
6136 ワード



🤗 I'm a straight up beginner and if I lie in this " article " fill free to correct me.

🦸 データ構造はすべてジョブの正しいツールを選択することです.あなたが順序の方法でデータを格納する必要がありますか、単にそれを格納し、すぐに取得できるようにする必要がありますか?あなたのユースケースにとって重要なことは、データ構造がどのくらい速く実行されるか、またはどのくらいのメモリが必要となるか?異なったデータ構造はすべて利点、欠点、およびユースケースを持ちます、そして、それは異なるデータ構造がある全体の理由です!

🤔Consider the Array in JavaScript. It’s a really great data structure for storing ordered data because you can retrieve elements by index number. If you want the first element of an array, all you need to do is fetch it with index 0: arrayName[0]. It also provides all sorts of helpful methods for manipulating elements, such as .push() , .pop() , .sort() , and more. However, if you want to find out if a particular element exists in an array, you may need to iterate through the entire array.

🦸 What if I asked you to keep track of a series of numbers as I gave them to you, and then asked at the end whether I’d given you a particular number, you could probably do that in your memory. But if I asked you to do that in a computer program, you’d have to make choices about how to store the data. Let’s look at two possibilities of how we’d build storeNumber() and doYouHaveThisNumber() functions. Given the following list of numbers:

1, 250, -42, 0.4, 17

How might you store these numbers if I gave you each at a time? You might use an array:

const listOfNumbers = [];
const storeNumber = num => listOfNumbers.push(num);
const doYouHaveThisNumber = num => listOfNumbers.includes(num);

In this program, storeNumber() adds a number to the array, and doYouHaveThisNumber() returns true if that number exists in the array, and false otherwise. Looks pretty good, but what if you had 10000000 numbers? doYouHaveThisNumber() might start getting pretty slow, since Array.prototype.includes() iterates through the entire array until it finds the input value.

Let’s try using another built-in data type in JavaScript, the Object. Since all we want to keep track of is whether we received a particular number, we can just store those numbers in an object, and set their values to true if we received them:

const receivedNumbers = {};
const storeNumber = num => receivedNumbers[num] = true;
const doYouHaveThisNumber = num => receivedNumbers[num] === true;

In this case, we’ll have the same result on the outside, but because retrieving a value from an object is much faster than iterating through an array, the overall result will be faster.

In both cases, the public API of the code, meaning the parts of the code that we want the end-user to interact with, remained the same: we had two functions, storeNumber() and doYouHaveThisNumber(). The underlying implementation, or the way the functionality was actually achieved, is what altered.


But wait a minute Wth is an API?

API is an acronym for application programming interface. An API allows end-users to access properties and methods of data structures easily and without needing to do the “behind the scenes” work.

たとえば、新しい要素を配列の末尾に追加したい場合は、配列全体をループしたり、要素数を数える必要がなくなります.代わりに、あなただけで呼び出すことができます.追加したい値を持つsh ().JavaScriptプログラマとして、実際には、実際の戦略、または基礎的な実装を知る必要はありません.

Creating Your Own APIs

As you build your own data structures, you will implement the functionality to create public APIs. As in the example of storeNumber() and doYouHaveThisNumber(), the same public #API can be implemented in different ways, so it’s important to think about the advantages and disadvantages of different implementations.

class Stack {
  constructor() {
    this._array = [];
スタックにおいて、配列自体はRank配列として格納されるので、意図しているスタックを使用する他の開発者に対するシグナルであり、直接アクセスする必要はありません.そこから、myArray[currentCount + 1].push()のメソッドを実装できます.
class Stack {
  constructor() {
    this._array = [];

  push(newValue) {

  pop() {
    return this._array.pop();
const stack = new Stack();