
3990 ワード

Position Find( List L, ElementType X );
List Insert( List L, ElementType X, Position P );
List Delete( List L, Position P );

typedef struct LNode *PtrToLNode;
struct LNode {
    ElementType Data;
    PtrToLNode Next;
typedef PtrToLNode Position;
typedef PtrToLNode List;

各アクション関数は次のように定義されます.Position Find( List L, ElementType X ):線形テーブルで初めてXが現れる位置を返します.見つからない場合はERRORに戻ります.List Insert( List L, ElementType X, Position P ):Xを位置Pが指すノードの前に挿入し、チェーンテーブルのヘッダに戻る.パラメータPが不正な位置を指す場合、「Wrong Position for Insertion」を印刷し、ERRORに戻る.List Delete( List L, Position P ):位置Pの要素を削除し、チェーンテーブルのヘッダに戻る.パラメータPが不正な位置を指す場合、「Wrong Position for Deletion」を印刷してERRORに戻る.

#define ERROR NULL
typedef int ElementType;
typedef struct LNode *PtrToLNode;
struct LNode {
    ElementType Data;
    PtrToLNode Next;
typedef PtrToLNode Position;
typedef PtrToLNode List;

Position Find( List L, ElementType X );
List Insert( List L, ElementType X, Position P );
List Delete( List L, Position P );

int main()
    List L;
    ElementType X;
    Position P, tmp;
    int N;

    L = NULL;
    scanf("%d", &N);
    while ( N-- ) {
        scanf("%d", &X);
        L = Insert(L, X, L);
        if ( L==ERROR ) printf("Wrong Answer
"); } scanf("%d", &N); while ( N-- ) { scanf("%d", &X); P = Find(L, X); if ( P == ERROR ) printf("Finding Error: %d is not in.
", X); else { L = Delete(L, P); printf("%d is found and deleted.
", X); if ( L==ERROR ) printf("Wrong Answer or Empty List.
"); } } L = Insert(L, X, NULL); if ( L==ERROR ) printf("Wrong Answer
"); else printf("%d is inserted as the last element.
", X); P = (Position)malloc(sizeof(struct LNode)); tmp = Insert(L, X, P); if ( tmp!=ERROR ) printf("Wrong Answer
"); tmp = Delete(L, P); if ( tmp!=ERROR ) printf("Wrong Answer
"); for ( P=L; P; P = P->Next ) printf("%d ", P->Data); return 0; } /* */

12 2 4 87 10 2
2 12 87 5

2 is found and deleted.
12 is found and deleted.
87 is found and deleted.
Finding Error: 5 is not in.
5 is inserted as the last element.
Wrong Position for Insertion
Wrong Position for Deletion
10 4 2 5

Position Find( List L, ElementType X )
	List p=L;
			return p;
	return ERROR;

List Insert(List L,ElementType X,Position P)//           
	List p=L;
	if(L==P)// L==P (  L==P==NULL)                
		List s=(struct LNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct LNode));
		return L;
		printf("Wrong Position for Insertion
"); return ERROR; } while(L->Next!=NULL&&L->Next!=P) L=L->Next; if(L->Next==NULL&&P!=NULL) { printf("Wrong Position for Insertion
"); return ERROR; } List s=(struct LNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct LNode)); s->Data=X; L->Next=s; s->Next=P; return p; } List Delete( List L, Position P ) { List p=L; if(P==NULL||L==NULL) { printf("Wrong Position for Deletion
"); return ERROR; } if(L==P) { List l=L; l=l->Next; free(L); return l; } while(L->Next!=NULL&&L->Next!=P) { L=L->Next; } if(L->Next==NULL&&P!=NULL) { printf("Wrong Position for Deletion
"); return ERROR; } L->Next=P->Next; free(P); return p; }