
        ,      !
gedit ~/.bashrc

export ARMROOT=~/ARM
export ARMINCLUDE=$ARMROOT/RVCT/Data/2.2/349/include/windows
export ARMLIB=$ARMROOT/RVCT/Data/2.2/349/lib
export ARMBIN=$ARMROOT/RVCT/Programs/2.2/349/win_32-pentium
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=$ARMROOT/crack/license.dat

chmod +x ~/ARM/RVCT/Programs/2.2/349/win_32-pentium/*


cd AMSS/products/76XX/build/ms
chmod +x `find . -name "*.pl" -o -name "*.exe" -o -name "*.cmd"`
AMSS/products/76XX/build/ms$ ./TFNCKNLYM.cmd
Error: C3397E: Cannot obtain license for Compiler (feature compiler) with license version >= 2.2: 

cd Crack   ,  :wine keygen.exe         license       !

Error: L6630E: Invalid token start expected number or ( but found A at position 15 on line 11535

Error: L6629E: Unmatched parentheses expecting ) but found A at position 15 on line 11535

M76XXTTFNCKNLYM____.scl(line 11535, col 15) Error: L6268E: Non-word aligned address 4294967295 specified for region MSM_NOTPAGED.
M76XXTTFNCKNLYM____.scl(line 11535, col 15) Error: L6292E: Ignoring unknown attribute 'An' specified for region MSM_NOTPAGED.
M76XXTTFNCKNLYM____.scl(line 11535, col 18) Error: L6292E: Ignoring unknown attribute 'error' specified for region MSM_NOTPAGED.
M76XXTTFNCKNLYM____.scl(line 11535, col 24) Error: L6292E: Ignoring unknown attribute 'occurred:' specified for region MSM_NOTPAGED.
M76XXTTFNCKNLYM____.scl(line 11535, col 34) Error: L6292E: Ignoring unknown attribute 'Bad' specified for region MSM_NOTPAGED.
M76XXTTFNCKNLYM____.scl(line 11535, col 38) Error: L6292E: Ignoring unknown attribute 'magic' specified for region MSM_NOTPAGED.
M76XXTTFNCKNLYM____.scl(line 11535, col 44) Error: L6292E: Ignoring unknown attribute 'number' specified for region MSM_NOTPAGED.
M76XXTTFNCKNLYM____.scl(line 11535, col 51) Error: L6292E: Ignoring unknown attribute 'in' specified for region MSM_NOTPAGED.
M76XXTTFNCKNLYM____.scl(line 11535, col 54) Error: L6292E: Ignoring unknown attribute '/home/cpp/i700t_arm9/i700t_arm9/AMSS/platform/l4/tools/pyelf/weaver/__init__' specified for region MSM_NOTPAGED.
M76XXTTFNCKNLYM____.scl(line 11535, col 131) Error: L6292E: Ignoring unknown attribute '.' specified for region MSM_NOTPAGED.
M76XXTTFNCKNLYM____.scl(line 11535, col 133) Error: L6292E: Ignoring unknown attribute 'pyc' specified for region MSM_NOTPAGED.
M76XXTTFNCKNLYM____.scl(line 11535, col 136) Error: L6228E: Expected '{', found ')...'.
Not enough information to produce a SYMDEFs file.
Not enough information to list image symbols.
Not enough information to list the image map.
Finished: 3 information, 27 warning and 14 error messages.
make: *** [link_only]    1


1.	./configure
2.	make
	   make    :
			*** buffer overflow detected ***: ./python terminated
		======= Backtrace: =========
		======= Memory map: ========
		08048000-08125000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 4202539    /home/cpp/Downloads/Python-2.4.3/python
		08125000-08126000 r--p 000dc000 08:09 4202539    /home/cpp/Downloads/Python-2.4.3/python
		a.	make distclean
		c.	make
3.	sudo make install
        AMSS ,     ,       repo    ,     :
cpp@cpp:~$ repo
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/cpp/bin/repo", line 91, in ?
    import readline
ImportError: No module named readline
      readline,  repo       ,       python       ,   python       readline     ,          python
    readline   :
sudo apt-get install libreadline5-dev
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
1.	make distclean
2.	./configure  --enable-readline  BASECFLAGS=-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE
3.	make -j4
4.	sudo make install
  ,      python-2.4.3           ,  3.1.3          --enable-readline     。       2.4.3  。

    :    pythom            ,           !             ,        ,      !       ……

          readline     ,     ,
In fact, more for my own records in case I get this again. I had the same problem with SUSE10.2. I had installed Python2.5 using YAST along with Numpy, Scipy, IPython and some other packages. I'd also attempted to install these packages without YAST (probably causing the error in the first place). 

Turns out, all these packages were being installed to '/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages'.

Inspection of the path Python was using via

>>> import sys
>>> sys.path

showed python was using /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages

The path was modified by editing the '' file, to include the following in the main() routine, just below the 'abs__file__()' line.

# Add new paths to the python search path, derived
# from those in sys.path. Current entries contain 
# '\local\'. They should not. Added 29/June/07, MS
a = sys.path
for i in a:
if '/local/' in i:

This updates the path with entries not including the '/local' entry. This fixed my Scipy and my readline error on startup.
