
15964 ワード

# -*- coding:utf-8-*-

import paramiko
import time
import re
import os
import configparser
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

#  :      ( :   )     
def get_previous_byday(dayname, start_date=None):
    weekdays = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
    if start_date is None:
        start_date =
    day_num = start_date.weekday()
    day_num_target = weekdays.index(dayname)
    days_ago = (7 + day_num - day_num_target) % 7
    if days_ago == 0:
        days_ago = 7
    target_date = start_date - timedelta(days=days_ago)
    return target_date

def get_Connect():
    print('       ,   ...')
    #   SSH  
    ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    #       know_hosts      
        ip = ''
        port = 22
        username = 'test'
        passwd = 'test'
        ssh.connect(ip, port, username, passwd)
        print('    :' + str(ssh))
        print('  ' + ip + '  !')
        print('  ' + ip + '  !')
        return ssh

def close_Connect(ssh):
        print('    !')
        print('    !')

#  :      dir,     date          
def check_backup(ssh, dir, date):
    # print(dir)
    bat = 'cmd.exe /c "if exist "' + dir + '" (echo y) else (echo n)"'
    # print(bat.encode("gbk"))
    # exit(000)
    #             ,   bat    encode      
    stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(bat.encode("gbk"))
    result ="gbk")
    # print(result)
    if result.strip() == 'y':
        print("\033[0;32m%s\033[0m" % "    !")
        print("\033[0;31m%s\033[0m" % "     !")

    #           、     ,     cmd.exe
    bat = 'cmd.exe /c "cd /d ' + dir + ' && dir"'
    stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(bat.encode("gbk"))

    # print('cmd.exe /c "cd ' + dir + ' && dir"')

    result ="GBK")
    # print(result)

    result = result.split('
') print(' "' + dir + '" "' + date + '" :') # : xxxx/xx/xx # date_reg_exp = re.compile('\d{4}[-/]\d{2}[-/]\d{2}[\s\S]*') date_reg_exp = re.compile(date + '[\s\S]*') # cg = [] bytes_sum = 0 for i in range(len(result)): # matches_list = date_reg_exp.findall(result[i]) # for match in matches_list: if match.find('DIR') == -1: print(match) cg.append(match) # , 0、 1、 2、 (bytes) 3、 match = match.split() bytes_sum = bytes_sum + int(match[2].replace(',', '')) # print(' \033[0;32m%s\033[0m' % str(len(cg)) + ' 。') # for i in range(len(cg)): # print(cg[i]) if bytes_sum < 1024: # 1kb bytes_sum = str(round(bytes_sum, 2)) + ' B' elif bytes_sum >= 1024 and bytes_sum < 1048576: bytes_sum = str(round(bytes_sum / 1024, 2)) + ' KB' elif bytes_sum >= 1048576 and bytes_sum < 1073741824: bytes_sum = str(round(bytes_sum / 1024 / 1024, 2)) + ' MB' elif bytes_sum >= 1073741824 and bytes_sum < 1099511627776: bytes_sum = str(round(bytes_sum / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2)) + ' GB' elif bytes_sum >= 1099511627776: bytes_sum = str(round(bytes_sum / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2)) + ' TB' # print(' :\033[0;32m%s\033[0m' % bytes_sum) # : , check_backup def do_check(ssh): # config conf = configparser.ConfigParser() # ( ) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # print(cur_path) # config.ini config_path = os.path.join(cur_path, 'config.ini') # print(config_path) # #, encoding="utf-8-sig") # section sections = conf.sections() # print('sections:', sections) len_sections = len(sections) print(' ...') # print(' ...') for i in range(len(sections)): print(sections[i]) # options = conf.options(sections[i]) # path、rate、num path = conf.get(sections[i], conf.options(sections[i])[0]) # path # print(' :' + path.encode('utf-8').decode("utf-8")) rate = conf.get(sections[i], conf.options(sections[i])[1]) # rate num = conf.get(sections[i], conf.options(sections[i])[2]) # num print('path:' + path + ',rate:' + rate + ',num:' + num) # day = # 0-6 # , YYYY/MM/DD today ='%Y/%m/%d') if int(rate) < 0: print(' ' + str(int(rate) * -1) + ' ') check_day = ( + timedelta(days=int(rate))).strftime('%Y/%m/%d') elif rate == '0': print(' ') check_day = today # print(check_day) # check_backup(path, check_day) elif rate == '1': print(' ') if day == 0: check_day = today # print(check_day) # check_backup(path, check_day) else: check_day = get_previous_byday('Monday').strftime('%Y/%m/%d') # print(get_previous_byday('Monday').strftime('%Y/%m/%d')) # check_backup(path, check_day) elif rate == '2': print(' ') if day == 1: check_day = today # print(check_day) else: check_day = get_previous_byday('Tuesday').strftime('%Y/%m/%d') # print(get_previous_byday('Tuesday').strftime('%Y/%m/%d')) # check_backup(path, check_day) elif rate == '3': print(' ') if day == 2: check_day = today # print(check_day) # check_backup(path, check_day) else: check_day = get_previous_byday('Wednesday').strftime('%Y/%m/%d') # print(get_previous_byday('Wednesday').strftime('%Y/%m/%d')) # check_backup(path, check_day) elif rate == '4': print(' ') if day == 3: check_day = today # print(check_day) # check_backup(path, check_day) else: check_day = get_previous_byday('Thursday').strftime('%Y/%m/%d') # print(get_previous_byday('Thursday').strftime('%Y/%m/%d')) # check_backup(path, check_day) elif rate == '5': print(' ') if day == 4: check_day = today # print(check_day) # check_backup(path, check_day) else: check_day = get_previous_byday('Friday').strftime('%Y/%m/%d') # print(get_previous_byday('Friday').strftime('%Y/%m/%d')) # check_backup(path, check_day) elif rate == '6': print(' ') if day == 5: check_day = today # print(check_day) # check_backup(path, check_day) else: check_day = get_previous_byday('Saturday').strftime('%Y/%m/%d') # print(get_previous_byday('Saturday').strftime('%Y/%m/%d')) # check_backup(path, check_day) elif rate == '7': print(' ') if day == 6: check_day = today # print(check_day) # check_backup(path, check_day) else: check_day = get_previous_byday('Sunday').strftime('%Y/%m/%d') # print(get_previous_byday('Sunday').strftime('%Y/%m/%d')) # check_backup(path, check_day) else: print(' rate !') check_backup(ssh, path, check_day) # def show_Config(): # config conf = configparser.ConfigParser() # ( ) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # print(cur_path) # config.ini config_path = os.path.join(cur_path, 'config.ini') # print(config_path) # #, encoding="utf-8-sig") # section sections = conf.sections() # print('sections:', sections) print(' :') for i in range(len(sections)): # print(sections[i]) # options = conf.options(sections[i]) # path、rate、num path = conf.get(sections[i], conf.options(sections[i])[0]) # path # print(' :' + path.encode('utf-8').decode("utf-8")) rate = conf.get(sections[i], conf.options(sections[i])[1]) # rate num = conf.get(sections[i], conf.options(sections[i])[2]) # num print(' :' + sections[i] + ',' + ' :' + path + ', :' + rate + ', :' + num) # def add_Config(): # config conf = configparser.ConfigParser() # ( ) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # print(cur_path) # config.ini config_path = os.path.join(cur_path, 'config.ini') # print(config_path) # #, encoding="utf-8-sig") while True: # conf.add_section('sec_1') # conf.set('sec_1', 'path', 'M:\ORACLE_EXP_EXPDP\ORACLE_EXP_EXPDP') # conf.set('sec_1', 'rate', '0') # conf.set('sec_1', 'num', '60') section = input(" [ ], q/Q :") if section == 'q': break path = input(" [ ], q/Q :") if path == 'q': break rate = input(" [ ], q/Q :") if rate == 'q': break num = input(" [ ], q/Q :") if num == 'q': break try: conf.add_section(section) conf.set(section, 'path', path) conf.set(section, 'rate', rate) conf.set(section, 'num', num) # except DuplicateSectionError: except Exception as e: # print("Section '" + section + "' already exists") print(e) continue else: # print(' !') conf.write(open("config.ini", mode='w', encoding='utf-8')) # show_Config() # continue break # def delete_Config(): # config conf = configparser.ConfigParser() # ( ) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # print(cur_path) # config.ini config_path = os.path.join(cur_path, 'config.ini') # print(config_path) # #, encoding="utf-8-sig") while True: # conf.add_section('sec_1') # conf.set('sec_1', 'path', 'M:\ORACLE_EXP_EXPDP\ORACLE_EXP_EXPDP') # conf.set('sec_1', 'rate', '0') # conf.set('sec_1', 'num', '60') section = input(" [ ], q/Q :") if section == 'q': break try: conf.remove_section(section) # except DuplicateSectionError: except Exception as e: # print("Section '" + section + "' already exists") print(e) else: # print(' !') conf.write(open("config.ini", mode='w', encoding='utf-8')) # continue break # def update_Config(): # config conf = configparser.ConfigParser() # ( ) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # print(cur_path) # config.ini config_path = os.path.join(cur_path, 'config.ini') # print(config_path) # #, encoding="utf-8-sig") while True: # conf.add_section('sec_1') # conf.set('sec_1', 'path', 'M:\ORACLE_EXP_EXPDP\ORACLE_EXP_EXPDP') # conf.set('sec_1', 'rate', '0') # conf.set('sec_1', 'num', '60') section = input(" [ ], q/Q :") if section == 'q': break path = input(" [ ], q/Q :") if path == 'q': break rate = input(" [ ], q/Q :") if rate == 'q': break num = input(" [ ], q/Q :") if num == 'q': break try: conf.set(section, 'path', path) conf.set(section, 'rate', rate) conf.set(section, 'num', num) except Exception as e: # print("Section '" + section + "' already exists") print(e) else: # print(' !') conf.write(open("config.ini", mode='w', encoding='utf-8')) # continue break if __name__ == '__main__': print(' ') nowTime ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # print(' :' + nowTime) while True: print('~~~~~~ ~~~~~~') print('1、 ') print('2、 ') print('3、 ') print('4、 ') print('5、 ') print('( q/Q )') choice = input(' :') print(choice) if choice == '1': show_Config() elif choice == '2': show_Config() add_Config() elif choice == '3': show_Config() delete_Config() elif choice == '4': show_Config() update_Config() elif choice == '5': s = get_Connect() do_check(s) close_Connect(s) elif choice == 'q' or choice == 'Q': exit(100) else: print(' , !') # print(' !')