Nutanix Community Edition - Version ce-2016.03.03-stable リリース
Nutanix Community Editionの最新版『Version ce-2016.03.03-stable』がリリースされました!
今回のリリースは、商用版における Acropolis Base Software 4.6 がベースとなっています。
ダウンロードする方は、下記リンク先から右側の[Download Software]をクリックしてください。(要ログイン)
Acropolis File Services
Provides file server capability within a Nutanix AHV cluster, as one or more network-attached VMs, to form a virtual file server.
Acropolis App Mobility Fabric - Windows or Linux Guest Customization
Customize or clone Windows or Linux guest VMs hosted by AHV. Includes automated OS installation and custom ISOs by using sysprep (Windows) or cloudinit (Linux).
Acropolis Drivers for OpenStack
These drivers facilitate consuming the Nutanix Acropolis infrastructure as a cloud service or for use in a data center. For example, an OpenStack implementation might require using features such as single sign-on, orchestration, role based access control, and so on. Drivers include Acropolis compute, image, volume, and network drivers.
Volume Group Support Improved
REST API and intuitive Prism web console support has been added, as well as including Acropolis command line support.
Guest VM VLAN Trunking
AHV supports guest VM VLAN tagging, where the tag passes through a single port from the physical network to a VM. It allows the VLAN ID tags to be included in an Ethernet packet to be passed to the guest VM. Guest VM operating systems can use this feature to enable Virtual Guest Tagging (VGT) and simulate multiple virtual NICs.
Nutanix Guest Tools
Nutanix Guest Agent (NGA) service. Communicates with the Nutanix Controller VM.
File Level Restore (FLR) CLI. Performs self-service file-level recovery from the VM snapshots.
VSS requestor and hardware provider for Windows VMs. Enables application-consistent snapshots of Windows VMs.
Application-consistent snapshot for Linux VMs. Supports application-consistent snapshots for Linux VMs by running specific scripts on VM quiesce.
Self-Service Restore
Self-service restore allows a user to restore a file within a virtual machine from the Nutanix protected snapshot with minimal Nutanix administrator intervention. To perform these operations, you need to install and configure NGT on the VMs.
AHV Security Updates
New users or anyone performing a fresh install will already have an updated glibc and openssl packages. Existing users should "yum update" on the host and update at least these two packages, preferably everything that yum will offer updates for.
Provides file server capability within a Nutanix AHV cluster, as one or more network-attached VMs, to form a virtual file server.
Customize or clone Windows or Linux guest VMs hosted by AHV. Includes automated OS installation and custom ISOs by using sysprep (Windows) or cloudinit (Linux).
These drivers facilitate consuming the Nutanix Acropolis infrastructure as a cloud service or for use in a data center. For example, an OpenStack implementation might require using features such as single sign-on, orchestration, role based access control, and so on. Drivers include Acropolis compute, image, volume, and network drivers.
REST API and intuitive Prism web console support has been added, as well as including Acropolis command line support.
AHV supports guest VM VLAN tagging, where the tag passes through a single port from the physical network to a VM. It allows the VLAN ID tags to be included in an Ethernet packet to be passed to the guest VM. Guest VM operating systems can use this feature to enable Virtual Guest Tagging (VGT) and simulate multiple virtual NICs.
Nutanix Guest Agent (NGA) service. Communicates with the Nutanix Controller VM. File Level Restore (FLR) CLI. Performs self-service file-level recovery from the VM snapshots. VSS requestor and hardware provider for Windows VMs. Enables application-consistent snapshots of Windows VMs. Application-consistent snapshot for Linux VMs. Supports application-consistent snapshots for Linux VMs by running specific scripts on VM quiesce.
Self-service restore allows a user to restore a file within a virtual machine from the Nutanix protected snapshot with minimal Nutanix administrator intervention. To perform these operations, you need to install and configure NGT on the VMs.
New users or anyone performing a fresh install will already have an updated glibc and openssl packages. Existing users should "yum update" on the host and update at least these two packages, preferably everything that yum will offer updates for.
Prism Central does not currently operate with Community Edition. When the next CE release occurs, Prism Central will allow registration of CE clusters and support the full functionality.
Author And Source
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