
5424 ワード

Picking Tutorial Pickingチュートリアル
Processing the Hit Records処理ヒットレコード
In order to process the hit records the application must first return to the normal rendering mode. This is done calling glRenderMode with GL_RENDER. This function returns the number of hit records that were created during rendering in the selection mode. After this step the application can process the selection buffer. Note that before calling glRender with GL_RENDER there is no guarantee that the hit records have been saved into the selection buffer.
Furthermore, it is necessary to restore the original projection matrix. Since this matrix was saved when entering the selection mode with glPushMatrix, all that is required is to pop the matrix. The following excerpt of code shows the required steps: 
void stopPicking() {

	int hits;
	// restoring the original projection matrix
	// returning to normal rendering mode
	hits = glRenderMode(GL_RENDER);
	// if there are hits process them
	if (hits != 0)

So the final issue is related to the selection buffer structure. The selection buffer stores the hit records sequentially by the order they occurred, i.e. by the order that the primitives we're drawn. Note that primitives that wouldn't be drawn due to Z buffer depth culling still produce hit records.
The hit records are potentially variable size records due to the number of names they contain.
  • The first field of the hit record is the number of names it contains.
  • ヒット記録の第1部は、名前の数です.
  • The second and third fields represent the minimum and maximum depth of the hit. Note that only the vertices of the primitives that intersect the viewing volume are taken into account. For polygons that get clipped OpenGL reconstructs the vertices. So basically you get the maximum and minimum depths of the rendered segment of the primitives that intersects the viewing volume, not the minimum and maximum depths of the entire primitive. The depth is taken from the Z buffer (where it lies in the range [0,1]), it gets multiplied by 2^32 -1 and it is rounded to the nearest integer. Note that the depths you get are not linearly proportional to the distance to the viewpoint due to the nonlinear nature of the z buffer.
  • 第2、第3の部分は、最大、最小ヒット深さを表す.エンティティの頂点がテーパと交差している場合にのみ記録されます.クリップされたポリゴンの場合、OpenGLは頂点を再構築します.したがって、基本的には、エンティティ全体の最大、最小の深さ値ではなく、テーパと交差するペイントセグメントの最大、最小の深さが得られます.深さ値はZバッファから取り出し(その中で、その範囲は0-1)、2^32-1を乗じて、最も近い整数を取ります.Zバッファも線形ではないので、得られた深さ値は線形ではありません.viewportの距離に比例します.
  • The sequence of names recorded for the hit. These names are the contents of the name stack when the hit was recorded. Note that since the number of names can be zero this sequence can be the empty sequence.
  • ヒットした名前のシーケンスも記録されています.それらの名前はヒットが記録されたときの名前スタックの内容です.名前の数は0である可能性があるため、名前のシーケンスは空のシーケンスである可能性があります.

  • An example of a selection buffer with 3 hit records is presented next:
    Hit Record Contents
    No names have been stored for the first hit
    Minimum depth for first hit
    Maximum depth for first hit
    Number of names for the second hit
    Minimum depth for second hit
    Maximum depth for second hit
    A single name for the second hit
    Number of names for the third hit
    Minimum depth for third hit
    Maximum depth for third hit
    First name for third hit
    Second name for third hit
    In order to detect which object was closest to the viewpoint you use the depth information. For instance you can select the object with the smalest minimum depth has the one which the user intended to click on. In the above example the relevant hit is the third one. The following function, adapted from the one in the Red Book, prints out the names for the closest object. 
    void processHits2 (GLint hits, GLuint buffer[])
       unsigned int i, j;
       GLuint names, *ptr, minZ,*ptrNames, numberOfNames;
       printf ("hits = %d
    ", hits); ptr = (GLuint *) buffer; minZ = 0xffffffff; for (i = 0; i < hits; i++) { names = *ptr; ptr++; if (*ptr < minZ) { numberOfNames = names; minZ = *ptr; ptrNames = ptr+2; } ptr += names+2; } printf ("The closest hit names are "); ptr = ptrNames; for (j = 0; j < numberOfNames; j++,ptr++) { printf ("%d ", *ptr); } printf ("
    "); }