OSX:ユーティリティスクリプト(bash scripts)シリーズ-22-ユーザー登録履歴

# extracts the login attemps and successes from the audit logs.
# v.0.1
# Noel B.A. [email protected]

from optparse import OptionParser
import os
import subprocess
from xml.dom import minidom
#import getopt, sys, ConfigParser, cStringIO, time, traceback, datetime
# import subprocess
# import plistlib
# import datetime
# import sys
# import stat

class BSMProcessor(object):

  def __init__(self):
    self.logPath = '/var/audit/'
    self.auditreduceScript = '/usr/sbin/auditreduce'
    self.prauditScript = '/usr/sbin/praudit'

  def getLogs(self):
    """ Read the logs using praudit """

    for auditfile in os.listdir(self.logPath):
      # the 'current' file is processed as .not_terminated
      # filter it out to avoid duplicates
      if auditfile != 'current':
        # execute praudit and store the output in content
        sp = subprocess.Popen([self.prauditScript, "-x", self.logPath + auditfile], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        content, err = sp.communicate()

        # parse the content with minidom and store it in xmldoc
        xmldoc = minidom.parseString(content)

        # loop within each <record> </record>
        itemlist = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('record')
        for key in itemlist :
            if key.attributes['event'].value == 'loginwindow login' or key.attributes['event'].value =='logout - local':
              print key.attributes['event'].value,
              print '\t\t',

              #Print information within <subject></subject>
              for skey in subject:
                print skey.attributes['audit-uid'].value,
                print '\t\t',
                print key.attributes['time'].value
              #Print information within <text></text>
              # text=key.getElementsByTagName('text')
              # for tkey in subject:
              #   print tkey.attributes['text'].Nodevalue

    #except OSError:
    #  print 'Access denied. This program needs sudo access'

def main():
    bsmProc = BSMProcessor()
    parser = OptionParser()

    parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename",
                      help="Write the result to FILE.", metavar="FILE")
    # parser.add_option("-x",
    #                   help="Print the records in xml format.")

    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    # print 'Arguments:', args
    # print 'Options:', options
    # print '=============='

    # Do the work....

if __name__ == '__main__':