eZ Publish の pagelayout で利用できる変数

変数 タイプ 説明
$access_type 配列 The name of the siteaccess (as "name") and the ID number (as "type") of the access method that was used (1=URL, 2=Host, 3=Port).
$anonymous_user_id 整数 The ID number of the content object that represents the anonymous user account (the default/standard value is 10).
$current_user オブジェクト 現在ログインしているユーザーの ezuser オブジェクト。
ユーザーがログインしていない場合は anonymous ユーザーアカウントが使用される。
$ezinfo 配列 An array of three strings: "version", "version_alias" and "revision". These strings reveal basic information about the eZ publish release that is being used.
$module_result 配列 Contains information about the result (and the result itself) generated by the module/view that was executed.
$navigation_part 配列 A hash containing the name and the identifier (the keys are "name" and "identifier") of the current navigation part; for example: "Content structure" and "ezcontentnavigationpart". The navigation part is used by the administration interface to determine which part the user interacts with.
$requested_uri_string 文字列 Contains the site specific part of the requested URL, for example: "content/view/full/44" (system URL) or "company/about" (virtual URL).
$site 配列 Contains miscellaneous information about the siteaccess that is being used (site name, design resource, meta tags, etc.)
$ui_component 文字列 The user interface component which eZ publish uses while the current page is being shown. This variable is used by the administration interface.
$ui_context 文字列 The user interface context in which eZ publish is in while the current page is being shown. This variable is used by the administration interface to distinguish between different modes (for example "navigation", "edit", "browse", etc.).
$uri_string 文字列 The system version of the requested URL (for example "/content/view/full/13").
$warning_list 配列 An array of warnings related to problems that were discovered when the page was rendered.


{def $current_user=fetch( 'user', 'current_user' )}

pagelayout 以外から $current_user を参照したい場合は fetch ファンクションで取得する。