
%* mex interface to Andy Liaw et al.'s C code (used in R package randomForest)
%* Added by Abhishek Jaiantilal ( [email protected] )
%* License: GPLv2
%* Version: 0.02
% Calls Classification Random Forest
% A wrapper matlab file that calls the mex file
% This does training given the data and labels 
% Documentation copied from R-packages pdf 
% Tutorial on getting this working in tutorial_ClassRF.m
% function model = classRF_train(X,Y,ntree,mtry, extra_options)
% requires 2 arguments and the rest 3 are optional
% X: data matrix
% Y: target values 
% ntree (optional): number of trees (default is 500). also if set to 0
%           will default to 500
% mtry (default is floor(sqrt(size(X,2))) D=number of features in X). also if set to 0
%           will default to 500
% Note: TRUE = 1 and FALSE = 0 below
% extra_options represent a structure containing various misc. options to
%      control the RF
%  extra_options.replace = 0 or 1 (default is 1) sampling with or without
%                           replacement
%  extra_options.classwt = priors of classes. Here the function first gets
%                       the labels in ascending order and assumes the
%                       priors are given in the same order. So if the class
%                       labels are [-1 1 2] and classwt is [0.1 2 3] then
%                       there is a 1-1 correspondence. (ascending order of
%                       class labels). Once this is set the freq of labels in
%                       train data also affects.
%  extra_options.cutoff (Classification only) = A vector of length equal to number of classes. The ?winning?
%                       class for an observation is the one with the maximum ratio of proportion
%                       of votes to cutoff. Default is 1/k where k is the number of classes (i.e., majority
%                       vote wins). 
%  extra_options.strata = (not yet stable in code) variable that is used for stratified
%                       sampling. I don't yet know how this works. Disabled
%                       by default
%  extra_options.sampsize =  Size(s) of sample to draw. For classification, 
%                   if sampsize is a vector of the length the number of strata, then sampling is stratified by strata, 
%                   and the elements of sampsize indicate the numbers to be
%                   drawn from the strata. 
%  extra_options.nodesize = Minimum size of terminal nodes. Setting this number larger causes smaller trees
%                   to be grown (and thus take less time). Note that the default values are different
%                   for classification (1) and regression (5).
%  extra_options.importance =  Should importance of predictors be assessed?
%  extra_options.localImp = Should casewise importance measure be computed? (Setting this to TRUE will
%                   override importance.)
%  extra_options.proximity = Should proximity measure among the rows be calculated?
%  extra_options.oob_prox = Should proximity be calculated only on 'out-of-bag' data?
%  extra_options.do_trace = If set to TRUE, give a more verbose output as randomForest is run. If set to
%                   some integer, then running output is printed for every
%                   do_trace trees.
%  extra_options.keep_inbag Should an n by ntree matrix be returned that keeps track of which samples are
%                   'in-bag' in which trees (but not how many times, if sampling with replacement)
% Options eliminated
% corr_bias which happens only for regression ommitted
% norm_votes - always set to return total votes for each class.
%___Returns model which has
% importance =  a matrix with nclass + 2 (for classification) or two (for regression) columns.
%       For classification, the first nclass columns are the class-specific measures
%       computed as mean decrease in accuracy. The nclass + 1st column is the
%       mean decrease in accuracy over all classes. The last column is the mean decrease
%       in Gini index. For Regression, the first column is the mean decrease in
%       accuracy and the second the mean decrease in MSE. If importance=FALSE,
%       the last measure is still returned as a vector.
% importanceSD = The ?standard errors? of the permutation-based importance measure. For classification,
%       a p by nclass + 1 matrix corresponding to the first nclass + 1
%       columns of the importance matrix. For regression, a length p vector.
% localImp = a p by n matrix containing the casewise importance measures, the [i,j] element
%       of which is the importance of i-th variable on the j-th case. NULL if
%       localImp=FALSE.
% ntree = number of trees grown.
% mtry  = number of predictors sampled for spliting at each node.
% votes (classification only) a matrix with one row for each input data point and one
%       column for each class, giving the fraction or number of ?votes? from the random
%       forest.
% oob_times number of times cases are 'out-of-bag' (and thus used in computing OOB error
%       estimate)
% proximity if proximity=TRUE when randomForest is called, a matrix of proximity
%       measures among the input (based on the frequency that pairs of data points are
%       in the same terminal nodes).
% errtr = first column is OOB Err rate, second is for class 1 and so on

function model=classRF_train(X,Y,ntree,mtry, extra_options)

    orig_labels = sort(unique(Y));
    Y_new = Y;
    new_labels = 1:length(orig_labels);
    for i=1:length(orig_labels)
    Y = Y_new;
    if exist('extra_options','var')
        if isfield(extra_options,'DEBUG_ON');  DEBUG_ON = extra_options.DEBUG_ON;    end
        if isfield(extra_options,'replace');  replace = extra_options.replace;       end
        if isfield(extra_options,'classwt');  classwt = extra_options.classwt;       end
        if isfield(extra_options,'cutoff');  cutoff = extra_options.cutoff;       end
        if isfield(extra_options,'strata');  strata = extra_options.strata;       end
        if isfield(extra_options,'sampsize');  sampsize = extra_options.sampsize;       end
        if isfield(extra_options,'nodesize');  nodesize = extra_options.nodesize;       end
        if isfield(extra_options,'importance');  importance = extra_options.importance;       end
        if isfield(extra_options,'localImp');  localImp = extra_options.localImp;       end
        if isfield(extra_options,'nPerm');  nPerm = extra_options.nPerm;       end
        if isfield(extra_options,'proximity');  proximity = extra_options.proximity;       end
        if isfield(extra_options,'oob_prox');  oob_prox = extra_options.oob_prox;       end
        %if isfield(extra_options,'norm_votes');  norm_votes = extra_options.norm_votes;       end
        if isfield(extra_options,'do_trace');  do_trace = extra_options.do_trace;       end
        %if isfield(extra_options,'corr_bias');  corr_bias = extra_options.corr_bias;       end
        if isfield(extra_options,'keep_inbag');  keep_inbag = extra_options.keep_inbag;       end
    keep_forest=1; %always save the trees :)
    %set defaults if not already set
    if ~exist('DEBUG_ON','var')     DEBUG_ON=FALSE; end
    if ~exist('replace','var');     replace = TRUE; end
    %if ~exist('classwt','var');     classwt = []; end %will handle these three later
    %if ~exist('cutoff','var');      cutoff = 1; end    
    %if ~exist('strata','var');      strata = 1; end
    if ~exist('sampsize','var');    
        if (replace) 
            sampsize = size(X,1); 
            sampsize = ceil(0.632*size(X,1));
    if ~exist('nodesize','var');    nodesize = 1; end %classification=1, regression=5
    if ~exist('importance','var');  importance = FALSE; end
    if ~exist('localImp','var');    localImp = FALSE; end
    if ~exist('nPerm','var');       nPerm = 1; end
    %if ~exist('proximity','var');   proximity = 1; end  %will handle these two later
    %if ~exist('oob_prox','var');    oob_prox = 1; end
    %if ~exist('norm_votes','var');    norm_votes = TRUE; end
    if ~exist('do_trace','var');    do_trace = FALSE; end
    %if ~exist('corr_bias','var');   corr_bias = FALSE; end
    if ~exist('keep_inbag','var');  keep_inbag = FALSE; end

    if ~exist('ntree','var') | ntree<=0
    if ~exist('mtry','var') | mtry<=0 | mtry>size(X,2)
        mtry =floor(sqrt(size(X,2)));
    addclass =isempty(Y);
    if (~addclass && length(unique(Y))<2)
        error('need atleast two classes for classification');
    [N D] = size(X);
    if N==0; error(' data (X) has 0 rows');end
    if (mtry <1 || mtry > D)
    mtry = max(1,min(D,round(mtry)));
        fprintf('\tSetting to defaults %d trees and mtry=%d
',ntree,mtry); end if ~isempty(Y) if length(Y)~=N, error('Y size is not the same as X size'); end addclass = FALSE; else if ~addclass, addclass=TRUE; end error('have to fill stuff here') end if ~isempty(find(isnan(X))); error('NaNs in X'); end if ~isempty(find(isnan(Y))); error('NaNs in Y'); end %now handle categories. Problem is that categories in R are more %enhanced. In this i ask the user to specify the column/features to %consider as categories, 1 if all the values are real values else %specify the number of categories here if exist ('extra_options','var') && isfield(extra_options,'categories') ncat = extra_options.categories; else ncat = ones(1,D); end maxcat = max(ncat); if maxcat>32 error('Can not handle categorical predictors with more than 32 categories'); end %classRF - line 88 in randomForest.default.R nclass = length(unique(Y)); if ~exist('cutoff','var') cutoff = ones(1,nclass)* (1/nclass); else if sum(cutoff)>1 || sum(cutoff)<0 || length(find(cutoff<=0))>0 || length(cutoff)~=nclass error('Incorrect cutoff specified'); end end if ~exist('classwt','var') classwt = ones(1,nclass); ipi=0; else if length(classwt)~=nclass error('Length of classwt not equal to the number of classes') end if ~isempty(find(classwt<=0)) error('classwt must be positive'); end ipi=1; end if ~exist('proximity','var') proximity = addclass; oob_prox = proximity; end if ~exist('oob_prox','var') oob_prox = proximity; end %i handle the below in the mex file % if proximity % prox = zeros(N,N); % proxts = 1; % else % prox = 1; % proxts = 1; % end %i handle the below in the mex file if localImp importance = TRUE; % impmat = zeors(D,N); else % impmat = 1; end if importance if (nPerm<1) nPerm = int32(1); else nPerm = int32(nPerm); end %classRF % impout = zeros(D,nclass+2); % impSD = zeros(D,nclass+1); else % impout = zeros(D,1); % impSD = 1; end %i handle the below in the mex file %somewhere near line 157 in randomForest.default.R if addclass % nsample = 2*n; else % nsample = n; end Stratify = (length(sampsize)>1); if (~Stratify && sampsize>N) error('Sampsize too large') end if Stratify if ~exist('strata','var') strata = Y; end nsum = sum(sampsize); if ( ~isempty(find(sampsize<=0)) || nsum==0) error('Bad sampsize specification'); end else nsum = sampsize; end %i handle the below in the mex file %nrnodes = 2*floor(nsum/nodesize)+1; %xtest = 1; %ytest = 1; %ntest = 1; %labelts = FALSE; %nt = ntree; %[ldau,rdau,nodestatus,nrnodes,upper,avnode,mbest,ndtree]= %keyboard if Stratify strata = int32(strata); else strata = int32(1); end Options = int32([addclass, importance, localImp, proximity, oob_prox, do_trace, keep_forest, replace, Stratify, keep_inbag]); if DEBUG_ON %print the parameters that i am sending in fprintf('size(x) %d
',size(X)); fprintf('size(y) %d
',size(Y)); fprintf('nclass %d
',nclass); fprintf('size(ncat) %d
',size(ncat)); fprintf('maxcat %d
',maxcat); fprintf('size(sampsize) %d
',size(sampsize)); fprintf('sampsize[0] %d
',sampsize(1)); fprintf('Stratify %d
',Stratify); fprintf('Proximity %d
',proximity); fprintf('oob_prox %d
',oob_prox); fprintf('strata %d
',strata); fprintf('ntree %d
',ntree); fprintf('mtry %d
',mtry); fprintf('ipi %d
',ipi); fprintf('classwt %f
',classwt); fprintf('cutoff %f
',cutoff); fprintf('nodesize %f
',nodesize); end [nrnodes,ntree,xbestsplit,classwt,cutoff,treemap,nodestatus,nodeclass,bestvar,ndbigtree,mtry ... outcl, counttr, prox, impmat, impout, impSD, errtr, inbag] ... = mexClassRF_train(X',int32(Y_new),length(unique(Y)),ntree,mtry,int32(ncat), ... int32(maxcat), int32(sampsize), strata, Options, int32(ipi), ... classwt, cutoff, int32(nodesize),int32(nsum)); model.nrnodes=nrnodes; model.ntree=ntree; model.xbestsplit=xbestsplit; model.classwt=classwt; model.cutoff=cutoff; model.treemap=treemap; model.nodestatus=nodestatus; model.nodeclass=nodeclass; model.bestvar = bestvar; model.ndbigtree = ndbigtree; model.mtry = mtry; model.orig_labels=orig_labels; model.new_labels=new_labels; model.nclass = length(unique(Y)); model.outcl = outcl; model.counttr = counttr; if proximity model.proximity = prox; else model.proximity = []; end model.localImp = impmat; model.importance = impout; model.importanceSD = impSD; model.errtr = errtr'; model.inbag = inbag; model.votes = counttr'; model.oob_times = sum(counttr)'; clear mexClassRF_train %keyboard 1;
