
2747 ワード

この文章の目的:アルゴリズムhow it worksを口述できる
Time Complexity(Worst)
Time Complexity(Average)
Space complexity
Insertion sort
O( n)
Merge sort
O( nlog(n))
O(n log(n))
O(n log(n))
O(n log(n))
Counting sort
O(n log(n))
Conclustion: heapsort and mergesort are asymtotically optimal comparison sort
Insertion Sort
for index 1 to n as i ,choose the [i]th number as key.     Compare key with the numbers before it//In this step above, the best case time is n,the worst case is n2.     If numbers > key,        shift it back one     until the find the number is small than key,     put the numbers behind it.     (which actually in coding is the last number's index who is > key )
Attention:For insertion sort, the array before the Key is always sorted.
Merge Sort
Merge Algorithm: Given array A ,start ,mid ,end. Divide it to two arrays. For start to end,     compare two array,     put the smaller one on the position of A   Merge Sort Algorithm: Use recursion to divided array into small pieces Then merge them
Use array's index to build a binary tree Parent(i) : return [i/2] Left(i):return 2i Right(i):return 2i+1     MAX-HEAP algorithm: only consider three nodes(parent left right) construct, put the biggest one on parent
if the biggest one if not parent itself   recursion the biggest one's index/*** The step above is necessary because in BUILD-MAX-HEAP process, the parents(which is already sorted as biggest)might change. Because we are doing max-heapify from down to top. */    BUILD-MAX-HEAP algorithm: for [A.length/2] to 1 as i,   MAX-HEAPIFY(A,i);     HEAPSORT algorithm: BUILD-MAX-HEAP continuously swap the heap with last one and MAX-HEAPIFY remain array.
Implementation: Priority queues
PARITION algorithm: choose end as axis , for j from start to end-1    if A[i] < axis,    put it from the begin     (starts from i,every swap,i++) End for loop, swap axis with A[i+1]//which means before the axis there totall has i numbers < axis
return i+1,which is the new PARITION line
QUICKSORT algorithm: first partition whole arrays, get the PARITION line, use recursion to continue PARITION while(p
Counting Sort
Use a new array C, C[i] contains the number of elements equal to i in array A Then C[i] contains the number of elements less than or equal to i Use a new array B as output, B[C[A[j]]] = A[j], C[A[j]] --
Bucket Sort