CodeForces 3D. Least Cost Bracket Sequence

D. Least Cost Bracket Sequence
time limit per test
1 second
memory limit per test
64 megabytes
standard input
standard output
This is yet another problem on regular bracket sequences.
A bracket sequence is called regular, if by inserting "+"and "1"into it we get a correct mathematical expression. For example, sequences "(())()", "()"and "(()(()))"are regular, while ")(", "(()"and "(()))("are not. You have a pattern of a bracket sequence that consists of characters "(", ")"and "?". You have to replace each character "?"with a bracket so, that you get a regular bracket sequence.
For each character "?"the cost of its replacement with "("and ")"is given. Among all the possible variants your should choose the cheapest.
The first line contains a non-empty pattern of even length, consisting of characters "(", ")"and "?". Its length doesn't exceed 5·104. Then there follow m lines, where m is the number of characters "?"in the pattern. Each line contains two integer numbers ai and bi (1 ≤ ai,  bi ≤ 106), where ai is the cost of replacing the i-th character "?"with an opening bracket, and bi — with a closing one.
Print the cost of the optimal regular bracket sequence in the first line, and the required sequence in the second.
Print -1, if there is no answer. If the answer is not unique, print any of them.
Sample test(s) input (??) 1 2 2 8 output 4 ()()
using namespace std;
char data[50004];
int a[50004],b[50004],num[50004],len,cur;
long long sum;
int main(){
        int SumUnsure=0;

        for(int i=0;i<len;i++){
            if(data[i]=='(') { sum++;data[i]=1; }
            else if(data[i]==')') { sum--; data[i]=-1;}
            else if(data[i]=='?') {
                if(a[i]<=b[i]) {data[i]=1;SumUnsure++;}//<span style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 19.6000003814697px;">              。</span>
                else if(b[i]<a[i]) {data[i]=-1;SumUnsure--;}
        if(len%2==1) {printf("-1
");continue;} int type=0,numbers=0; if(SumUnsure+sum!=0){ if(SumUnsure+sum<0) {type=-1;numbers=-(SumUnsure+sum)/2;} else {type=1;numbers=(SumUnsure+sum)/2;} } sum=0; if(type==-1||type==0){ for(int I=0;I<len;I++){// , sum+=data[I]; if(sum<0) { int AminR_L=1000000,AminR_L_num; for(int j=0,i=num[0];i<=I&&j<cur;i=num[++j]){ // if(data[i]==-1&&AminR_L>a[i]-b[i]) { AminR_L = a[i]-b[i]; AminR_L_num = i; } } if(AminR_L==1000000) { printf("-1
");goto endw; } int AminL_R=1000000,AminL_R_num; if(numbers==0){ for(int j=cur-1,i=num[cur-1];i>I;i=num[--j]) { // if(data[i]==1&&AminL_R>b[i]-a[i]) { AminL_R = b[i]-a[i]; AminL_R_num = i; } if(j<=0) break; } if(AminL_R==1000000) { printf("-1
");goto endw; } } else numbers--; if(AminL_R==1000000) {//numbers!=0 data[AminR_L_num] = -data[AminR_L_num]; } else { data[AminR_L_num] = -data[AminR_L_num]; data[AminL_R_num] = -data[AminL_R_num]; } sum+=2; } } } else if(type==1){ for(int I=len-1;I>=0;I--){// , sum+=data[I]; if(sum>0) { int Amin1=1000000,Amin1_num; for(int j=cur-1,i=num[cur-1];i>=I;i=num[--j]) { // if(data[i]==1&&Amin1>b[i]-a[i]) { Amin1 = b[i]-a[i]; Amin1_num = i; } if(j<=0) break; } if(Amin1==1000000) { printf("-1
");goto endw; } int Amin2=1000000,Amin2_num; if(numbers==0){ for(int j=0,i=num[0];i<I;i=num[++j]){ // if(data[i]==-1&&Amin2>a[i]-b[i]) { Amin2 = a[i]-b[i]; Amin2_num = i; } if(j>=cur-1) break; } if(Amin2==1000000) { printf("-1
");goto endw; } } else numbers--; if(Amin2==1000000) {//numbers!=0 data[Amin1_num] = -data[Amin1_num]; } else { data[Amin1_num] = -data[Amin1_num]; data[Amin2_num] = -data[Amin2_num]; } sum-=2; } } } long long res=0; for(int i=0;i<cur;i++){ int ID=num[i]; if(data[ID]==1) res+=a[ID]; else if(data[ID]==-1) res+=b[ID]; } printf("%I64d
",res); for(int i=0;i<len;i++){ if(data[i]==1) putchar('('); else if(data[i]==-1) putchar(')'); } puts(""); } }