
 *      Copyright:  (C) 2018 Yujie
 *                  All rights reserved.
 *       Filename:  linker_stack.c
 *    Description:  This file 
 *        Version:  1.0.0(08/26/2018)
 *         Author:  yanhuan 
 *      ChangeLog:  1, Release initial version on "08/26/2018 11:18:00 PM"


typedef  struct  node
    int          data;
    struct node *next;

typedef  struct  stack    //    ,    
    struct node *top;
    struct node *bot;

stack_p  create_linker_stack(stack_p  sta)        //        
    int      length,n = 1;
    NODE_p   Np_now = NULL;
    sta->bot = NULL;
    sta->top = NULL;

    printf("Please input the init length of stack you want to creat : 
"); scanf("%d",&length); while(n <= length) { NODE_p s = (NODE_p)malloc(sizeof(NODE_t)); printf("Please input the No.%d num : ",n); scanf("%d",&s->data); s->next = NULL; if(1 == n) { Np_now = s; sta->bot = Np_now; sta->top = Np_now; } else { Np_now->next = s; Np_now = s; sta->top = Np_now; } n++; } return sta; } stack_p insert_stack(stack_p sta,int data) // { NODE_p s = (NODE_p)malloc(sizeof(NODE_t)); s->data = data; s->next = NULL; if(NULL == sta->top) { sta->top = s; sta->bot = s; } else { sta->top->next = s; sta->top = s; } printf("Insert data:%d successful
",s->data); return sta; } stack_p delete_stack(stack_p sta) // { NODE_p Np_now = NULL; if(sta->top == NULL) { printf("The stack has no element
"); return sta; } Np_now = sta->bot; if(Np_now == sta->top) { sta->top = NULL; sta->bot = NULL; free(Np_now); Np_now->next = NULL; return sta; } while(Np_now->next != sta->top) { Np_now = Np_now->next; } printf("Delete data:%d successful
",sta->top->data); free(sta->top); sta->top = Np_now; sta->top->next = NULL; return sta; } stack_p destory_stack(stack_p sta) { NODE_p Np_now = sta->bot; while(Np_now != NULL) { sta->bot = sta->bot->next; free(Np_now); Np_now->next = NULL; Np_now = sta->bot; } sta->bot = NULL; sta->top = NULL; printf("Destory finished
"); return sta; } void travel(stack_p sta) { int n = 1; NODE_p Np_now = sta->bot; if(sta->top == NULL) { printf("The stack has no element
"); return ; } while(Np_now != NULL) { printf("The NO.%d data of stack is %d
",n,Np_now->data); Np_now = Np_now->next; n++; } printf("Travel finished

"); } void print_desc_main() { printf("Please input the selection number you want:
"); printf("1 create stack
"); printf("2 insert stack node
"); printf("3 delete stack node
"); printf("4 travel stack
"); printf("5 destory stack
"); printf("6 exit
"); } void print_desc_insert() { printf("what do you want to insert:
"); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { int i=0,data; stack_t stack_n; stack_p sta = (stack_p)&stack_n; sta->top = NULL; sta->bot = NULL; // sta = create_linker_stack(sta); while(1) { print_desc_main(); scanf("%d",&i); if(isdigit(i) == 0) continue; switch(i) { case 1: if(sta->bot == NULL) { sta = create_linker_stack(sta); } else printf("The stack is exist
"); break; case 2: print_desc_insert(); scanf("%d",&data); sta = insert_stack(sta,data); break; case 3: sta = delete_stack(sta); break; case 4: travel(sta); break; case 5: sta = destory_stack(sta); break; case 6: sta = destory_stack(sta); printf("Quit
"); return 0; break; default: printf("Incorrect input
"); print_desc_main(); break; } } return 0; }
