c言語実装opensslによるデータ要約と署名,sha 512 with rsa

4058 ワード

プロトコルはhttpsのメッセージヘッダにメッセージ体の要約情報を添付することを要求するため,opensslで実現したデータsha 512アルゴリズムの要約とrsa署名の下sha 512ハッシュアルゴリズムとrsa暗号化アルゴリズムを検討した.

#define PUBLIC_KEY_PATH ("/hd1/program/config/ca/client_sunell_public.pem")
#define PRIVATE_KEY_PATH ("/hd1/program/config/ca/client_sunell_private.pem")

void printHash(unsigned char *md, int len)

	int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
		printf("%02x", md[i]);

"); } /* */ RSA* ReadPrivateKey(char* p_KeyPath) { FILE *fp = NULL; char szKeyPath[1024]; RSA *priRsa = NULL, *pubRsa = NULL, *pOut = NULL; printf("PrivateKeyPath[%s]
", p_KeyPath); /* */ if(NULL == (fp = fopen(p_KeyPath, "r"))) { printf( "fopen[%s] failed
", p_KeyPath); return NULL; } /* */ priRsa = PEM_read_RSAPrivateKey(fp, NULL, NULL,NULL); if(NULL == priRsa) { ERR_print_errors_fp(stdout); printf( "PEM_read_RSAPrivateKey
"); fclose(fp); return NULL; } fclose(fp); pOut = priRsa; return pOut; } /* */ RSA* ReadPublicKey(char* p_KeyPath) { FILE *fp = NULL; char szKeyPath[1024]; RSA *priRsa = NULL, *pubRsa = NULL, *pOut = NULL; printf("PublicKeyPath[%s]
", p_KeyPath); /* */ if(NULL == (fp = fopen(p_KeyPath, "r"))) { printf( "fopen[%s]
", p_KeyPath); return NULL; } /* */ if(NULL == (priRsa = PEM_read_RSA_PUBKEY(fp, NULL, NULL,NULL))) { printf( "PEM_read_RSAPrivateKey error
"); fclose(fp); return NULL; } fclose(fp); pOut = priRsa; return pOut; } int main() { char *ct = "55dsd421fd4df1x21c1d4sd21sd51s5"; char *buf; char *buf2; RSA *pubKey; RSA *privKey; int len; buf = malloc(520); buf2 = malloc(520); // sha512 SHA512_CTX c; unsigned char md[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH]; SHA512((unsigned char *)ct, strlen(ct), md); printHash(md, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH); /* */ //SHA512_Init(&c); //SHA512_Update(&c, ct, strlen(ct)); //SHA512_Final(md, &c); //OPENSSL_cleanse(&c, sizeof(c)); //printHash(md, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH); privKey = ReadPrivateKey(PRIVATE_KEY_PATH); if (!privKey) { ERR_print_errors_fp (stderr); exit (1); } pubKey = ReadPublicKey(PUBLIC_KEY_PATH); if(!pubKey) { RSA_free(privKey); printf("Error: can't load public key"); exit(1); } /* : */ int nRet = RSA_sign(NID_sha512, md, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH, buf, &nOutLen, privKey); if(nRet != 1) { printf("RSA_sign err !!!
"); exit(1); } printf("RSA_sign len = %d:", nOutLen); printHash(buf, nOutLen); //len = RSA_private_encrypt(SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH, md, buf, //privKey,RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); //if (len != 256) //{ //printf("Error: ciphertext should match length of key len = %d
", len); //exit(1); //} //printf("RSA_private_encrypt:"); //printHash(buf, strlen(buf)); /* */ //RSA_public_decrypt(len, (const unsigned char*)buf, (unsigned char*)buf2, //pubKey,RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); //printf("RSA_public_decrypt:"); //printHash(buf2, strlen(buf2)); RSA_free(privKey); RSA_free(pubKey); free(buf); free(buf2); return 0; } : fbf9cfab10a4e7a964c109da53f9e14888fa85b9b82ddfb748991b4c470ee54a8883cb298db1a170abcf2b75ed7e187710b20f2cbc1c70a619e8e7284230177d PrivateKeyPath[/hd1/program/config/ca/client_sunell_private.pem] PublicKeyPath[/hd1/program/config/ca/client_sunell_public.pem] RSA_private_encrypt:acff90f36d7220a0f1f0485d209134e75c5b39e58d082d0591fb05898519188b8c4ba87d9fb7a4ac23 RSA_public_decrypt:fbf9cfab10a4e7a964c109da53f9e14888fa85b9b82ddfb748991b4c470ee54a8883cb298db1a170abcf2b75ed7e187710b20f2cbc1c70a619e8e7284230177d