how to telnet a phone?

Hello i wantd to know if it's possible to do a telnet on a certaint port vs an Android phone connected via usb; i've seen that if i do a telnet localhost 5556 i go to the emulator: can i do something similar when connect a physical device? Which commands are handled?
Thanks and greetings ! c
あるポートにtelnetでusbで接続されたandroid携帯電話がある可能性がありますか.私は「telnet localhost 5556」の方法でシミュレータに接続できることを知っていますが、携帯電話に接続するときはシミュレータに接続するように何かすることができますか?どのコマンドが実行できますか?
Well,  adb shell  is the way to connect to the terminal. You can actually  telnet  to any port you want on the device, there just needs to be an application listening to that port. I don't believe the devices provide the same functionality the emulators do as that would allow malicious users to do a number of things. Also, the functionality provided over telnet with the emulators is designed to provide development functionality to overcome the limitation of not being on a physical device (port forwarding, etc). I'm not sure what the goal is, but you could create an application that supported telnet and bound to a specific port on the device if you wanted to.
In your android phone,you should have a terminal.apk or other terminal installed. also need busybox, and i assume you have already rooted your android device. open it,type command follow: su busybox telnetd -l /system/bin/sh
pc side. type command like this: adb forward tcp:6000 tcp:23 telnet 6000