Documentum/DQL: alter type to add/drop an attribute's value assistance etc.

1048 ワード

ALTER TYPE hrd_document MODIFY (hrd_team_name (VALUE ASSISTANCE IS LIST ( 'global', 'cnb_emea', 'con_mgt', 'comm_kit', 'policies', 'hr_empl_rels' )IS COMPLETE )); ALTER TYPE hrd_document MODIFY (hrd_team_name (MAPPING TABLE ( VALUE='global' DISPLAY='Global', VALUE='cnb_emea' DISPLAY='C&B/EMEA', VALUE='con_mgt' DISPLAY='Content Management', VALUE='comm_kit' DISPLAY='Gbl HR Communications', VALUE='policies' DISPLAY='Gbl Policies', VALUE='hr_empl_rels' DISPLAY='hrExchange : Employee Relations' )));
Values in mapping table should be value from value assistance.
When you dropped the value assistance for the attribute you should also have dropped the value mapping table ALTER TYPE your_type MODIFY (your_attribute (DROP MAPPING TABLE)) PUBLISH ALTER TYPE your_type MODIFY (your_attribute (DROP VALUE ASSISTANCE)) PUBLISH