
18242 ワード

import os
import time
N = 9
T = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,0]#the original state
obj = [2,4,3,1,6,0,7,5,8]#the final state
factory = [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120,720, 5040,40320]
def formed_print(L):
    n = 0;
    for i in range(0,7,3):
        t = L[i:i+3]
) def get_state(node): used,sum = [0]*9,0 for pos,i in enumerate(node): num = 0 used[i] = 1 for k in range(0,i): if(used[k]==0):num += 1 sum += num*factory[8-pos] return sum def find_next_nodes(curr_node): def swap(L,i,j):#return a list with swapped items temp = L[::] temp[i],temp[j] = temp[j],temp[i] return temp pos = curr_node.index(0)#find the position of 0 i,j = pos//3,pos%3#convert pos to grid coordinates nextnodes = [] if(i!=2):nextnodes.append(swap(curr_node,pos,pos+3)) if(i!=0):nextnodes.append(swap(curr_node,pos,pos-3)) if(j!=2):nextnodes.append(swap(curr_node,pos,pos+1)) if(j!=0):nextnodes.append(swap(curr_node,pos,pos-1)) return pos,nextnodes def bfs(): path = [[] for i in range(362880)] iscompleted = False openlist = []#the statelist visit = [0]*362880 openlist.append(T)#add the first node visit[get_state(T)] = 1 path[get_state(T)] = [-1,0] count = 100000; while(len(openlist)!=0 and count>0):#if the open list is empty,loop ends count -= 1 curr_node = openlist[0] state = get_state(curr_node) openlist.remove(curr_node) if(curr_node == obj):#if the obj is found,break the loop iscompleted = True; return path,curr_node.index(0),state break; zero_pos,nextnodes = find_next_nodes(curr_node)#return all nodes near to 0 and pos of 0 for node in nextnodes: next_state = get_state(node) if(visit[next_state]==0):#ensure the node is not visited openlist.append(node) visit[next_state] = 1 path[next_state] = [state,zero_pos]#record the state path and the solution #print(path[next_state]) return False def move(path,zero_pos,state): zero_list = [zero_pos] while(path[state][0]!=-1): zero_list = [path[state][1]]+zero_list state = path[state][0] for i in range(len(zero_list)-1): os.system('cls') formed_print(T) time.sleep(0.5) T[zero_list[i]],T[zero_list[i+1]] = T[zero_list[i+1]],T[zero_list[i]] os.system('cls') formed_print(T) path,zero_pos,state = bfs() move(path,zero_pos,state)

import os
import time
from functools import reduce
N = 16
T = [4,7,8,3,6,13,15,2,1,11,5,12,0,14,10,9] 

#obj = [4,7,8,3,1,6,15,2,13,0,5,12,14,11,10,9]#2 
#obj = [1,2,4,3,7,8,0,12,13,6,5,15,14,11,10,9] #25s
#obj = [1,2,0,3,7,8,4,12,13,6,5,15,14,11,10,9]#29
#obj = [1,2,3,12,7,8,15,0,13,6,4,5,14,11,10,9] #34#
#obj = [1,2,15,3,7,8,4,12,13,6,0,5,14,11,10,9] #39
#obj = [1,2,3,4,7,8,15,12,13,6,5,0,14,11,10,9] #45
#obj = [1,2,3,4,7,8,15,0,13,6,5,12,14,11,10,9] #47
#obj = [1,2,3,4,7,8,0,15,13,6,5,12,14,11,10,9]#48 
#obj = [1,2,3,4,7,8,5,15,13,6,0,12,14,11,10,9]#49 
#obj =[1,2,3,4,7,8,5,15,13,6,12,0,14,11,10,9] #50
obj = [1,2,3,4,5,13,6,15,14,7,11,10,0,9,8,12]#59
#obj = [1,2,3,4,5,13,6,15,14,11,0,10,9,7,8,12]#the final state

 factory = list(map(lambda x:reduce(lambda f,n:f*n,range(1,x+1),1),range(8)))##          
def formed_print(L):
    n = 0;
    for i in range(0,13,4):
        t = L[i:i+4]
) def displacement(lhs,rhs):#compare the displacement count = 0 for i in range(len(lhs)): if(lhs[i]!=rhs[i]): count += 1 return count def get_state(node): #used,sum = [0]*N,0 #for i in node: #num = 0 #used[i] = 1 #for k in range(0,i): #if(used[k]==0):num += 1 #sum += num*factory[N-i-1] sum = '' for i in node: sum += str(i) return sum def find_next_nodes(curr_node): def swap(L,i,j):#return a list with swapped items temp = L[::] temp[i],temp[j] = temp[j],temp[i] return temp pos = curr_node.index(0)#find the position of 0 i,j = pos//4,pos%4#convert pos to grid coordinates nextnodes = [] if(i!=3):nextnodes.append(swap(curr_node,pos,pos+4)) if(i!=0):nextnodes.append(swap(curr_node,pos,pos-4)) if(j!=3):nextnodes.append(swap(curr_node,pos,pos+1)) if(j!=0):nextnodes.append(swap(curr_node,pos,pos-1)) return pos,nextnodes def bfs(): path = {} iscompleted = False openlist = []#the statelist openlist.append(T)#add the first node visit = {}#use visit to indicate being visited visit[get_state(T)] = 1; print(visit) path[get_state(T)] = [-1,0] while(len(openlist)!=0):#if the open list is empty,loop ends curr_node = openlist[0] state = get_state(curr_node) openlist.remove(curr_node) if(curr_node == obj):#if the obj is found,break the loop iscompleted = True; return path,curr_node,curr_node.index(0),state break; zero_pos,nextnodes = find_next_nodes(curr_node)#return all nodes near to 0 and pos of 0 for node in nextnodes: if(node == obj):formed_print(node) next_state = get_state(node) if(not(next_state in visit)):#ensure the node is not visited visit[next_state] = 1 path[next_state] = [state,zero_pos]#record the state path and the solution if(node == obj):openlist.insert(0,node) elif(displacement(node,obj)<=2):openlist.insert(1,node) elif(displacement(node,obj)<=4):openlist.insert(2,node) elif(displacement(node,obj)<=6):openlist.insert(3,node) else:openlist.append(node) return False def move(path,zero_pos,state): zero_list = [zero_pos] while(path[state][0]!=-1): zero_list = [path[state][1]]+zero_list state = path[state][0] print(len(zero_list)) return for i in range(len(zero_list)-1): os.system('cls') formed_print(T) #time.sleep(0.00001) T[zero_list[i]],T[zero_list[i+1]] = T[zero_list[i+1]],T[zero_list[i]] os.system('cls') formed_print(T) path,node,zero_pos,state = bfs() move(path,zero_pos,state)