16399 ワード
ここにgetter and Setterは書いていませんので自分で追加してください(後ろのエンティティクラスもそうです)
使用するエンティティークラスPM 25
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import com.origin.entity.Index;
import net.sf.json.JSONArray;
import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
* jsonObject
* @author utsc1243
* @date 2019 5 10
public class TestJson {
static Properties properties = new Properties();
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str = testStr();
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("name", "Woodie");
// jsonObject
JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject(str);
// key jsonObject jsonObject
// JSONObject jsonData = jsonObject.getJSONObject("data");
JSONObject jsonData = jsonObject.optJSONObject("data");
// key jsonObject JSONArray , getXXX key ,optXXX
// JSONArray jsonIndexArray = jsonData.getJSONArray("index");
JSONArray jsondaily = jsonData.optJSONArray("daily");
// key jsonObject String
// String msg = jsonObject.getString("msg");
// optXXX getXXX :opt
// Object object = jsonData.optString("city"); 、
// discard remove , ,
// discard ,remove
// JSONObject removeObject = jsonObject.discard("data");
// Object removeObject = jsonObject.remove("data");
// ;
// jsonData.accumulate("city", " ");
// element put json
// put element ,put element
// jsonData.element("city", " ");
// jsonData.put("city", true);
// json
// jsonData.clear();
// jsonObject
// jsonData.has("date");
// json
// int jsonSize = jsonObject.size();
// jsonObject , , -1、0、1
// int isMore = jsonObject.compareTo(jsonData);
// jsonobject
// jsonObject.accumulateAll(map);
// jsonObject key
// map containsKey(key) ,has verifyIsNull() ,containsKey
// jsonObject.containsKey("data");
// jsonObject.has("data");
// jsonObject , Map containsValue
// jsonData.containsValue(" ");
// set
// jsonData.entrySet();
// json
// jsonData.equals(jsonData);
// json json
// jsonData.getJSONArray("index").isArray();
// json
// jsonData.clear();
// jsonData.isEmpty();
// ???
// jsonData.isNullObject();
// json key
// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
// Iterator keys = jsonData.keys();
// while(keys.hasNext()){
// System.out.println(;
// }
// key set
// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
// Set keySet = jsonData.keySet();
// key , ,names keys() key, element
// JSONArray names = jsonData.names();
// names(JSONObject names names JSONArray) value
// : jsonObject.ToJSONArray() jsonObject.names ,
// JSONArray values = jsonObject.toJSONArray(jsonObject.names());
// System.out.println(arr);
// values() collection , arraylist , Map values
// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
// ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(jsonObject.values());
// for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
// System.out.println(arr.get(i));
// }
// ???????????????????????io writer
// jsonObject.write();
// json
// jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject("{id:101,name:'mack',age:17,sex:'1'}");
// Student stu = (Student) JSONObject.toBean(jsonObject, Student.class);
// map class,
Map classMap = new HashMap();
// json , :"index" "indexs" Data index
// class classMap , toBean(json, class, map) class map
classMap.put("data", Data.class);
classMap.put("pm25", PM25.class);
classMap.put("index", Index.class);
classMap.put("daily", Daily.class);
Data data = (Data) JSONObject.toBean(jsonData, Data.class, classMap);
PM25 pm25 = data.getPm25();
ArrayList indexs = (ArrayList) data.getIndex();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// JSONArray
// json
String jsonStr = jsondaily.toString();
// JSONOArray
// JSONArray daily = JSONArray.fromObject(jsonStr);
// , ,
// int [] dimension = JSONArray.getDimensions(daily);
JSONArray indexs = jsonData.optJSONArray("index");
// jsonArray
// Index [] indexs = (Index[]) JSONArray.toArray(index, Index.class);
// jsonArray
// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
ArrayList indexList = (ArrayList) JSONArray.toCollection(indexs, Index.class);
// JSONArray json
Index newIndex = new Index();
newIndex.setName(" ");
newIndex.setLevel(" ");
newIndex.setMsg(" , , , 。");
// JSONArray.fromObject(newIndex),
JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(newIndex);// java json
// , ,element() add()
// indexs.add(json);
// indexs.element(json);
// indexList json josnArray
// indexs.addAll(indexList);
// json
// indexs.clear();
// JSONArray size , <= -1 0 > 1
// jsondaily.compareTo(indexs);
// , jsonArray json
// indexs.contains(newIndex);
// , jsonArray json
// indexs.containsAll(indexList);
// ,
// indexs.discard(0);
// indexs.remove(0);
// , , List remove(Object 0);
// indexs.remove(newIndex);
// indexs.get(0);
// jsonArray ,
// indexs.element(true);
// indexs.getBoolean(indexs.size()-1);
// hashCode
// indexs.hashCode();
// ,
// indexs.indexOf(true);
// indexs.add(newIndex);
// , List lastIndexOf()
// indexList.lastIndexOf(true);
// indexs.isArray();
// indexs.isEmpty();
// ????????
// indexs.isExpandElements();
// JSONArray
// Iterator it = indexs.iterator();
// JSONArray , iterator
// Iterator it = indexs.listIterator(1);
// * ,
// String indexsJoinStr = indexs.join("________");
// optXXX getXXX optXXX
// indexs.optString(0);
// jsonArray collection
// indexs.addAll(jsondaily);
// indexs.set(0, true);
// json
// indexs.toString(1);
// jsonArray
// String names = "[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\",\"4\",\"5\"]";
// JSONArray temp = JSONArray.fromObject(names);
// JSONObject jObject = indexs.toJSONObject(temp);
// ----------------------------------------------
public static String testStr() {
return "{\r
" + " \"data\": {\r
" + " \"city\": \" \",\r
" + " \"temphigh\": \"25\",\r
+ " \"templow\": \"19\",\r
" + " \"updatetime\": \"2017-11-04 13:23:00\",\r
+ " \"tempnow\": \"24\",\r
" + " \"sendibletemp\": \"27\",\r
+ " \"winddirect\": \" \",\r
" + " \"windpower\": \"2 \",\r
+ " \"humidity\": \"42\",\r
" + " \"sunrise\": \"06:29\",\r
" + " \"sunset\": \"17:45\",\r
+ " \"weather\": \" \",\r
" + " \"week\": \" \",\r
" + " \"nl\": null,\r
+ " \"date\": \"2017-11-04\",\r
" + " \"index\": [\r
" + " {\r
+ " \"name\": \" \",\r
" + " \"level\": \" \",\r
+ " \"msg\": \" , , , 。\"\r
" + " },\r
" + " {\r
+ " \"name\": \" \",\r
" + " \"level\": \" \",\r
+ " \"msg\": \" , 。\"\r
" + " },\r
" + " {\r
+ " \"name\": \" \",\r
" + " \"level\": \" \",\r
+ " \"msg\": \" ( ) , 。\"\r
" + " },\r
" + " {\r
+ " \"name\": \" \",\r
" + " \"level\": \" \",\r
+ " \"msg\": \" , , 。\"\r
" + " },\r
" + " {\r
+ " \"name\": \" \",\r
" + " \"level\": \" \",\r
+ " \"msg\": \" , SPF12-15、PA+ 。\"\r
" + " },\r
" + " {\r
+ " \"name\": \" \",\r
" + " \"level\": \" \",\r
+ " \"msg\": \" , 。\"\r
" + " }\r
" + " ],\r
" + " \"pm25\": {\r
+ " \"aqi\": 0,\r
" + " \"co\": 8,\r
" + " \"o3\": 42,\r
" + " \"pm10\": 63,\r
+ " \"pm2_5\": 64,\r
" + " \"quality\": \" \",\r
" + " \"so2\": 4,\r
+ " \"no2\": 11,\r
" + " \"updatetime\": \"2017-11-04 13:00:00\"\r
" + " },\r
+ " \"daily\": [\r
" + " {\r
" + " \"date\": \"2017-11-04\",\r
+ " \"week\": \" \",\r
" + " \"sunrise\": \"06:29\",\r
+ " \"sunset\": \"17:45\",\r
" + " \"temphigh\": \"25\",\r
+ " \"templow\": \"19\",\r
" + " \"weather\": \" \"\r
" + " },\r
+ " {\r
" + " \"date\": \"2017-11-05\",\r
" + " \"week\": \" \",\r
+ " \"sunrise\": \"06:29\",\r
" + " \"sunset\": \"17:45\",\r
+ " \"temphigh\": \"26\",\r
" + " \"templow\": \"19\",\r
+ " \"weather\": \" \"\r
" + " },\r
" + " {\r
+ " \"date\": \"2017-11-06\",\r
" + " \"week\": \" \",\r
+ " \"sunrise\": \"06:29\",\r
" + " \"sunset\": \"17:45\",\r
+ " \"temphigh\": \"27\",\r
" + " \"templow\": \"20\",\r
+ " \"weather\": \" \"\r
" + " },\r
" + " {\r
+ " \"date\": \"2017-11-07\",\r
" + " \"week\": \" \",\r
+ " \"sunrise\": \"06:29\",\r
" + " \"sunset\": \"17:45\",\r
+ " \"temphigh\": \"28\",\r
" + " \"templow\": \"21\",\r
+ " \"weather\": \" \"\r
" + " },\r
" + " {\r
+ " \"date\": \"2017-11-08\",\r
" + " \"week\": \" \",\r
+ " \"sunrise\": \"06:29\",\r
" + " \"sunset\": \"17:45\",\r
+ " \"temphigh\": \"29\",\r
" + " \"templow\": \"22\",\r
+ " \"weather\": \" \"\r
" + " },\r
" + " {\r
+ " \"date\": \"2017-11-09\",\r
" + " \"week\": \" \",\r
+ " \"sunrise\": \"06:29\",\r
" + " \"sunset\": \"17:45\",\r
+ " \"temphigh\": \"28\",\r
" + " \"templow\": \"22\",\r
+ " \"weather\": \" \"\r
" + " },\r
" + " {\r
+ " \"date\": \"2017-11-03\",\r
" + " \"week\": \" \",\r
+ " \"sunrise\": \"06:29\",\r
" + " \"sunset\": \"17:45\",\r
+ " \"temphigh\": \"28\",\r
" + " \"templow\": \"18\",\r
+ " \"weather\": \" \"\r
" + " }\r
" + " ]\r
" + " },\r
" + " \"status\": 0,\r
+ " \"msg\": \"ok\"\r
" + "}";
ここにgetter and Setterは書いていませんので自分で追加してください(後ろのエンティティクラスもそうです)
import java.util.List;
public class Student {
Long id;
String name;
Integer age;
String sex;
使用するエンティティークラスPM 25
package com.origin.entity;
* @author utsc1243
* @date 2019 5 20
public class PM25 {
Integer aqi;
Integer co;
Integer o3;
Integer pm10;
Integer pm2_5;
String quality;
Integer so2;
Integer no2;
String updatetime;
package com.origin.entity;
* @author utsc1243
* @date 2019 5 20
public class Index {
String name;
String level;
String msg;
package com.origin.entity;
import java.util.List;
public class Data {
String city;
String temphigh;
String templow;
String updatetime;
String tempnow;
String sendibletemp;
String winddirect;
String windpower;
String humidity;
String sunrise;
String sunset;
String weather;
String week;
String nl;
String date;
List index;
PM25 pm25;
List daily;
package com.origin.entity;
* @author utsc1243
* @date 2019 5 20
public class Daily {
private String date;
private String week;
private String sunrise;
private String sunset;
private String temphigh;
private String templow;
private String weather;