cococos 2 dx lua開発デバッグロゴ方式

4489 ワード

local platform = cc.Application:getInstance():getTargetPlatform()

local plats = {
    WINDOWS      = 0,
    LINUX        = 1,
    MAC          = 2,
    ANDROID      = 3,
    IPHONE       = 4,
    IPAD         = 5,
    BLACKBERRY   = 6,
    NACL         = 7,
    EMSCRIPTEN   = 8,
    TIZEN        = 9,
    WINRT        = 10,
    WP8          = 11,

local count = 0

local LEVEL =
    ["DEBUG"] = 1, 
    ["INFO" ] = 2, 
    ["WARN" ] = 3, 
    ["ERROR"] = 4, 

local IS_OPEN = {
    [LEVEL.DEBUG] = platform == plats.WINDOWS,
    [LEVEL.INFO]  = platform == plats.WINDOWS,
    [LEVEL.WARN]  = platform == plats.WINDOWS,
    [LEVEL.ERROR] = platform == plats.WINDOWS,

local function Filter(t, name, indent) 
    local tableList = {}   
    local function table_r (t, name, indent, full)   
        local id = not full and name or type(name)~="number" and tostring(name) or '['']'   
        local tag = indent .. id .. ' = '   
        local out = {}
        if type(t) == "table" then   
            if tableList[t] ~= nil then   
                table.insert(out, tag .. '{} -- ' .. tableList[t] .. ' (self reference)')   
                tableList[t]= full and (full .. '.' .. id) or id  
                if next(t) then
                    table.insert(out, tag .. '{')   
                    for key,value in pairs(t) do   
                        table.insert(out,table_r(value,key,indent .. '   ',tableList[t]))   
                    table.insert(out,indent .. '}')   
                else table.insert(out,tag .. '{}') end   
            local val = type(t)~="number" and type(t)~="boolean" and '"'..tostring(t)..'"' or tostring(t)   
            table.insert(out, tag .. val)   
        return table.concat(out, '
') end return table_r(t,name or 'Value',indent or '') end local function Dump(obj) local getIndent, quoteStr, wrapKey, wrapVal, dumpObj getIndent = function(level) return string.rep("\t", level) end quoteStr = function(str) return '"' .. string.gsub(str, '"', '\\"') .. '"' end wrapKey = function(val) if type(val) == "number" then return "[" .. val .. "]" elseif type(val) == "string" then return "[" .. quoteStr(val) .. "]" else return "[" .. tostring(val) .. "]" end end wrapVal = function(val, level) if type(val) == "table" then return dumpObj(val, level) elseif type(val) == "number" then return val elseif type(val) == "string" then return quoteStr(val) else return tostring(val) end end dumpObj = function(obj, level) if type(obj) ~= "table" then return wrapVal(obj) end level = level + 1 local tokens = {} tokens[#tokens + 1] = "{" for k, v in pairs(obj) do tokens[#tokens + 1] = getIndent(level) .. wrapKey(k) .. " = " .. wrapVal(v, level) .. "," end tokens[#tokens + 1] = getIndent(level - 1) .. "}" return table.concat(tokens, "
") end return dumpObj(obj, 0) end local function Write(t, level, name, indent) if not IS_OPEN[LEVEL[level]] then return end local info = Filter(t, name, indent) local file = assert("a.log", "a+")) file:write(info.."
") file:close() end local function Log(name, level, t) count = count + 1 local time ="*t", os.time()) local date = string.format("%d:%d:%d", time.hour, time.min, time.sec) Write(t, level, string.format("[%s %s %s]#", level, date, count)) end local function CreateLog(name, level) _G["log" .. name] = function(t) Log(name, level, t) end end CreateLog("d", "DEBUG") CreateLog("i", "INFO") CreateLog("w", "WARN") CreateLog("e", "ERROR")