
例えば(移動3コマ):a-D、b-E、c-F、d-G、e-H…s-V…、z-C明文:access control可変:DFHVV FRQWURO
import random
def Letter_num(Letter):  # a-z   0-25
    return ord(Letter) - 97

def num_Letter(num):  # 0-25   a-z
    return chr(num + 97)

def encryption_Letter(P, K):  #       
    C = num_Letter((Letter_num(P) + K) % 26)
    return C

def Decrypt_Letter(C, K):  #       
    P = num_Letter((Letter_num(C) - K) % 26)
    return P

def encryption_fun(P_char, K):  #      
    C_char = ''
    for P in P_char:
        if P.isalpha():
            P = encryption_Letter(P, K)
        C_char = C_char + P
    return C_char

def Decrypt_fun(C_char, K):  #      
    P_char = ''
    for C in C_char:
        if C.isalpha():
            C = Decrypt_Letter(C, K)
        P_char = P_char + C
    return P_char

if __name__ == '__main__':
    K = int(random.random()*26%26)
    P_text = "let's meet after the party.if you understand this sentence, the program runs successfully.abcd efghjgkl mnopqr stu vwxy z"
    print('   :',P_text)
    C_text = encryption_fun(P_text, K)
    print('   :', C_text)
    PP_text = Decrypt_fun(C_text, K)
    print('    :', PP_text)

   : let's meet after the party.if you understand this sentence, the program runs successfully.abcd efghjgkl mnopqr stu vwxy z
K: 14
   : zsh'g assh othsf hvs dofhm.wt mci ibrsfghobr hvwg gsbhsbqs, hvs dfcufoa fibg giqqsggtizzm.opqr stuvxuyz abcdef ghi jklm n
    : let's meet after the party.if you understand this sentence, the program runs successfully.abcd efghjgkl mnopqr stu vwxy z