Codewars-python 20190117

9483 ワード

1.Descending Orders input:324189 output:984321知識点:’.join[:-1]:list逆配列
def Descending_Order(num):
    #Bust a move right here
    num = list(str(num))
    return int(''.join(sorted(num)[::-1]))

2.Your Order,please input:“is 2 Thi 1 s T 4 est 3 a”output:“Thi 1 s is 2 3 a T 4 est”方法一:
def order(sentence):
  # code here'
    sentence = sentence.split()
    Arr = ['']*len(sentence)
    for s in sentence:
        for c in s:
            if c.isdigit(): #       
                Arr[ord(c)-ord('1')] = s
    return ' '.join(Arr)

def order(words):
	return ' '.join(sorted(words.split(), key=lambda w:sorted(w)))

3.Mumbling input:“abcd”output:“A-Bb-Ccc-ddd”自分の方法:
def accum(s):
	s = list(s)
	result = []
	reslut1 = []
	for i in range(len(s)):
	for j in result:
   		j = j.capitalize()
	return str('-'.join(result1))

def accum(s):
    return '-'.join(c.upper()+c.lower()*i for i, c in enumerate(s))

4.Find the next perfect square!
import math
def find_next_square(sq):
    # Return the next square if sq is a square, -1 otherwise
    a = math.sqrt(sq)  
    if a - int(a) > 0:#     int  
        return -1
        return int(pow((a+1),2))