
2846 ワード

Linux上でwarningをコンパイルしてintとvoid*の間の変換を言っていますが、実際には32 bitsマシンでは両者の間で互いに変換することができますが、テストは64 bitsシステムでこのヒントがあります.皆さんはどんな良い解決方法がありますか?

typedef void* Element;
// top points to the top node of the stack
typedef struct l_stack_node
    Element data;
    struct l_stack_node *next;
}l_stack_node, *lnode;

typedef struct l_stack
    l_stack_node* top;
    int count;
}l_stack, *pstack;

pstack init_stack();
lnode init_lnode();
int is_empty(pstack ps);
Element get_top(pstack ps);
Element pop(pstack ps);
pstack push(pstack ps, Element e);
void display_stack(pstack ps);


#include "link_stack.h"

#define TRUE        0
#define FALSE       1

pstack init_stack()
    pstack ps;
    if((ps = (pstack)malloc(sizeof(l_stack))) == NULL){
        printf("Init link stack error
"); return NULL; } ps->top = NULL; ps->count = 0; return ps; } lnode init_lnode() { lnode node; if((node = (lnode)malloc(sizeof(l_stack_node))) == NULL){ printf("Init link node error
"); } node->next = NULL; // if node points to NULL then return NULL return node; } int is_empty(pstack ps) { return ((ps->count <= 0)?TRUE : FALSE); } Element get_top(pstack ps) { if(is_empty(ps) == 0) { printf("Link stack is empty
"); return NULL; } else return ps->top->data; } int get_count(pstack ps) { if(ps != NULL) return ps->count; else return 0; } Element pop(pstack ps) { if(ps->count <= 0) return NULL; lnode n = ps->top; ps->top = n->next; ps->count--; return n->data; } pstack push(pstack ps, Element e) { lnode node = init_lnode(); node->data = e; node->next = ps->top; ps->top = node; ps->count++; return ps; } void display_stack(pstack ps) { lnode t = ps->top; if(is_empty(ps) == 0) printf("Link stack is empty
"); else { while(t != NULL) { printf("%d ", t->data); t = t->next; } printf("
"); } }

#include "link_stack.h"

int main()
    int i;
    int arr[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
    int len = 8;
    pstack ps = init_stack();
    for(i=0; i