
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
class Solution:
    def judge(self, threshold, i, j):
        # sum(map(int, str(i) + str(j)))       !             ! i,j   1          !
        if sum(map(int, str(i) + str(j))) <= threshold:
            return True 
            return False
    def findgrid(self, threshold, rows, cols, matrix, i, j):
        count = 0
        if i=0 and j>=0 and self.judge(threshold, i, j) and matrix[i][j] == 0: # matrix[i][j]==0        
            matrix[i][j] = 1  #        
            count = 1 + self.findgrid(threshold, rows, cols, matrix, i, j+1) \
            + self.findgrid(threshold, rows, cols, matrix, i, j-1) \
            + self.findgrid(threshold, rows, cols, matrix, i+1, j) \
            + self.findgrid(threshold, rows, cols, matrix, i-1, j)
        return count
    def movingCount(self, threshold, rows, cols):
        matrix = [[0 for i in range(cols)] for j in range(rows)]
        count = self.findgrid(threshold, rows, cols, matrix, 0, 0)
        return count