Different Development Approaches for Digital Retail to Capture Mobile Users!

As traffic and business revenues via mobile devices grow, many business retailers have to exploit prowess mobile technology while making strategic plans. As is the evidence from all US retail sales by the end of 2018, a considerable amount of profit came via mobile devices.

Many of us have already jumped into the wave of M-commerce. Still, several are confused about choosing a perfect approach to capture the mobile audience. If we consider the retail industry, it ranks 4th amongst the different business verticals in terms of growth.

It calls for a great need of a shift in traditional eCommerce ways. Because there is a profound change in consumers’ behaviors. This change is specifically regarding technology usage as a part of online shopping.

Initially, physical storefronts were transformed into online websites. Nowadays, online websites are transforming via mobile technology so as to enhance the in-store customer experience. We can’t provide a better user experience if we stick to desktop versions only. We need to deliver end users with mobile-friendly retail for growth.

Here, I shall discuss three major approaches that will help you to cater to mobile users effectively. Let’s get started below:-

1. Web-Based Approach

This approach is quite similar to desktop website development. Developers build the website utilizing CSS files, JavaScript, HTML only. The only difference here, users access this version on mobile devices through mobile browsers.

Most of the mobile apps hold dependency on a web server and an internet connection to allow mobile users to fetch content and view on their mobile devices.

Two methods to target a web-based approach on mobile devices: Responsive Web Design and Mobile Web Apps

- Responsive Web Design

Developers work on the adaptability of the existing desktop version of a website to fit in mobile screens. It can be a complex approach. Many websites are heavy and contain complex widgets that are hard to modify for smaller screens.

- Mobile Web Apps

Specific web-based experience is made by developers for mobile users while detecting the device they are using. Once the mobile device detected, users get the mobile version redirection of a website.

In this approach, developers need to create and manage two different versions of a single website (one for mobile and other for desktop).

Pros: No software installs, Maximum reach, Easily shareable code with desktop versions of the website.

Cons: Limited access to device hardware and APIs, No app store install, Lack of rich and animated interfaces as compared to Native.

2. Native Approach

A native approach utilizes platform-specific SDKs (Software Development Kits) and other development tools & languages, provided by the platform vendors.

There are two major mobile platforms available. Android and iOS. Let’s say, if you wish to build a mobile app for iOS users, the iOS app development agency or expert will build the application using Objective C in XCode.

Similarly, for Android, that means apps are built on Google’s Android SDKs using Java. Every mobile platform has its own SDKs and programming language.

Mobile app development is, of course, the best way to capture the mobile audience. With a Native approach to mobile comes with maximum advantages as you can easily access device features like Camera, Maps, and others while personalizing user-experiences.

Pros: complete access to the hardware of device and APIs, Platform-specific development, offer maximum control, app store installs.

Cons: Include multiple implementations for different platforms, requires a thorough knowledge of programming languages.

3. Hybrid Approach

As the name depicts, Hybrid app is a combination of benefits of both Native and web applications. It holds a reach to the web along with the richness of native mobile applications.

No doubt, Hybrid applications are built using web technologies (CSS, HTML, JavaScript). However, they overcome the limitation of web apps by using mobile platform-specific SDKs to deploy the code.

Developers do it in the form of native wrappers that allow hybrid apps to get installed on mobile devices, app store deployment, and native APIs access of device via JavaScript.

Such a self-contained application doesn’t require a server to launch or run itself on devices.

Pros: Can install from Play store, Reusable code, Allows extensive access to hardware & APIs

Cons: Restricted performance, Needs installation, Need to keep a check on app security


All the above-mentioned approaches to mobile world are capable enough to reach a wider audience. However, all distinguish on different features and offerings.

In my opinion, choosing a native app development is the best choice to make. It allows you to offer the most engaging and richest user experience as compared to others. Still, you need to choose an approach that caters your needs in a desirable manner.