Java LRC歌詞解析

7739 ワード

public class LrcAnalyze {

	 * [ar:   ] [ti:  ] [al:   ] [by:  (   LRC    )] [offset:     ]
	 *       ,        ,    。             。
	 * */
	// parse taget artist
	private final String TagAr = "[ar:";

	// perse taget tittle
	private final String TagTi = "[ti:";

	// perse target album
	private final String TagAl = "[al:";

	// perse target author of the lrc
	private final String TagBy = "[by:";

	// perse taget offset
	private final String TagOff = "[offset:";

	// record the file
	private FileInputStream filein;

	// record the file
	private File file;

	// get lrc artist
	public static final int ARTIST_ZONE = 0;

	// get lrc tittle
	public static final int TITTLE_ZONE = 1;

	// get lrc album
	public static final int ALBUM_ZONE = 2;

	// get lrc author
	public static final int AOTHOR_ZONE = 3;

	// get lrc offset
	public static final int OFFSET_ZONE = 4;

	// get lrc
	public static final int LRC_ZONE = 5;

	// lrc data contract
	public class LrcData {
		public int type;
		public String Time; // time of string format
		public long TimeMs; // time of long format ms
		// public char TimeHour; // hour of time
		// public char TimeMinute; // minute of time
		// public char TimeSecond; // second of time
		// public char TimeMilliSecond; // millisecond of time
		public String LrcLine; // one line lrc

	// record analyzed lrc
	private List LrcList;

	 * constract
	 * */
	public LrcAnalyze(File file) {
		try {
			filein = new FileInputStream(file);

			this.file = file;

			LrcList = new ArrayList();

		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block

	 * constract
	 * */
	public LrcAnalyze(String path) {
		try {
			filein = new FileInputStream(path);

			file = new File(path);

			LrcList = new ArrayList();

		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block

	private long LrcAnalyzeTimeStringToValue(String time) {
		// System.out.println(time.substring(0, time.lastIndexOf(":")));
		// System.out.println(time.substring(time.indexOf(":") + 1,
		// time.lastIndexOf(".")));
		// System.out.println(time.substring(time.indexOf(".") + 1));

		long minute = Integer
				.parseInt(time.substring(0, time.lastIndexOf(":")));

		long second = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(time.indexOf(":") + 1,

		long millisecond = Integer
				.parseInt(time.substring(time.indexOf(".") + 1));

		return (long) (minute * 60 * 1000 + second * 1000 + millisecond);

	private void LrcAnalyzeLine(String ContentLine) {

		if (ContentLine.indexOf(TagAr) != -1) {// whether artist or not
			LrcData lrcdata = new LrcData();
			lrcdata.type = ARTIST_ZONE;
			lrcdata.LrcLine = ContentLine.substring(
					ContentLine.indexOf(':') + 1, ContentLine.lastIndexOf(']'));
			// System.out.println(lrcline.LrcLine);
		} else if (ContentLine.indexOf(TagAl) != -1) {// whether album or not
			LrcData lrcdata = new LrcData();
			lrcdata.type = ALBUM_ZONE;
			lrcdata.LrcLine = ContentLine.substring(
					ContentLine.indexOf(':') + 1, ContentLine.lastIndexOf(']'));
			// System.out.println(lrcline.LrcLine);
		} else if (ContentLine.indexOf(TagTi) != -1) {// whether tittle or not
			LrcData lrcdata = new LrcData();
			lrcdata.type = TITTLE_ZONE;
			lrcdata.LrcLine = ContentLine.substring(
					ContentLine.indexOf(':') + 1, ContentLine.lastIndexOf(']'));
			// System.out.println(lrcline.LrcLine);
		} else if (ContentLine.indexOf(TagBy) != -1) {// whether author or not
			LrcData lrcdata = new LrcData();
			lrcdata.type = AOTHOR_ZONE;
			lrcdata.LrcLine = ContentLine.substring(
					ContentLine.indexOf(':') + 1, ContentLine.lastIndexOf(']'));
			// System.out.println(lrcline.LrcLine);
		} else if (ContentLine.indexOf(TagOff) != -1) {// whether offset or not
			LrcData lrcdata = new LrcData();
			lrcdata.type = OFFSET_ZONE;
			lrcdata.LrcLine = ContentLine.substring(
					ContentLine.indexOf(':') + 1, ContentLine.lastIndexOf(']'));
			// System.out.println(lrcline.LrcLine);
		} else {// lrc content
			String[] cut = ContentLine.split("]");
			if (cut.length >= 2) {
				for (int i = 0; i < cut.length - 1; i++) {
					LrcData lrcdata = new LrcData();
					lrcdata.type = LRC_ZONE;
					lrcdata.Time = cut[i]
							.substring(ContentLine.indexOf('[') + 1);
					lrcdata.TimeMs = LrcAnalyzeTimeStringToValue(lrcdata.Time);
					lrcdata.LrcLine = cut[cut.length - 1];
					// System.out.println("------" + i + "-----"
					// + ">>>>>>>" + lrcdata.Time
					// + ">>>>>>>" + lrcdata.LrcLine
					// + ">>>>>>>" + lrcdata.TimeMs);

	private void LrcAnalyzeStart() {
		try {
			// new memory for file content
			byte[] ContentForByte = new byte[(int) file.length()];

			// read file content;

			// cover byte to string
			String ContentForString = new String(ContentForByte);

			String[] ContentLine = ContentForString.split("
"); for (int i = 0; i < ContentLine.length; i++) { // System.out.println(ContentLine[i]); LrcAnalyzeLine(ContentLine[i]); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public List LrcGetList() { return LrcList; } }

mp 3のプレーヤーをする時1つのLRCの歌詞の解析のツールを書いて、みんなと分かち合って、足りないところがあって、みんなが指摘することを望んで、テストの歌詞
modify at 2014-12-1
private void LrcAnalyzeStart() {
		try {
			BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(filein, "UTF-8"));
			String ContentLine;
			while((ContentLine = br.readLine()) != null){
				// System.out.println(ContentLine[i]);
		} catch (IOException e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block