 필요한 블록 카운트 -1

      block_no = (block_no + 1) % DWB_NUM_TOTAL_BLOCKS;
>     결과적으로 version이 가장 낮은 블록부터 오른쪽으로 순회, 인덱스 끝에 닿으면 다시 0으로 돌아와서 순회.

  local_current_position_with_flags = ATOMIC_INC_64 (&dwb_Global.position_with_flags, 0ULL);
>>> local_current_position_with_flags = dwb_Global.position_with_flags

  assert (DWB_GET_BLOCK_STATUS (local_current_position_with_flags) == 0);
> flush에 실패한 block이 있을 경우, crash

  *current_position_with_flags = local_current_position_with_flags;
> 포인터 매개변수를 통해 out

  return NO_ERROR;
 * dwb_block_create_ordered_slots () - Create ordered slots from block slots.
 * return   : Error code.
 * block(in): The block.
 * p_dwb_ordered_slots(out): The ordered slots.
 * p_ordered_slots_length(out): The ordered slots array length.
dwb_block_create_ordered_slots (DWB_BLOCK * block, DWB_SLOT ** p_dwb_ordered_slots,
				unsigned int *p_ordered_slots_length)
  DWB_SLOT *p_local_dwb_ordered_slots = NULL;

  assert (block != NULL && p_dwb_ordered_slots != NULL);

  /* including sentinel */
  p_local_dwb_ordered_slots = (DWB_SLOT *) malloc ((block->count_wb_pages + 1) * sizeof (DWB_SLOT));
> block의 count_wb_pages + 1 만큼 할당된 DWB_SLOT 배열 생성 (마지막은 NULL)
  if (p_local_dwb_ordered_slots == NULL)
	      (block->count_wb_pages + 1) * sizeof (DWB_SLOT));

  memcpy (p_local_dwb_ordered_slots, block->slots, block->count_wb_pages * sizeof (DWB_SLOT));
> block->slot을 p_local_dwb_ordered_slots로 block->count_wb_pages만큼 복사

  /* init sentinel slot */
  dwb_init_slot (&p_local_dwb_ordered_slots[block->count_wb_pages]);
> p_local_dwb_ordered_slots의 마지막 초기화 (page = NULL)

  /* Order pages by (VPID, LSA) */
  qsort ((void *) p_local_dwb_ordered_slots, block->count_wb_pages, sizeof (DWB_SLOT), dwb_compare_slots);
> 퀵정렬로 p_local_dwb_ordered_slots의 마지막 요소를 제외하고 정렬
> 정렬기준은 vpid.volid(volume identifier), vpid.pageid, lsa.pageid, lsa.offset 순입니다.

  *p_dwb_ordered_slots = p_local_dwb_ordered_slots;
  *p_ordered_slots_length = block->count_wb_pages + 1;
> 포인터를 이용해 out

  return NO_ERROR;

 * dwb_flush_block () - Flush pages from specified block.
 * return   : Error code.
 * thread_p (in): Thread entry.
 * block(in): The block that needs flush.
 * file_sync_helper_can_flush(in): True, if file sync helper thread can flush.
 * current_position_with_flags(out): Current position with flags.
 *  Note: The block pages can't be modified by others during flush.
dwb_flush_block (THREAD_ENTRY * thread_p, DWB_BLOCK * block, bool file_sync_helper_can_flush,
		 UINT64 * current_position_with_flags)
  UINT64 local_current_position_with_flags, new_position_with_flags;
  int error_code = NO_ERROR;
  DWB_SLOT *p_dwb_ordered_slots = NULL;
  unsigned int i, ordered_slots_length;
  PERF_UTIME_TRACKER time_track;
  int num_pages;
  unsigned int current_block_to_flush, next_block_to_flush;
  int max_pages_to_sync;
#if defined (SERVER_MODE)
  bool flush = false;
  PERF_UTIME_TRACKER time_track_file_sync_helper;
#if !defined (NDEBUG)
  DWB_BLOCK *saved_file_sync_helper_block = NULL;
  LOG_LSA nxio_lsa;

  assert (block != NULL && block->count_wb_pages > 0 && dwb_is_created ());

  PERF_UTIME_TRACKER_START (thread_p, &time_track);
> 시간 기록

  /* Currently we allow only one block to be flushed. */
  ATOMIC_INC_32 (&dwb_Global.blocks_flush_counter, 1);
>>> ++dwb_Global.blocks_flush_counter;

  assert (dwb_Global.blocks_flush_counter <= 1);
> 한번에 하나의 블록만 flush 가능하므로 1보다 크면 crash

  /* Order slots by VPID, to flush faster. */
  error_code = dwb_block_create_ordered_slots (block, &p_dwb_ordered_slots, &ordered_slots_length);
>> dwb_block_create_ordered_slots 위쪽에 추가 설명
  if (error_code != NO_ERROR)
      error_code = ER_FAILED;
      goto end;

  /* Remove duplicates */
> 같은 페이지를 중복 flush 하지 않기 위해서 중복되는 slot을 제거
  for (i = 0; i < block->count_wb_pages - 1; i++)
      DWB_SLOT *s1, *s2;

      s1 = &p_dwb_ordered_slots[i];
      s2 = &p_dwb_ordered_slots[i + 1];

      assert (s1->io_page->prv.p_reserve_2 == 0);

      if (!VPID_ISNULL (&s1->vpid) && VPID_EQ (&s1->vpid, &s2->vpid))
>     s1->vpid의 pageid가 NULL_PAGEID가 아니고, s1과 s2의 요소들이 모두 같다면
	  assert (LSA_LE (&s1->lsa, &s2->lsa));

> s2 슬롯에 동일한 페이지가 포함되어 있고, 더 최신이므로 s1을 버립니다
	  VPID_SET_NULL (&s1->vpid);

	  assert (s1->position_in_block < DWB_BLOCK_NUM_PAGES);
	  VPID_SET_NULL (&(block->slots[s1->position_in_block].vpid));

	  fileio_initialize_res (thread_p, s1->io_page, IO_PAGESIZE);
> s1->io_page의 모든 요소를 초기화합니다

      /* Check for WAL protocol. */
#if !defined (NDEBUG)
      if (s1->io_page->prv.pageid != NULL_PAGEID && logpb_need_wal (&s1->io_page->prv.lsa))
	  /* Need WAL. Check whether log buffer pool was destroyed. */
	  nxio_lsa = log_Gl.append.get_nxio_lsa ();
	  assert (LSA_ISNULL (&nxio_lsa));
    이 함수를 마지막으로 분석했는데, 시간이 없어서 이 함수는 여기까지 밖에 못 했습니다..
storage/double_write_buffer.c: 909
 * dwb_ends_structure_modification () - Ends structure modifications.
 * return   : Error code.
 * thread_p (in): The thread entry.
 * current_position_with_flags(in): The current position with flags.
dwb_ends_structure_modification (THREAD_ENTRY * thread_p, UINT64 current_position_with_flags)
  UINT64 new_position_with_flags;

  new_position_with_flags = DWB_ENDS_MODIFYING_STRUCTURE (current_position_with_flags);
> 구조 변경을 마쳤으므로 DWB_MODIFY_STRUCTURE를 clear

  /* Ends structure modifications. */
  assert (dwb_Global.position_with_flags == current_position_with_flags);

  ATOMIC_TAS_64 (&dwb_Global.position_with_flags, new_position_with_flags);
>>> dwb_Global.position_with_flags = new_position_with_flags

  /* Signal the other threads. */
  dwb_signal_structure_modificated (thread_p);
 * dwb_remove_wait_queue_entry () - Remove the wait queue entry.
 * return   : True, if entry removed, false otherwise.
 * wait_queue (in/out): The wait queue.
 * mutex (in): The mutex to protect the wait queue.
 * data (in): The data.
 * func(in): The function to apply on each entry.
 *  Note: If the data is NULL, the first entry will be removed.
dwb_remove_wait_queue_entry (DWB_WAIT_QUEUE * wait_queue, pthread_mutex_t * mutex, void *data, int (*func) (void *))
  DWB_WAIT_QUEUE_ENTRY *wait_queue_entry = NULL;

  if (mutex != NULL)
> NULL 이므로 실행되지 않음
      (void) pthread_mutex_lock (mutex);

  wait_queue_entry = dwb_block_disconnect_wait_queue_entry (wait_queue, data);
> data가 NULL이므로 이 경우 NULL 반환, 따라서 아래 코드도 실행되지 않음
  if (wait_queue_entry != NULL)
      dwb_block_free_wait_queue_entry (wait_queue, wait_queue_entry, func);

  if (mutex != NULL)
      pthread_mutex_unlock (mutex);

 * dwb_signal_waiting_threads () - Signal waiting threads.
 * return   : Nothing.
 * wait_queue (in/out): The wait queue.
 * mutex(in): The mutex to protect the queue.
dwb_signal_waiting_threads (DWB_WAIT_QUEUE * wait_queue, pthread_mutex_t * mutex)
  assert (wait_queue != NULL);

  if (mutex != NULL)
      (void) pthread_mutex_lock (mutex);
> mutex를 소유할때까지 대기

  while (wait_queue->head != NULL)
      dwb_remove_wait_queue_entry (wait_queue, NULL, NULL, dwb_signal_waiting_thread);

  if (mutex != NULL)
      pthread_mutex_unlock (mutex);
> mutex를 unlock

 * dwb_signal_structure_modificated () - Signal DWB structure changed.
 * return   : Nothing.
 * thread_p (in): The thread entry.
dwb_signal_structure_modificated (THREAD_ENTRY * thread_p)
  /* There are blocked threads. Destroy the wait queue and release the blocked threads. */
  dwb_signal_waiting_threads (&dwb_Global.wait_queue, &dwb_Global.mutex);
この記事では、42ソウルで行われたCUBRID DB Engine学習を背景に、チームメンバーと一緒に学ぶ内容を紹介しています.