SpringData JpaのJPQLマルチテーブル関連クエリー

9522 ワード

package com.touchhealth.trade.service.afterSale;

import com.touchealth.common.page.Pager;
import com.touchhealth.trade.bo.afterSale.AfterSaleBo;
import com.touchhealth.trade.entity.AfterSaleDo;
import com.touchhealth.trade.entity.afterSale.AfterSale;
import com.touchhealth.trade.helper.afterSale.AfterSaleHelper;
import com.touchhealth.trade.repository.afterSale.AfterSaleRepository;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import javax.persistence.Query;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

 * @Auther: dangshilin
 * @Date: 2018/7/30
public class AfterSaleServiceImpl implements AfterSaleService{

    private AfterSaleRepository afterSaleRepository;

    private EntityManager em;

     * @param afterSaleBo
     * @param pager
     * @return
    public Pager list(AfterSaleBo afterSaleBo, Pager pager) {
        String makerMobile = afterSaleBo.getMakerMobile();
        Integer applyType = afterSaleBo.getApplyType();
        Date endTime = afterSaleBo.getEndTime();
        Date startTime = afterSaleBo.getStartTime();
        String sourceCode = afterSaleBo.getSourceCode();
        Integer processState = afterSaleBo.getProcessState();
        int pageSize = pager.getPageSize();
        int pageNo = pager.getPageNo();
        int begin = pager.getPageSize()*(pager.getPageNo()-1);
        //         jpql
        String sql = "select new com.touchhealth.trade.entity.AfterSaleDo (a.id,a.afterSaleNo,a.reservationNo,a.makerId,a.makerName,a.makerMobile,a.createdAt,a.applyReason,a.examineFailReason,a.applyExpectTime,a.firstReservationTime,a.processState,a.applyType,a.deleteFlag,a.updatedAt,a.updatedOperatorId,a.updatedOperatorName,a.deletedAt,a.deletedOperatorId,a.deletedOperatorName,a.remark,s.sourceCode) from AfterSale a,Source s,Reservation r where a.reservationNo = r.reservationNo and r.id = s.typeObjectId and s.type = 1";
        //     sql
        String countSql = "select count(*) from t_after_sale a,t_source s,t_reservation r where a.reservation_no = r.reservation_no and r.id = s.type_object_id and s.type = 1";
        List params = new ArrayList<>();
        int i = 1;
        int j = 1;
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(makerMobile)) {
            sql = sql + " and a.makerMobile = ?" + i++;
            countSql = countSql + " and a.maker_mobile = ?" + j++;
        if (null != applyType){
            sql = sql + " and a.applyType = ?" + i++;
            countSql = countSql + " and a.apply_type = ?" + j++;
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sourceCode)){
            sql = sql + " and s.sourceCode = ?" + i++;
            countSql = countSql + " and s.source_code = ?" + j++;
        if (null != startTime){
            Date createdAt = startTime;
            sql = sql + " and s.createdAt >= ?" + i++;
            countSql = countSql + " and s.created_at >= ?" + j++;
        if (null != endTime){
            Date createdAt = endTime;
            sql = sql + " and a.createdAt <= ?" + i++;
            countSql = countSql + " and a.created_at <= ?" + j++;
        if (null != processState){
            sql = sql + " and a.processState = ?" + i++;
            countSql = countSql + " and a.process_state = ?" + j++;
        }else {
            //         1-    2-     3-     4-   
            sql = sql + " and a.processState in (2,3,4)";
            countSql = countSql + " and a.process_state in (2,3,4)";
        sql = sql + " ORDER by a.createdAt DESC ";
        countSql = countSql + " ORDER by a.created_at DESC ";
        Query query = em.createQuery(sql);
        Query countQuery = em.createNativeQuery(countSql);
        for (int k = 1; k < params.size() + 1; k++) {
            query.setParameter(k, params.get(k - 1));
            countQuery.setParameter(k, params.get(k - 1));
        List resultList = query.getResultList();
        BigInteger count = (BigInteger)countQuery.getSingleResult();
        double records = count.intValue();
        pager.setRecords((int) records);
        double total = records/pageSize;
        pager.setTotal((int) Math.ceil(total));
        return pager;

     * @param afterSaleBo
     * @return
    public List exportList(AfterSaleBo afterSaleBo) {
        String makerMobile = afterSaleBo.getMakerMobile();
        Integer applyType = afterSaleBo.getApplyType();
        Date endTime = afterSaleBo.getEndTime();
        Date startTime = afterSaleBo.getStartTime();
        String sourceCode = afterSaleBo.getSourceCode();
        Integer processState = afterSaleBo.getProcessState();
        //         jpql
        String sql = "select new com.touchhealth.trade.entity.AfterSaleDo (a.id,a.afterSaleNo,a.reservationNo,a.makerId,a.makerName,a.makerMobile,a.createdAt,a.applyReason,a.examineFailReason,a.applyExpectTime,a.firstReservationTime,a.processState,a.applyType,a.deleteFlag,a.updatedAt,a.updatedOperatorId,a.updatedOperatorName,a.deletedAt,a.deletedOperatorId,a.deletedOperatorName,a.remark,s.sourceCode,r.serviceItemName,r.reservedPartyName,r.reservationPartyInfo) from AfterSale a,Source s,Reservation r where a.reservationNo = r.reservationNo and r.id = s.typeObjectId and s.type = 1";
        List params = new ArrayList<>();
        int i = 1;
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(makerMobile)) {
            sql = sql + " and a.makerMobile = ?" + i++;
        if (null != applyType){
            sql = sql + " and a.applyType = ?" + i++;
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sourceCode)){
            sql = sql + " and s.sourceCode = ?" + i++;
        if (null != startTime){
            Date createdAt = startTime;
            sql = sql + " and s.createdAt >= ?" + i++;
        if (null != endTime){
            Date createdAt = endTime;
            sql = sql + " and a.createdAt <= ?" + i++;
        if (null != processState){
            sql = sql + " and a.processState = ?" + i++;
        }else {
            //         1-    2-     3-     4-   
            sql = sql + " and a.processState in (2,3,4)";
        sql = sql + " ORDER by a.createdAt DESC ";
        Query query = em.createQuery(sql);
        for (int k = 1; k < params.size() + 1; k++) {
            query.setParameter(k, params.get(k - 1));
        List resultList = query.getResultList();
        List afterSaleBoList = AfterSaleHelper.convertAfterSaleDoListToAfterSaleBoList(resultList);
        return afterSaleBoList;

private AfterSaleRepository afterSaleRepository; 
private EntityManager em;
Persistence context 。 entity manager 。Entity manager persistence context , flush 。 persistence context , EntityManager 。 persistence context , entity manager , 。Java Persistence persistence context, transaction-scoped persistence context extended persistence context。Transaction-scoped persistence context persistence context , 。 ,transaction-scoped persistence context , (detached)。 persistence context 。 , @PersistenceContext ( XML ) EntityManager 。
Persistence contextは、管理するエンティティオブジェクトのセットからなる集合であり、entity managerによって管理されるからである.だからつなぎ合わせるsqlの中で“......from AfterSale a,Source s,Reservation r......”AfterSale,Source,Reservationは、テーブル名ではなくデータベーステーブルにマッピングされたエンティティクラスの名前です.クエリーの内容は、データベーステーブルフィールドではなくエンティティクラスの属性です.またNativeQueryはHQLクエリーを使用するため、つづりのcountSqlにはデータベーステーブル名とデータベースサブセグメント名が対応する.