【ソフトウェア性能テスト-LoadRunner実戦スキル15】==LoadRunner_モニタ:Unix performance monitoring with LoadRunner

4275 ワード

When monitoring the performance of a UNIX system using LoadRunner you need to enable
rstatd on the server being tested.
Once you've enable rstatd,(

             BSD System Manager’s Manual            RPC.RSTATD(8)

, rpc.rstatd
 - kernel statistics server


 is a server which returns performance statistics obtained from

     the kernel.  These statistics are usually read using the rup(1)

     They are also used by the rpc.lockd(8)
 server during crash recovery.  The

 daemon is normally invoked by inetd(8)

 uses an RPC protocol defined in /usr/include/rpcsvc/rstat.x

, inetd(8)
, rpc.lockd(8) )

iN LoadRunner Controller you se a number of counters which LoadRunner
can monitor.
 I've tried to define the UNIX counters and where applicable I've described the Windows and UNIX counters.
UNIX counter
Windows Counter
Average Load*
The sum of the number of processes waiting in the run queue plus the number currently executing.
Collision rate
The total number of network collisions/sec
Context switch rate
System - Context Switches/sec
The rate at which processors switch from executing one thread toanother. High switch rates can indicate performance problems as serversjuggle multiple running applications.
CPU utilisation
%Processor Time
The percentage of elapsed time that the process spends executing non-idle threads.
Disk traffic
%Disk time
The percentage of elapsed time that the disk(s) are  busy servicing read or write requests.
Incoming packets error rate
Packets received errors
The number of packets received containing errors that precvent them from being delivered to a higher OSI layer protocol.
Incoming packets rate
Packets received/sec
The number of packets received on the network interface
Interrupt rate
Average rate at which the processor receives and services hardwareinterrupts. Processes generate an interrupt when they finish a task andneed to report that fact to the CPU.
Outgoing packets error rate
Packets outbound errors
The number of packets that can't be transmitted due to errors
Outgoing packets rate
Packets sent/sec
The rate at which packets are sent on the network interface
Page-in rate
Pages Input/sec
The rate at which pages are read from disk to resolve hard pagefaults. Hard page faults occur when a process refers to a page invirtual memory which is not in it's working set or available elsewherein physical memory and has to be read from disk.
Page-out rate
Pages Output/sec
The rate at which memory pages are written to disk to free up space in physical memory.
Paging rate
Paging rate
The rate at which pages are read from disk or written to disk.  This is the sum of Pages Input/sec and Pages Output/sec.
Swap-in rate
The number of pages read into memory per second
Swap-out rate
The number of pages written out of memory per second
System mode CPU utilization
Processor - %Priviledged time
The percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends executing user threads (i.e. running applications)
User mode CPU utilization
Processor - %User time
The percentage or elapsed time that the processor spends executing priviledged or system mode threads.