
  1 import codecs

  2 import os

  3 import traceback

  4 import sys

  5 reload(sys)


  7 def findFile(projectHome,fileName):

  8     aimPath = "xx"

  9     for i in os.listdir(projectHome):

 10      if not cmp(i,".git"):

 11          continue

 12      if not cmp(i,"WizIosSDK"):

 13          continue

 14      currentPath = projectHome + '/' + i 

 15      if not cmp(i,fileName):

 16          return currentPath

 17      if os.path.isdir(currentPath):

 18          path = findFile(currentPath,fileName)

 19          if cmp (path, "xx"):

 20           aimPath = path

 21     return aimPath


 23 sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')

 24 projectHome = os.getcwd()

 25 outPutDir = findFile(projectHome,"en.lproj") 


 27 def genstrings(level, path):

 28     for i in os.listdir(path):

 29         if not cmp (i, '.git'):

 30         continue

 31         if os.path.isdir(path+'/'+i):

 32             x = 'genstrings -a -o '+ outPutDir+' ' +path + '/'+i+'/*.m'

 33             print x

 34             os.system(x)

 35             os.system('genstrings -a -o '+ outPutDir+' ' +path + '/'+i+'/*.h')

 36             os.system('genstrings -a -o '+ outPutDir+' ' +path + '/'+i+'/*.mm')

 37             genstrings(level+1,path+'/'+i)

 38 genstrings(0,projectHome)


 40 def fileDictionary(filePath, isAddPlaceHolder,fileEncode):

 41     fileDic = {}

 42     fileContent =,'r',fileEncode)

 43     for line in fileContent.readlines():

 44     try:

 45         if(len(line) == 0):

 46         continue

 47         strr = line.split('=')

 48         if(len(strr) == 1):

 49         continue

 50         en = strr[0]

 51         en = en[en.index('"')+1:len(en)]

 52         en = en[0:en.index('"')]

 53         zh = strr[1]

 54         zh = zh[zh.index('"')+1:len(zh)]

 55         zh = zh[0:zh.index('"')]

 56         if isAddPlaceHolder:

 57         fileDic[en] = ''

 58         else:

 59         fileDic[en] = zh

 60     except KeyError:

 61         print "aa"

 62     fileContent.close()

 63     return fileDic



 66 zhFilePath = findFile(projectHome,"zh.txt")

 67 englishFilePath = outPutDir+'/Localizable.strings'


 69 def printDic(dic):

 70     for key in dic.keys():

 71     print key


 73 zhDic = fileDictionary(zhFilePath, False, 'utf-8')

 74 enDic = fileDictionary(englishFilePath,True,'utf-16BE')


 76 print zhDic

 77 print '**************'


 79 for key in enDic.keys():

 80     try:

 81     zh = zhDic[key]

 82     enDic[key] = zhDic[key]

 83     except KeyError:

 84     transilation = raw_input('plasee input the translation of **'+key+'**:')

 85     print transilation

 86     enDic[key] = transilation


 88 def writeDicToFile(dic,filePath,isWriteValue):

 89     writeFile =, 'w','utf-8')

 90     for key in dic.keys():

 91         try:

 92         keyStr = key.encode('utf-8')

 93         valueStr = dic[key].encode('utf-8')

 94         print keyStr + valueStr

 95         if isWriteValue:

 96             writeFile.write('"'+keyStr+'"="'+valueStr+'"'+';
') 97 else: 98 writeFile.write('"'+keyStr+'"="'+keyStr+'"'+';
') 99 except UnicodeDecodeError: 100 continue 101 except TypeError: 102 continue 103 except KeyError: 104 continue 105 writeFile.close() 106 107 enOutputFilePath = findFile(projectHome,"en.txt") 108 writeDicToFile(enDic,enOutputFilePath,False) 109 writeDicToFile(enDic,zhFilePath,True)