python:power(a,b)、list.Slice、list.reverse、try-except、object-oriented programming (OOP)

17297 ワード

>>> 2**10 1024 equal to math.power(2, 10)
Slicing syntax: L[start:stop:stride]
All slicing parameters are optional:
>>> >>> L ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'white'] >>> L[3:] ['black', 'white'] >>> L[:3] ['red', 'blue', 'green'] >>> L[::2] ['red', 'green', 'white']
>>> >>> r = L[::-1] >>> r ['white', 'black', 'green', 'blue', 'red'] >>> r2 = list(L) >>> r2 ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'white'] >>> r2.reverse() # in-place >>> r2 ['white', 'black', 'green', 'blue', 'red']

def print_sorted(collection):

       ....:     try:

       ....:         collection.sort()

       ....:     except AttributeError:

       ....:         pass

       ....:     print(collection)  def filter_name(name):

       ....:    try:

       ....:        name = name.encode('ascii')

       ....:    except UnicodeError, e:

       ....:        if name == 'Gaël':

       ....:            print('OK, Gaël')

       ....:        else:

       ....:            raise e

       ....:    return name   

>>> class Student(object):

      ...     def __init__(self, name):

      ... = name

      ...     def set_age(self, age):

      ...         self.age = age

      ...     def set_major(self, major):

      ...         self.major = major


      >>> anna = Student('anna')


In the previous example, the Student class has __init__set_age and set_majormethods. Its attributes are nameage and major. We can call these methods and attributes with the following notation: classinstance.method or classinstance.attribute. The __init__ constructor is a special method we call with: MyClass(init parameters ifany).

Now, suppose we want to create a new class MasterStudent with the same methods and attributes as the previous one, but with an additional internship attribute. We won’t copy the previous class, but inherit from it:

>>> class MasterStudent(Student):

      ...     internship = 'mandatory, from March to June'


      >>> james = MasterStudent('james')

      >>> james.internship

      'mandatory, from March to June'

      >>> james.set_age(23)

      >>> james.age



The MasterStudent class inherited from the Student attributes and methods.

Thanks to classes and object-oriented programming, we can organize code with different classes corresponding to different objects we encounter (an Experiment class, an Image class, a Flow class, etc.), with their own methods and attributes. Then we can use inheritance to consider variations around a base class and re-use code. Ex : from a Flow base class, we can create derived StokesFlow, TurbulentFlow, PotentialFlow, etc.