typescript -配列が一意の値のみを含むかどうかを調べる

const unqiueValues = Array.from(new Set(YOUR_ARRAY_HERE))

// Our array of non unique values
const values = [0,0,1,'a','a','b','c'];

// Create a `Set` from our array
// Sets can only contain unique values so duplicate will be removed for us
const uniqueSet = new Set(values);

// Create a new array from our set so we can use the Array.length property
const unqiueValues = Array.from(uniqueSet);

// Compare the length of the original `values` array and the new `uniqueValues` array
// If the lengths differ then a non unique value was removed by the set
// This means that the original array contained non-unique values
const isUnique = (values.length === unqiueValues.length)

const values = [0,0,1,'a','a','b','c'];
const unique = (Array.from(new Set(values)).length === values.length);

onlyUnique(values: Array<any>): boolean {
  return (Array.from(new Set(values)).length === values.length);
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