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package redis_rate_limiter

import (

// Request defines a request that needs to be checked if it will be rate-limited or not.
// The `Key` is the identifier you're using for the client making calls. This could be a user/account ID if the user is
// signed into your application, the IP of the client making requests (this might not be reliable if you're not behind a
// proxy like Cloudflare, as clients can try to spoof IPs). The `Key` should be the same for multiple calls of the
// same client so we can correctly identify that this is the same app calling anywhere.
// `Limit` is the number of requests the client is allowed to make over the `Duration` period. If you set this to
// 100 and `Duration` to `1m` you'd have at most 100 requests over a minute.
type Request struct {
    Key      string
    Limit    uint64
    Duration time.Duration

// State is the result of evaluating the rate limit, either `Deny` or `Allow` a request.
type State int64

const (
    Deny  State = 0
    Allow       = 1

// Result represents the response to a check if a client should be rate-limited or not. The `State` will be either
// `Allow` or `Deny`, `TotalRequests` holds the number of requests this specific caller has already made over
// the current period and `ExpiresAt` defines when the rate limit will expire/roll over for clients that
// have gone over the limit.
type Result struct {
    State         State
    TotalRequests uint64
    ExpiresAt     time.Time

// Strategy is the interface the rate limit implementations must implement to be used, it takes a `Request` and
// returns a `Result` and an `error`, any errors the rate-limiter finds should be bubbled up so the code can make a
// decision about what it wants to do with the request.
type Strategy interface {
    Run(ctx context.Context, r *Request) (*Result, error)


package redis_rate_limiter

import (

var (
    _ Strategy = &counterStrategy{}

const (
    keyWithoutExpire = -1

func NewCounterStrategy(client *redis.Client, now func() time.Time) *counterStrategy {
    return &counterStrategy{
        client: client,
        now:    now,

type counterStrategy struct {
    client *redis.Client
    now    func() time.Time

// Run this implementation uses a simple counter with an expiration set to the rate limit duration.
// This implementation is functional but not very effective if you have to deal with bursty traffic as
// it will still allow a client to burn through its full limit quickly once the key expires.
func (c *counterStrategy) Run(ctx context.Context, r *Request) (*Result, error) {
    // a pipeline in Redis is a way to send multiple commands that will all be run together.
    // this is not a transaction and there are many ways in which these commands could fail
    // (only the first, only the second) so we have to make sure all errors are handled, this
    // is a network performance optimization.

    p := c.client.Pipeline()
    incrResult := p.Incr(ctx, r.Key)
    ttlResult := p.TTL(ctx, r.Key)

    if _, err := p.Exec(ctx); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to execute increment to key %v", r.Key)

    totalRequests, err := incrResult.Result()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to increment key %v", r.Key)

    var ttlDuration time.Duration

    // we want to make sure there is always an expiration set on the key, so on every
    // increment we check again to make sure it has a TTl and if it doesn't we add one.
    // a duration of -1 means that the key has no expiration so we need to make sure there
    // is one set, this should, most of the time, happen when we increment for the
    // first time but there could be cases where we fail at the previous commands so we should
    // check for the TTL on every request.
    if d, err := ttlResult.Result(); err != nil || d == keyWithoutExpire {
        ttlDuration = r.Duration
        if err := c.client.Expire(ctx, r.Key, r.Duration).Err(); err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to set an expiration to key %v", r.Key)
    } else {
        ttlDuration = d

    expiresAt :=

    requests := uint64(totalRequests)

    if requests > r.Limit {
        return &Result{
            State:         Deny,
            TotalRequests: requests,
            ExpiresAt:     expiresAt,
        }, nil

    return &Result{
        State:         Allow,
        TotalRequests: requests,
        ExpiresAt:     expiresAt,
    }, nil


package redis_rate_limiter

import (

var (
    _ Strategy = &sortedSetCounter{}

func NewSortedSetCounterStrategy(client *redis.Client, now func() time.Time) Strategy {
    return &sortedSetCounter{
        client: client,
        now:    now,

type sortedSetCounter struct {
    client *redis.Client
    now    func() time.Time

// Run this implementation uses a sorted set that holds a UUID for every request with a score that is the
// time the request has happened. This allows us to delete events from *before* the current window if the window
// is 5 minutes, we want to remove all events from before 5 minutes ago, this way we make sure we roll old
// requests off the counters creating a rolling window for the rate limiter. So, if your window is 100 requests
// in 5 minutes and you spread the load evenly across the minutes, once you hit 6 minutes the requests you made
// on the first minute have now expired but the other 4 minutes of requests are still valid.
// A rolling window counter is usually never 0 if traffic is consistent so it is very effective at preventing
// bursts of traffic as the counter won't ever expire.
func (s *sortedSetCounter) Run(ctx context.Context, r *Request) (*Result, error) {
    now :=
    // every request needs an UUID
    item := uuid.New()

    minimum := now.Add(-r.Duration)

    p := s.client.Pipeline()

    // we then remove all requests that have already expired on this set
    removeByScore := p.ZRemRangeByScore(ctx, r.Key, "0", strconv.FormatInt(minimum.UnixMilli(), 10))

    // we add the current request
    add := p.ZAdd(ctx, r.Key, &redis.Z{
        Score:  float64(now.UnixMilli()),
        Member: item.String(),

    // count how many non-expired requests we have on the sorted set
    count := p.ZCount(ctx, r.Key, "-inf", "+inf")

    if _, err := p.Exec(ctx); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to execute sorted set pipeline for key: %v", r.Key)

    if err := removeByScore.Err(); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to remove items from key %v", r.Key)

    if err := add.Err(); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to add item to key %v", r.Key)

    totalRequests, err := count.Result()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to count items for key %v", r.Key)

    expiresAt := now.Add(r.Duration)
    requests := uint64(totalRequests)

    if requests > r.Limit {
        return &Result{
            State:         Deny,
            TotalRequests: requests,
            ExpiresAt:     expiresAt,
        }, nil

    return &Result{
        State:         Allow,
        TotalRequests: requests,
        ExpiresAt:     expiresAt,
    }, nil


私たちは、ここでのリソース使用が制限されていることを確認しなければなりません、すなわち、それはよく知られている制限を持っています、あなたがいつ書いている何かが何らかの方法で(意図的に、または、偶然に)虐待されそうであると仮定しなければならなくて、あなたのコードが何らかの方法でこれらの資源に縛られるのを確実にするべきです.Redis自体では、Aを設定することによってメモリを使い果たすつもりはないことを確認する多くの方法がありますmaxmemory どれだけのメモリが使えるかの値maxmemory-policy でない値にno-eviction . 我々がここで建設しているもののようなレートリミッターのためにallkeys-lru はかなり適切なオプションです.


read - before - writeで更新されたカウンタの実装は以下のようになります.
package redis_rate_limiter

import (

var (
    _ Strategy = &counterStrategy{}

const (
    keyThatDoesNotExist = -2
    keyWithoutExpire    = -1

func NewCounterStrategy(client *redis.Client, now func() time.Time) *counterStrategy {
    return &counterStrategy{
        client: client,
        now:    now,

type counterStrategy struct {
    client *redis.Client
    now    func() time.Time

// Run this implementation uses a simple counter with an expiration set to the rate limit duration.
// This implementation is functional but not very effective if you have to deal with bursty traffic as
// it will still allow a client to burn through its full limit quickly once the key expires.
func (c *counterStrategy) Run(ctx context.Context, r *Request) (*Result, error) {

    // a pipeline in redis is a way to send multiple commands that will all be run together.
    // this is not a transaction and there are many ways in which these commands could fail
    // (only the first, only the second) so we have to make sure all errors are handled, this
    // is a network performance optimization.

    // here we try to get the current value and also try to set an expiration on it
    getPipeline := c.client.Pipeline()
    getResult := getPipeline.Get(ctx, r.Key)
    ttlResult := getPipeline.TTL(ctx, r.Key)

    if _, err := getPipeline.Exec(ctx); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, redis.Nil) {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to execute pipeline with get and ttl to key %v", r.Key)

    var ttlDuration time.Duration

    // we want to make sure there is always an expiration set on the key, so on every
    // increment we check again to make sure it has a TTl and if it doesn't we add one.
    // a duration of -1 means that the key has no expiration so we need to make sure there
    // is one set, this should, most of the time, happen when we increment for the
    // first time but there could be cases where we fail at the previous commands so we should
    // check for the TTL on every request.
    // a duration of -2 means that the key does not exist, given we're already here we should set an expiration
    // to it anyway as it means this is a new key that will be incremented below.
    if d, err := ttlResult.Result(); err != nil || d == keyWithoutExpire || d == keyThatDoesNotExist {
        ttlDuration = r.Duration
        if err := c.client.Expire(ctx, r.Key, r.Duration).Err(); err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to set an expiration to key %v", r.Key)
    } else {
        ttlDuration = d

    expiresAt :=

    if total, err := getResult.Uint64(); err != nil && errors.Is(err, redis.Nil) {

    } else if total >= r.Limit {
        return &Result{
            State:         Deny,
            TotalRequests: total,
            ExpiresAt:     expiresAt,
        }, nil

    incrResult := c.client.Incr(ctx, r.Key)

    totalRequests, err := incrResult.Uint64()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to increment key %v", r.Key)

    if totalRequests > r.Limit {
        return &Result{
            State:         Deny,
            TotalRequests: totalRequests,
            ExpiresAt:     expiresAt,
        }, nil

    return &Result{
        State:         Allow,
        TotalRequests: totalRequests,
        ExpiresAt:     expiresAt,
    }, nil
package redis_rate_limiter

import (

var (
    _ Strategy = &sortedSetCounter{}

const (
    sortedSetMax = "+inf"
    sortedSetMin = "-inf"

func NewSortedSetCounterStrategy(client *redis.Client, now func() time.Time) Strategy {
    return &sortedSetCounter{
        client: client,
        now:    now,

type sortedSetCounter struct {
    client *redis.Client
    now    func() time.Time

// Run this implementation uses a sorted set that holds an UUID for every request with a score that is the
// time the request has happened. This allows us to delete events from *before* the current window, if the window
// is 5 minutes, we want to remove all events from before 5 minutes ago, this way we make sure we roll old
// requests off the counters creating a rolling window for the rate limiter. So, if your window is 100 requests
// in 5 minutes and you spread the load evenly across the minutes, once you hit 6 minutes the requests you made
// on the first minute have now expired but the other 4 minutes of requests are still valid.
// A rolling window counter is usually never 0 if traffic is consistent so it is very effective at preventing
// bursts of traffic as the counter won't ever expire.
func (s *sortedSetCounter) Run(ctx context.Context, r *Request) (*Result, error) {
    now :=
    expiresAt := now.Add(r.Duration)
    minimum := now.Add(-r.Duration)

    // first count how many requests over the period we're tracking on this rolling window so check wether
    // we're already over the limit or not. this prevents new requests from being added if a client is already
    // rate limited, not allowing it to add an infinite amount of requests to the system overloading redis.
    // if the client continues to send requests it also means that the memory for this specific key will not
    // be reclaimed (as we're not writing data here) so make sure there is an eviction policy that will
    // clear up the memory if the redis starts to get close to its memory limit.
    result, err := s.client.ZCount(ctx, r.Key, strconv.FormatInt(minimum.UnixMilli(), 10), sortedSetMax).Uint64()
    if err == nil && result >= r.Limit {
        return &Result{
            State:         Deny,
            TotalRequests: result,
            ExpiresAt:     expiresAt,
        }, nil

    // every request needs an UUID
    item := uuid.New()

    p := s.client.Pipeline()

    // we then remove all requests that have already expired on this set
    removeByScore := p.ZRemRangeByScore(ctx, r.Key, "0", strconv.FormatInt(minimum.UnixMilli(), 10))

    // we add the current request
    add := p.ZAdd(ctx, r.Key, &redis.Z{
        Score:  float64(now.UnixMilli()),
        Member: item.String(),

    // count how many non-expired requests we have on the sorted set
    count := p.ZCount(ctx, r.Key, sortedSetMin, sortedSetMax)

    if _, err := p.Exec(ctx); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to execute sorted set pipeline for key: %v", r.Key)

    if err := removeByScore.Err(); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to remove items from key %v", r.Key)

    if err := add.Err(); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to add item to key %v", r.Key)

    totalRequests, err := count.Result()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to count items for key %v", r.Key)

    requests := uint64(totalRequests)

    if requests > r.Limit {
        return &Result{
            State:         Deny,
            TotalRequests: requests,
            ExpiresAt:     expiresAt,
        }, nil

    return &Result{
        State:         Allow,
        TotalRequests: requests,
        ExpiresAt:     expiresAt,
    }, nil


package redis_rate_limiter

import (

var (
    _            http.Handler = &httpRateLimiterHandler{}
    _            Extractor    = &httpHeaderExtractor{}
    stateStrings              = map[State]string{
        Allow: "Allow",
        Deny:  "Deny",

const (
    rateLimitingTotalRequests = "Rate-Limiting-Total-Requests"
    rateLimitingState         = "Rate-Limiting-State"
    rateLimitingExpiresAt     = "Rate-Limiting-Expires-At"

// Extractor represents the way we will extract a key from an HTTP request, this could be
// a value from a header, request path, method used, user authentication information, any information that
// is available at the HTTP request that wouldn't cause side effects if it was collected (this object shouldn't
// read the body of the request).
type Extractor interface {
    Extract(r *http.Request) (string, error)

type httpHeaderExtractor struct {
    headers []string

// Extract extracts a collection of http headers and joins them to build the key that will be used for
// rate limiting. You should use headers that are guaranteed to be unique for a client.
func (h *httpHeaderExtractor) Extract(r *http.Request) (string, error) {
    values := make([]string, 0, len(h.headers))

    for _, key := range h.headers {
        // if we can't find a value for the headers, give up and return an error.
        if value := strings.TrimSpace(r.Header.Get(key)); value == "" {
            return "", fmt.Errorf("the header %v must have a value set", key)
        } else {
            values = append(values, value)

    return strings.Join(values, "-"), nil

// NewHTTPHeadersExtractor creates a new HTTP header extractor
func NewHTTPHeadersExtractor(headers ...string) Extractor {
    return &httpHeaderExtractor{headers: headers}

// RateLimiterConfig holds the basic config we need to create a middleware http.Handler object that
// performs rate limiting before offloading the request to an actual handler.
type RateLimiterConfig struct {
    Extractor   Extractor
    Strategy    Strategy
    Expiration  time.Duration
    MaxRequests uint64

// NewHTTPRateLimiterHandler wraps an existing http.Handler object performing rate limiting before
// sending the request to the wrapped handler. If any errors happen while trying to rate limit a request
// or if the request is denied, the rate limiting handler will send a response to the client and will not
// call the wrapped handler.
func NewHTTPRateLimiterHandler(originalHandler http.Handler, config *RateLimiterConfig) http.Handler {
    return &httpRateLimiterHandler{
        handler: originalHandler,
        config:  config,

type httpRateLimiterHandler struct {
    handler http.Handler
    config  *RateLimiterConfig

func (h *httpRateLimiterHandler) writeRespone(writer http.ResponseWriter, status int, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
    writer.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain")
    if _, err := writer.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...))); err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("failed to write body to HTTP request: %v", err)

// ServeHTTP performs rate limiting with the configuration it was provided and if there were not errors
// and the request was allowed it is sent to the wrapped handler. It also adds rate limiting headers that will be
// sent to the client to make it aware of what state it is in terms of rate limiting.
func (h *httpRateLimiterHandler) ServeHTTP(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
    key, err := h.config.Extractor.Extract(request)
    if err != nil {
        h.writeRespone(writer, http.StatusBadRequest, "failed to collect rate limiting key from request: %v", err)

    result, err := h.config.Strategy.Run(request.Context(), &Request{
        Key:      key,
        Limit:    h.config.MaxRequests,
        Duration: h.config.Expiration,

    if err != nil {
        h.writeRespone(writer, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to run rate limiting for request: %v", err)

    // set the rate limiting headers both on allow or deny results so the client knows what is going on
    writer.Header().Set(rateLimitingTotalRequests, strconv.FormatUint(result.TotalRequests, 10))
    writer.Header().Set(rateLimitingState, stateStrings[result.State])
    writer.Header().Set(rateLimitingExpiresAt, result.ExpiresAt.Format(time.RFC3339))

    // when the state is Deny, just return a 429 response to the client and stop the request handling flow
    if result.State == Deny {
        h.writeRespone(writer, http.StatusTooManyRequests, "you have sent too many requests to this service, slow down please")

    // if the request was not denied we assume it was allowed and call the wrapped handler.
    // by leaving this to the end we make sure the wrapped handler is only called once and doesn't have to worry
    // about any rate limiting at all (it doesn't even have to know there was rate limiting happening for this request)
    // as we have already set the headers, so when the handler flushes the response the headers above will be sent.
    h.handler.ServeHTTP(writer, request)
それで、我々には何がありますか?私たちはExtractor レート制限チェックのキーとして使用する文字列を返すインターフェイスです.HTTPインターフェイスやHTTPリクエストで利用可能な他のフィールドをチェックして、クライアントを識別するためにこのインターフェイスの複数の実装を行うことができます.これを使用する最良の方法は、クッキーやヘッダーからいくつかの周波数でIPアドレスの変更としてプルアップすることができるユーザー/アカウントIDを持っているため、アプリケーションに対して意味のある解決策を実装します.
それから、我々はRateLimiterConfig リクエストのレート制限を実行するために必要な全てのフィールドをラップする構造体Extractor , エーStrategy (私たちのカウンタ)、クライアントがどのように多くのリクエストを行うことができますどのくらいの.これとすべてでhttp.Handler ラップするには、完全に機能するHTTP Rateリミッターミドルウェアを持っていて、このハンドラーがどのように構築されているかを変更するだけで、この同じパターンを使用して他のリクエスト/レスポンスプロトコルの同じ種類のミドルウェアを構築することができます.


特定のクライアントからのトラフィックを完全にブロックする動的拒否リストも、このようなシステム上にある必要があります.あなたは、あなたが速度制限(NGNX/Apache Serverのような)を実行するアプリの前に座っているプロキシで使用する設定をすることができるか、あなたが使用しているCDNで(これは、CloudFlareのように)、あなたがすぐに既知の乱用者からすべてのトラフィックをブラックホールすることができるようにすることができました.