接続クラスの接続cs(NetworkComms 2.3.1ソースコードの理解と学習)

84913 ワード

NetworkCommsネットワーク  フレームワークの  
networkComms.net2.3.1    ,  gpl V3  。      3.x     ,           。3.X          Bug  ,           。

System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Net; using System.Threading; using DPSBase; using System.Net.Sockets; namespace NetworkCommsDotNet { /// <summary> /// Connection TcpConnection UDPConnnection /// Connection partial /// ConnectionCreate.cs <1> /// ConnectionDelegatesHandlers.cs <2> /// ConnectionIncomingData.cs <3> /// ConnectionSendClose.cs <4> /// ConnectionStatic.cs <5> /// </summary> /// public abstract partial class Connection : IDisposable { /// <summary> /// Lockers for maintaing thread safe operation /// </summary> protected object sendLocker = new object(); /// <summary> /// A comms math oject for tracking send times. Used to prevent send deadlocks. /// Initialisated at 1000 milliseconds per KB write speed, corresponding with 1KB / second. /// </summary> protected CommsMath SendTimesMSPerKBCache; /// <summary> /// A counter which is incremented during every a send. The current value is included in the header of all sent packets. /// </summary> protected long packetSequenceCounter; /// <summary> /// Maintains a list of sent packets for the purpose of confirmation and possible resends. /// </summary> object sentPacketsLocker = new object(); Dictionary<string, SentPacket> sentPackets = new Dictionary<string, SentPacket>(); /// <summary> /// Send an object using the connection default <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="sendingPacketType">The sending packet type</param> /// <param name="objectToSend">The object to send</param> public void SendObject(string sendingPacketType, object objectToSend) { SendObject(sendingPacketType, objectToSend, ConnectionDefaultSendReceiveOptions); } /// <summary> /// Send an object using the connection default <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="sendingPacketType">The sending packet type</param> /// <param name="objectToSend">The object to send</param> /// <param name="packetSequenceNumber">The sequence number of the packet sent</param> public void SendObject(string sendingPacketType, object objectToSend, out long packetSequenceNumber) { SendObject(sendingPacketType, objectToSend, ConnectionDefaultSendReceiveOptions, out packetSequenceNumber); } /// <summary> /// Send an object using the provided SendReceiveOptions /// </summary> /// <param name="sendingPacketType">The packet type to use for send</param> /// <param name="objectToSend">The object to send</param> /// <param name="options">Send specific <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/></param> public void SendObject(string sendingPacketType, object objectToSend, SendReceiveOptions options) { long packetSequenceNumber; SendPacket(new Packet(sendingPacketType, objectToSend, options), out packetSequenceNumber); } /// <summary> /// Send an object using the provided SendReceiveOptions /// </summary> /// <param name="sendingPacketType">The packet type to use for send</param> /// <param name="objectToSend">The object to send</param> /// <param name="options">Send specific <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/></param> /// <param name="packetSequenceNumber">The sequence number of the packet sent</param> public void SendObject(string sendingPacketType, object objectToSend, SendReceiveOptions options, out long packetSequenceNumber) { SendPacket(new Packet(sendingPacketType, objectToSend, options), out packetSequenceNumber); } /// <summary> /// Send an empty packet using the provided packetType. Usefull for signalling. /// </summary> /// <param name="sendingPacketType">The sending packet type</param> public void SendObject(string sendingPacketType) { SendObject(sendingPacketType, null); } /// <summary> /// Send an empty packet using the provided packetType. Usefull for signalling. /// </summary> /// <param name="sendingPacketType">The sending packet type</param> /// <param name="packetSequenceNumber">The sequence number of the packet sent</param> public void SendObject(string sendingPacketType, out long packetSequenceNumber) { SendObject(sendingPacketType, null, ConnectionDefaultSendReceiveOptions, out packetSequenceNumber); } /// <summary> /// Send an object using the connection default <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/> and wait for a returned object again using default <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/>. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="returnObjectType">The type of return object</typeparam> /// <param name="sendingPacketTypeStr">The sending packet type</param> /// <param name="expectedReturnPacketTypeStr">The packet type which will be used for the reply</param> /// <param name="returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds">A timeout in milliseconds after which if not reply is received will throw an ExpectedReturnTimeoutException.</param> /// <param name="sendObject">The object to send</param> /// <returns>The requested return object</returns> public returnObjectType SendReceiveObject<returnObjectType>(string sendingPacketTypeStr, string expectedReturnPacketTypeStr, int returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds, object sendObject) { return SendReceiveObject<returnObjectType>(sendingPacketTypeStr, expectedReturnPacketTypeStr, returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds, sendObject, null, null); } /// <summary> /// Send an object using the connection default <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/> and wait for a returned object again using default <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/>. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="returnObjectType">The type of return object</typeparam> /// <param name="sendingPacketTypeStr">The sending packet type</param> /// <param name="expectedReturnPacketTypeStr">The packet type which will be used for the reply</param> /// <param name="returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds">A timeout in milliseconds after which if not reply is received will throw an ExpectedReturnTimeoutException.</param> /// <param name="sendObject">The object to send</param> /// <param name="sentPacketSequenceNumber">The sequence number of the packet sent</param> /// <returns>The requested return object</returns> public returnObjectType SendReceiveObject<returnObjectType>(string sendingPacketTypeStr, string expectedReturnPacketTypeStr, int returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds, object sendObject, out long sentPacketSequenceNumber) { return SendReceiveObject<returnObjectType>(sendingPacketTypeStr, expectedReturnPacketTypeStr, returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds, sendObject, null, null, out sentPacketSequenceNumber); } /// <summary> /// Send an object using the provided <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/> and wait for a returned object using provided <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/>. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="returnObjectType">The type of return object</typeparam> /// <param name="sendingPacketTypeStr">The sending packet type</param> /// <param name="expectedReturnPacketTypeStr">The packet type which will be used for the reply</param> /// <param name="returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds">A timeout in milliseconds after which if not reply is received will throw an ExpectedReturnTimeoutException.</param> /// <param name="sendObject">The object to send</param> /// <param name="sendOptions">SendReceiveOptions to use when sending</param> /// <param name="receiveOptions">SendReceiveOptions used when receiving the return object</param> /// <returns>The requested return object</returns> public returnObjectType SendReceiveObject<returnObjectType>(string sendingPacketTypeStr, string expectedReturnPacketTypeStr, int returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds, object sendObject, SendReceiveOptions sendOptions, SendReceiveOptions receiveOptions) { long sentPacketSequenceNumber; return SendReceiveObject<returnObjectType>(sendingPacketTypeStr, expectedReturnPacketTypeStr, returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds, sendObject, sendOptions, receiveOptions, out sentPacketSequenceNumber); } /// <summary> /// Send an object using the provided <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/> and wait for a returned object using provided <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/>. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="returnObjectType">The type of return object</typeparam> /// <param name="sendingPacketTypeStr">The sending packet type</param> /// <param name="expectedReturnPacketTypeStr">The packet type which will be used for the reply</param> /// <param name="returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds">A timeout in milliseconds after which if not reply is received will throw an ExpectedReturnTimeoutException.</param> /// <param name="sendObject">The object to send</param> /// <param name="sendOptions">SendReceiveOptions to use when sending</param> /// <param name="receiveOptions">SendReceiveOptions used when receiving the return object</param> /// <param name="sentPacketSequenceNumber">The sequence number of the packet sent</param> /// <returns>The requested return object</returns> public returnObjectType SendReceiveObject<returnObjectType>(string sendingPacketTypeStr, string expectedReturnPacketTypeStr, int returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds, object sendObject, SendReceiveOptions sendOptions, SendReceiveOptions receiveOptions, out long sentPacketSequenceNumber) { returnObjectType returnObject = default(returnObjectType); bool remotePeerDisconnectedDuringWait = false; AutoResetEvent returnWaitSignal = new AutoResetEvent(false); #region SendReceiveDelegate NetworkComms.PacketHandlerCallBackDelegate<returnObjectType> SendReceiveDelegate = (packetHeader, sourceConnection, incomingObject) => { returnObject = incomingObject; returnWaitSignal.Set(); }; //We use the following delegate to quickly force a response timeout if the remote end disconnects NetworkComms.ConnectionEstablishShutdownDelegate SendReceiveShutDownDelegate = (sourceConnection) => { remotePeerDisconnectedDuringWait = true; returnObject = default(returnObjectType); returnWaitSignal.Set(); }; #endregion if (sendOptions == null) sendOptions = ConnectionDefaultSendReceiveOptions; if (receiveOptions == null) receiveOptions = ConnectionDefaultSendReceiveOptions; AppendShutdownHandler(SendReceiveShutDownDelegate); AppendIncomingPacketHandler(expectedReturnPacketTypeStr, SendReceiveDelegate, receiveOptions); using(Packet sendPacket = new Packet(sendingPacketTypeStr, expectedReturnPacketTypeStr, sendObject, sendOptions)) SendPacket(sendPacket, out sentPacketSequenceNumber); //We wait for the return data here if (!returnWaitSignal.WaitOne(returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds)) { RemoveIncomingPacketHandler(expectedReturnPacketTypeStr, SendReceiveDelegate); throw new ExpectedReturnTimeoutException("Timeout occurred after " + returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds.ToString() + "ms waiting for response packet of type '" + expectedReturnPacketTypeStr + "'."); } RemoveIncomingPacketHandler(expectedReturnPacketTypeStr, SendReceiveDelegate); RemoveShutdownHandler(SendReceiveShutDownDelegate); if (remotePeerDisconnectedDuringWait) throw new ExpectedReturnTimeoutException("Remote end closed connection before data was successfully returned."); else return returnObject; } /// <summary> /// Send an empty packet using the connection default <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/> and wait for a returned object again using default <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/>. Usefull to request an object when there is no need to send anything. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="returnObjectType">The type of return object</typeparam> /// <param name="sendingPacketTypeStr">The sending packet type</param> /// <param name="expectedReturnPacketTypeStr">The packet type which will be used for the reply</param> /// <param name="returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds">A timeout in milliseconds after which if not reply is received will throw an ExpectedReturnTimeoutException.</param> /// <returns></returns> public returnObjectType SendReceiveObject<returnObjectType>(string sendingPacketTypeStr, string expectedReturnPacketTypeStr, int returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds) { return SendReceiveObject<returnObjectType>(sendingPacketTypeStr, expectedReturnPacketTypeStr, returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds, null, null, null); } /// <summary> /// Send an empty packet using the connection default <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/> and wait for a returned object again using default <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/>. Usefull to request an object when there is no need to send anything. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="returnObjectType">The type of return object</typeparam> /// <param name="sendingPacketTypeStr">The sending packet type</param> /// <param name="expectedReturnPacketTypeStr">The packet type which will be used for the reply</param> /// <param name="returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds">A timeout in milliseconds after which if not reply is received will throw an ExpectedReturnTimeoutException.</param> /// <param name="sentPacketSequenceNumber">The sequence number of the packet sent</param> /// <returns></returns> public returnObjectType SendReceiveObject<returnObjectType>(string sendingPacketTypeStr, string expectedReturnPacketTypeStr, int returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds, out long sentPacketSequenceNumber) { return SendReceiveObject<returnObjectType>(sendingPacketTypeStr, expectedReturnPacketTypeStr, returnPacketTimeOutMilliSeconds, null, null, null, out sentPacketSequenceNumber); } /// <summary> /// Closes the connection and trigger any associated shutdown delegates. /// </summary> /// <param name="closeDueToError">Closing a connection due an error possibly requires a few extra steps.</param> /// <param name="logLocation">Optional debug parameter.</param> public void CloseConnection(bool closeDueToError, int logLocation = 0) { try { if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) { if (closeDueToError) NetworkComms.Logger.Debug("Closing connection with " + ConnectionInfo + " due to error from [" + logLocation.ToString() + "]."); else NetworkComms.Logger.Debug("Closing connection with " + ConnectionInfo + " from [" + logLocation.ToString() + "]."); } ConnectionInfo.NoteConnectionShutdown(); //Set possible error cases if (closeDueToError) { connectionSetupException = true; connectionSetupExceptionStr = "Connection was closed during setup from [" + logLocation.ToString() + "]."; } //Ensure we are not waiting for a connection to be established if we have died due to error connectionSetupWait.Set(); //Call any connection specific close requirements CloseConnectionSpecific(closeDueToError, logLocation); try { //If we are calling close from the listen thread we are actually in the same thread //We must guarantee the listen thread stops even if that means we need to nuke it //If we did not we may not be able to shutdown properly. if (incomingDataListenThread != null && incomingDataListenThread != Thread.CurrentThread && (incomingDataListenThread.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.WaitSleepJoin || incomingDataListenThread.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Running)) { //If we have made it this far we give the ythread a further 50ms to finish before nuking. if (!incomingDataListenThread.Join(50)) { incomingDataListenThread.Abort(); if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled && ConnectionInfo != null) NetworkComms.Logger.Warn("Incoming data listen thread with " + ConnectionInfo + " aborted."); } } } catch (Exception) { } //Close connection my get called multiple times for a given connection depending on the reason for being closed bool firstClose = NetworkComms.RemoveConnectionReference(this); try { //Almost there //Last thing is to call any connection specific shutdown delegates if (firstClose && ConnectionSpecificShutdownDelegate != null) { if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Debug("Triggered connection specific shutdown delegates with " + ConnectionInfo); ConnectionSpecificShutdownDelegate(this); } } catch (Exception ex) { NetworkComms.LogError(ex, "ConnectionSpecificShutdownDelegateError", "Error while executing connection specific shutdown delegates for " + ConnectionInfo + ". Ensure any shutdown exceptions are caught in your own code."); } try { //Last but not least we call any global connection shutdown delegates if (firstClose && NetworkComms.globalConnectionShutdownDelegates != null) { if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Debug("Triggered global shutdown delegates with " + ConnectionInfo); NetworkComms.globalConnectionShutdownDelegates(this); } } catch (Exception ex) { NetworkComms.LogError(ex, "GlobalConnectionShutdownDelegateError", "Error while executing global connection shutdown delegates for " + ConnectionInfo + ". Ensure any shutdown exceptions are caught in your own code."); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ThreadAbortException) { /*Ignore the threadabort exception if we had to nuke a thread*/ } else NetworkComms.LogError(ex, "NCError_CloseConnection", "Error closing connection with " + ConnectionInfo + ". Close called from " + logLocation.ToString() + (closeDueToError ? " due to error." : ".")); //We try to rethrow where possible but CloseConnection could very likely be called from within networkComms so we just have to be happy with a log here } } /// <summary> /// Every connection will probably have to perform connection specific shutdown tasks. This is called before the global connection close tasks. /// </summary> /// <param name="closeDueToError">Closing a connection due an error possibly requires a few extra steps.</param> /// <param name="logLocation">ptional debug parameter.</param> protected abstract void CloseConnectionSpecific(bool closeDueToError, int logLocation = 0); /// <summary> /// Uses the current connection and returns a bool dependant on the remote end responding to a SendReceiveObject call within the default <see cref="NetworkComms.ConnectionAliveTestTimeoutMS"/> /// </summary> /// <returns>True if the remote end responds within <see cref="NetworkComms.ConnectionAliveTestTimeoutMS"/> otherwise false</returns> public bool ConnectionAlive() { return ConnectionAlive(NetworkComms.ConnectionAliveTestTimeoutMS); } /// <summary> /// Uses the current connection and returns a bool dependant on the remote end responding to a SendReceiveObject call within the provided aliveRespondTimeoutMS /// </summary> /// <param name="aliveRespondTimeoutMS">The time to wait in milliseconds before returning false</param> /// <returns>True if the remote end responds within the provided aliveRespondTimeoutMS</returns> public bool ConnectionAlive(int aliveRespondTimeoutMS) { long responseTime; return ConnectionAlive(aliveRespondTimeoutMS, out responseTime); } /// <summary> /// Uses the current connection and returns a bool dependant on the remote end responding to a SendReceiveObject call within the provided aliveRespondTimeoutMS /// </summary> /// <param name="aliveRespondTimeoutMS">The time to wait in milliseconds before returning false</param> /// <param name="responseTimeMS">The number of milliseconds taken for a succesfull response to be received</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool ConnectionAlive(int aliveRespondTimeoutMS, out long responseTimeMS) { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch timer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); responseTimeMS = long.MaxValue; if (!(ConnectionInfo.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Established)) { if ((DateTime.Now - ConnectionInfo.ConnectionCreationTime).Milliseconds > NetworkComms.ConnectionEstablishTimeoutMS) { CloseConnection(false, -11); return false; } else return true; } else { try { timer.Start(); byte[] returnValue = SendReceiveObject<byte[]>(Enum.GetName(typeof(ReservedPacketType), ReservedPacketType.AliveTestPacket), Enum.GetName(typeof(ReservedPacketType), ReservedPacketType.AliveTestPacket), aliveRespondTimeoutMS, new byte[1] { 0 }, NetworkComms.InternalFixedSendReceiveOptions, NetworkComms.InternalFixedSendReceiveOptions); timer.Stop(); responseTimeMS = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds; if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Trace("ConnectionAliveTest success, response in " + timer.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + "ms."); return returnValue[0] == 1; } catch (Exception) { CloseConnection(true, 46); return false; } } } /// <summary> /// Send the provided packet to the remoteEndPoint. Waits for receive confirmation if required. /// </summary> /// <param name="packet">The packet to send</param> internal void SendPacket(Packet packet) { long packetSequenceNumber; SendPacket(packet, out packetSequenceNumber); } /// <summary> /// Send the provided packet to the remoteEndPoint. Waits for receive confirmation if required. /// </summary> /// <param name="packet">The packet to send</param> /// <param name="packetSequenceNumber">The sequence number of the packet sent</param> internal void SendPacket(Packet packet, out long packetSequenceNumber) { if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) { string packetDataMD5 = ""; if (packet.PacketHeader.ContainsOption(PacketHeaderStringItems.CheckSumHash)) packetDataMD5 = packet.PacketHeader.GetOption(PacketHeaderStringItems.CheckSumHash); NetworkComms.Logger.Trace("Entering packet send of '" + packet.PacketHeader.PacketType + "' packetType to " + ConnectionInfo + (packetDataMD5 == "" ? "" : ". PacketCheckSum="+packetDataMD5)); } //Multiple threads may try to send packets at the same time so wait one at a time here lock (sendLocker) { //We don't allow sends on a closed connection if (ConnectionInfo.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Shutdown) throw new CommunicationException("Attempting to send packet on connection which has been closed or is currently closing."); //Set packet sequence number inside sendLocker //Increment the global counter as well to ensure future connections with the same host can not create duplicates Interlocked.Increment(ref NetworkComms.totalPacketSendCount); packetSequenceNumber = packetSequenceCounter++; packet.PacketHeader.SetOption(PacketHeaderLongItems.PacketSequenceNumber, packetSequenceNumber); string confirmationCheckSum = ""; AutoResetEvent confirmationWaitSignal = new AutoResetEvent(false); bool remotePeerDisconnectedDuringWait = false; #region Delegates //Specify a delegate we may use if we require receive confirmation NetworkComms.PacketHandlerCallBackDelegate<string> confirmationDelegate = (packetHeader, connectionInfo, incomingString) => { //if (connectionInfo.NetworkIdentifier == this.ConnectionInfo.NetworkIdentifier && connectionInfo.RemoteEndPoint == this.ConnectionInfo.RemoteEndPoint) //{ confirmationCheckSum = incomingString; confirmationWaitSignal.Set(); //} }; //We use the following delegate to quickly force a response timeout if the remote end disconnects during a send/wait NetworkComms.ConnectionEstablishShutdownDelegate ConfirmationShutDownDelegate = (connectionInfo) => { //if (connectionInfo.NetworkIdentifier == this.ConnectionInfo.NetworkIdentifier && connectionInfo.RemoteEndPoint == this.ConnectionInfo.RemoteEndPoint) //{ remotePeerDisconnectedDuringWait = true; confirmationWaitSignal.Set(); //} }; #endregion try { #region Prepare For Confirmation and Possible Validation //Add the confirmation handler if required if (packet.PacketHeader.ContainsOption(PacketHeaderStringItems.ReceiveConfirmationRequired)) { AppendIncomingPacketHandler(Enum.GetName(typeof(ReservedPacketType), ReservedPacketType.Confirmation), confirmationDelegate, NetworkComms.InternalFixedSendReceiveOptions); AppendShutdownHandler(ConfirmationShutDownDelegate); } //If this packet is not a checkSumFailResend if (NetworkComms.EnablePacketCheckSumValidation && packet.PacketHeader.PacketType != Enum.GetName(typeof(ReservedPacketType), ReservedPacketType.CheckSumFailResend)) { //We only want to keep packets when they are under some provided theshold //otherwise this becomes a quick 'memory leak' if (packet.PacketData.Length < NetworkComms.CheckSumMismatchSentPacketCacheMaxByteLimit) { lock (sentPacketsLocker) { var hash = packet.PacketHeader.GetOption(PacketHeaderStringItems.CheckSumHash); if (!sentPackets.ContainsKey(hash)) sentPackets.Add(hash, new SentPacket(packet)); } } } #endregion SendPacketSpecific(packet); #region SentPackets Cleanup //If sent packets is greater than 40 we delete anything older than a minute lock (sentPacketsLocker) { if ((DateTime.Now - NetworkComms.LastSentPacketCacheCleanup).TotalMinutes > NetworkComms.MinimumSentPacketCacheTimeMinutes / 2) { Dictionary<string, SentPacket> newSentPackets = new Dictionary<string, SentPacket>(); DateTime thresholdTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-NetworkComms.MinimumSentPacketCacheTimeMinutes); foreach (var storedPacket in sentPackets) { if (storedPacket.Value.SentPacketCreationTime >= thresholdTime) newSentPackets.Add(storedPacket.Key, storedPacket.Value); } sentPackets = newSentPackets; NetworkComms.LastSentPacketCacheCleanup = DateTime.Now; } } #endregion #region Wait For Confirmation If Required //If we required receive confirmation we now wait for that confirmation if (packet.PacketHeader.ContainsOption(PacketHeaderStringItems.ReceiveConfirmationRequired)) { if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Trace(" ... waiting for receive confirmation packet."); if (!(confirmationWaitSignal.WaitOne(NetworkComms.PacketConfirmationTimeoutMS))) throw new ConfirmationTimeoutException("Confirmation packet timeout."); if (remotePeerDisconnectedDuringWait) throw new ConfirmationTimeoutException("Remote end closed connection before confirmation packet was returned."); else { if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Trace(" ... confirmation packet received."); } } #endregion //Update the traffic time as late as possible incase there is a problem ConnectionInfo.UpdateLastTrafficTime(); } catch (ConfirmationTimeoutException) { //Confirmation timeout there is no need to close the connection as this //does not neccessarily mean there is a conneciton problem throw; } catch (CommunicationException) { //We close the connection due to communication exceptions CloseConnection(true, 47); throw; } catch (TimeoutException ex) { //We close the connection due to communication exceptions if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Warn("Timeout exception for connection " + this.ConnectionInfo + (ex.Message != null ? ". " +ex.Message : ".")); CloseConnection(true, 48); throw new ConnectionSendTimeoutException(ex.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { //We close the connection due to communication exceptions CloseConnection(true, 49); throw new CommunicationException(ex.ToString()); } finally { if (packet.PacketHeader.ContainsOption(PacketHeaderStringItems.ReceiveConfirmationRequired)) { //Cleanup our delegates RemoveIncomingPacketHandler(Enum.GetName(typeof(ReservedPacketType), ReservedPacketType.Confirmation), confirmationDelegate); RemoveShutdownHandler(ConfirmationShutDownDelegate); } } } if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled) NetworkComms.Logger.Trace("Completed packet send of '" + packet.PacketHeader.PacketType + "' packetType to " + ConnectionInfo); } /// <summary> /// Connection specific implementation for sending packets on this connection type. Will only be called from within a lock so method does not need to implement further thread safety. /// </summary> /// <param name="packet">The packet to send</param> protected abstract void SendPacketSpecific(Packet packet); /// <summary> /// Connection specific implementation for sending a null packets on this connection type. Will only be called from within a lock so method does not need to implement further thread safety. /// </summary> protected abstract void SendNullPacket(); /// <summary> /// Dispose of the connection. Recommended usage is to call CloseConnection instead. /// </summary> public void Dispose() { CloseConnection(false, -3); try { ((IDisposable)connectionSetupWait).Dispose(); ((IDisposable)connectionEstablishWait).Dispose(); } catch (Exception) { } } } }