ubuntu 12.04シャットダウンできないソリューション

1168 ワード

Step 1. Open the terminal.
sudo gedit /etc/modules

Step 2. Add at last.
apm power_off=1

Save and quit.
Step 3. Enter in the terminal.
sudo gedit /etc/rc0.d/S90halt

Step 4. Annotate the following code. (Using the character # )
# Don't shut down drives if we're using RAID.
#if grep -qs '^md.*active' /proc/mdstat
#	hddown=""

# If INIT_HALT=HALT don't poweroff.

and annotate the following, also
# Make it possible to not shut down network interfaces,
# needed to use wake-on-lan
#if [ "$NETDOWN" = "no" ]; then
#	netdown=""
Save and quit.
Step 5. Enter in the terminal again.
sudo gedit /etc/default/grub

Search the line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""
And change it into,
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="noacpi acpi=off acpi=force apm power_off=1"
Save and quit.
Step 6. Enter in the terminal last time.
sudo update-grub