
この操作はブラウザによって拒否されました。ブラウザの住所欄に「about:config」を入力して車を返してください。その後、「 debase_」を使います。printipad_supportは'true'に設定されています。
付録1: Name:signed.applets.codebase_printipad_support Typee:Boolean Meaning of Values:True:Givscripts using codebase prinininininininininininininininpabilies.Setting this preference to「true」isoteteststststrererereaablblblblaaaaablblbleeIdedededededededededededededededededededesssssssaaaaatttttttttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaablblblblblblblblblblblaaaaaaaaateteteteteteteteteripts can access advanced scripting capabilities Note:file: and resource: schemes are consided“special”and may get extra capabilies regardless of this preference's setting.付録2: Granning JavaScript access to the clipboard By default、JavaScript is not allowed to read or set your clipboard data for security and prvacy reasons.This because websites scripts can erase and replace what you currently have in clipboardas such,you shound grant access with caution.The re re,however,instances when you might want to bypass this restication for certain sites.Rich text editors(such as implements of Mozara's Midas)otens require access to the clipboard to use copy/paste functions therity.thers
Instead of manaualy setting preferences,the AllowCliboard Helper extension manage security policies with a convent user interface and atomast the steps below.
Security policies
You can also enable clipboard access by creating a security policy for the site in question.The isのbuilt-in interface to do this、so you will need to edit user.js.You can also edit aut:configyou,butt the the edule the.eyou。
Granning to signed scripts
Occatinally the above will not work、as the scripts that need access may use an alternate method of accessing the clipboard.To grant the prinesvieges、which inclipboard access、 to true via about:config.This is not recommanded as you cannot limit which sites have these extra prive ges.