Cは、Mo国連のdesarrolladorプログラムは、una unaアプリデlecturaデ

10688 ワード

John, ¿has visto mis lentes?

Nuestro Vijoアミーゴジョン、ProgadorデHuawei、ティエンUn Abuelo queは、ペラーデSu Vejez、es国連Vo Lector.Se Inlinaba Hacia ATRは、s、LuchandoパラEnentender Lo Esta escritoエヌエルperiは、dioにトラベルのデsas gafas、pero incapazデQuitar So Oojos del Texto -として韻Ma Abuelo Sol
Leerデesta Manera perjicは、la la la vsiを得ます.Giica , Reconociendo y Luendo Leiendo Texto de Nuna ImagenにおけるSegu - ResについてグラシアスエスタAplicaciは、n、エルAbueloデジョンAhoraプエード“leer”desde la comdidadデsu ececora、罪tener que tensar sus ojos.

  • エルUsuarioトマuna fotoデun pasajeデtexto.<論文>ラテン語に於ける想像上の錯覚の意味とその意味
  • Ilplicaci et n n reconoce y l el texto de la imagen
  • La Aplicaciは、nのconvierte el texto reconocidoエヌsalidaデオーディオaprovechandoラTecnologは、デtextoに関してvozです.
    Euas Funciones Song f Care de Manifactor Cuad se Basa en tres servicios en el kit ML de Huawei : Denv de de de v v d d d o o d d d d o o d s d s o o d s d o o o d a d o o d a d o o d a d o o d a d o o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o o d o d o o d o d o o d o d o o d o d o o d o d o o d o o d o o d o o d o o o o a o a o a o a o a o a o a o a o

  • 準備
    buildscript {
        repositories {
            maven {url 'https://developer.huawei.com/repo/'}
        dependencies {
            classpath "com.android.tools.build:gradle:4.1.1"
            classpath 'com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:'
            // NOTE: Do not place your app dependencies here; they belong
            // in the individual module build.gradle files.
    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven {url 'https://developer.huawei.com/repo/'}
    HMSコアにおけるAllrega Las Dependencias de Compilaci
    dependencies {
        // Import the base SDK.
        implementation 'com.huawei.hms:ml-computer-voice-tts:'
        // Import the bee voice package.
        implementation 'com.huawei.hms:ml-computer-voice-tts-model-bee:'
        // Import the eagle voice package.
        implementation 'com.huawei.hms:ml-computer-voice-tts-model-eagle:'
        // Import a PDF file analyzer.
        implementation 'com.itextpdf:itextg:5.5.10'
    前舌o‐siguiente para‐pasar a la p≧gina前方o‐siguienteプルサHablarパラEmpezar A leer ;トッカデnuevoパラpausarラlectura.

    1 ) crea un motor de tsの利用についてAQU - Turn , El Ttsエヌ
    private void initTts() {
        // Set authentication information for your app to download the model package from the server of Huawei.
        // Create a TTS engine by using MLTtsConfig.
        mlTtsConfigs = new MLTtsConfig()
                // Set the text converted from speech to English.
                // Set the speaker with the English male voice (eagle).
                // Set the speech speed whose range is (0, 5.0]. 1.0 indicates a normal speed.
                // Set the volume whose range is (0, 2). 1.0 indicates a normal volume.
                // Set the TTS mode to on-device.
        mlTtsEngine = new MLTtsEngine(mlTtsConfigs);
        // Update the configuration when the engine is running.
        // Pass the TTS callback function to the TTS engine to perform TTS.
        // Create an on-device TTS model manager.
        manager = MLLocalModelManager.getInstance();
        isPlay = false;
    2 ) crea untts callback parprocesar el resultado de tts
    MLTtsCallback callback = new MLTtsCallback() {
        public void onError(String taskId, MLTtsError err) {
            // Processing logic for TTS failure.
        public void onWarn(String taskId, MLTtsWarn warn) {
            // Alarm handling without affecting service logic.
        // Return the mapping between the currently played segment and text. start: start position of the audio segment in the input text; end (excluded): end position of the audio segment in the input text.
        public void onRangeStart(String taskId, int start, int end) {
            // Process the mapping between the currently played segment and text.
        // taskId: ID of a TTS task corresponding to the audio.
        // audioFragment: audio data.
        // offset: offset of the audio segment to be transmitted in the queue. One TTS task corresponds to a TTS queue.
        // range: text area where the audio segment to be transmitted is located; range.first (included): start position; range.second (excluded): end position.
        public void onAudioAvailable(String taskId, MLTtsAudioFragment audioFragment, int offset,
                                     Pair<Integer, Integer> range, Bundle bundle) {
            // Audio stream callback API, which is used to return the synthesized audio data to the app.
        public void onEvent(String taskId, int eventId, Bundle bundle) {
            // Callback method of a TTS event. eventId indicates the event name.
            boolean isInterrupted;
            switch (eventId) {
                case MLTtsConstants.EVENT_PLAY_START:
                    // Called when playback starts.
                case MLTtsConstants.EVENT_PLAY_STOP:
                    // Called when playback stops.
                    isInterrupted = bundle.getBoolean(MLTtsConstants.EVENT_PLAY_STOP_INTERRUPTED);
                case MLTtsConstants.EVENT_PLAY_RESUME:
                    // Called when playback resumes.
                case MLTtsConstants.EVENT_PLAY_PAUSE:
                    // Called when playback pauses.
                // Pay attention to the following callback events when you focus on only the synthesized audio data but do not use the internal player for playback.
                case MLTtsConstants.EVENT_SYNTHESIS_START:
                    // Called when TTS starts.
                case MLTtsConstants.EVENT_SYNTHESIS_END:
                    // Called when TTS ends.
                case MLTtsConstants.EVENT_SYNTHESIS_COMPLETE:
                    // TTS is complete. All synthesized audio streams are passed to the app.
                    isInterrupted = bundle.getBoolean(MLTtsConstants.EVENT_SYNTHESIS_INTERRUPTED);
    3 )非PDF電外文
    private String loadText(String path) {
        String result = "";
        try {
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(path);
            result = result.concat(PdfTextExtractor.getTextFromPage(reader,
                    mCurrentPage.getIndex() + 1).trim() + System.lineSeparator());
        } catch (IOException e) {
        // Obtain the position of the header.
        int header = result.indexOf(System.lineSeparator());
        // Obtain the position of the footer.
        int footer = result.lastIndexOf(System.lineSeparator());
        if (footer != 0){
            // Do not display the text in the header and footer.
            return result.substring(header, footer - 5);
        }else {
            return result;
    4 )インゴットTts de Lado del Dispositivo
    // Create an MLTtsLocalModel instance to set the speaker so that the language model corresponding to the speaker can be downloaded through the model manager.
    MLTtsLocalModel model = new MLTtsLocalModel.Factory(MLTtsConstants.TTS_SPEAKER_OFFLINE_EN_US_MALE_EAGLE).create();
    manager.isModelExist(model).addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<Boolean>() {
        public void onSuccess(Boolean aBoolean) {
            // If the model is not downloaded, call the download API. Otherwise, call the TTS API of the on-device engine.
            if (aBoolean) {
                String source = loadText(mPdfPath);
                // Call the speak API to perform TTS. source indicates the text to be synthesized.
                mlTtsEngine.speak(source, MLTtsEngine.QUEUE_APPEND);
                if (isPlay){
                    // Pause playback.
                }else {
                    // Resume playback.
                isPlay = !isPlay;
            } else {
                // Call the API for downloading the on-device TTS model.
                showToast("The offline model has not been downloaded!");
    }).addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() {
        public void onFailure(Exception e) {
    5 )リベラ・ルス・リヌソスに於ける二〇世紀末の諸問題
    protected void onDestroy() {
        try {
            if (mParcelFileDescriptor != null) {
            if (mCurrentPage != null) {
            if (mPdfRenderer != null) {
            if (mlTtsEngine != null){
        } catch (IOException e) {

    Aplicaci des nについて
    ANA Amplia Gama de EscenaliaにおけるTTSの利用POR Ejploo , New Ana Ana Aplicaci - en - de Educaci - en - Le - Cientos para Dormir A Los Ni ' s os , o Integrarlo en Nuna Aplicaci des n Navegaci Men , que podr des Ler Inducciones en Voz Alta