
class ArgumentError(SQLAlchemyError):
    Raised when an invalid or conflicting function argument is supplied.
    This error generally corresponds to construction time state errors.

              ,         , :    ,   

class ObjectNotExecutableError(ArgumentError):   #         
    Raised when an object is passed to .execute() that can't be executed as SQL.
          .execute()     SQL  。

class NoSuchModuleError(ArgumentError):   #        
    Raised when a dynamically-loaded module (usually a database dialect)
    of a particular name cannot be located.

           (        )            。

class NoForeignKeysError(ArgumentError):   #     
    Raised when no foreign keys can be located between two selectables
    during a join.

class AmbiguousForeignKeysError(ArgumentError):   #     
    Raised when more than one foreign key matching can be located
    between two selectables during a join.


class IdentifierError(SQLAlchemyError):  #      
    Raised when a schema name is beyond the max character limit

class TimeoutError(SQLAlchemyError):  #   
    """Raised when a connection pool times out on getting a connection."""

class InvalidRequestError(SQLAlchemyError):   #     
    """SQLAlchemy was asked to do something it can't do.

    This error generally corresponds to runtime state errors.

    SQLAlchemy             。               。

class ResourceClosedError(InvalidRequestError):
    """An operation was requested from a connection, cursor, or other
    object that's in a closed state.
       、                    。

class NoSuchColumnError(KeyError, InvalidRequestError):
    """A nonexistent column is requested from a ``RowProxy``."""

class NoSuchTableError(InvalidRequestError):
    """Table does not exist or is not visible to a connection."""