Contest_Scoreboard 10258 Uva_OnlineJudge

3690 ワード

        ,                      。  ,                。         ,        ,      BUG     。
typedef struct
	int nNo;/*  */
	int nQstSlvNum;/*   */
	int nSumTime;

	int nQstWrgTms[10];

	char cHvSlved[12];/*'N'for have not solved,'Y' for have solved*/

int IsTeamHvSolvQst(ACMTEAM* team,int teamNo,int teamNum)
	int i;
	for(i = 0;i < teamNum;i ++)
		if(team[i].nNo == teamNo)
			return i;

	return -1;


void CountForTheTeam(ACMTEAM *team,int teamNo,int nQstNo,int nTime,char cAns,int &count)
	int temp;
	temp = IsTeamHvSolvQst(team,teamNo,count);
	if(-1 == temp)/*      ,       */
		team[count].nNo = teamNo;
		if(cAns == 'I' && 'N' == team[count].cHvSlved[nQstNo])
			team[count].nQstWrgTms[nQstNo] ++;
		else if(cAns == 'C' && 'N' == team[count].cHvSlved[nQstNo])
			team[count].nSumTime +=nTime;
			team[count].nSumTime += team[count].nQstWrgTms[nQstNo]*20;
			team[count].cHvSlved[nQstNo] = 'Y';
			team[count].nQstSlvNum ++;
		count ++;
		if(cAns == 'I' && 'N' == team[temp].cHvSlved[nQstNo])
			team[temp].nQstWrgTms[nQstNo] ++;
		else if(cAns == 'C' && 'N' == team[temp].cHvSlved[nQstNo])
			team[temp].nSumTime +=nTime;
			team[temp].nSumTime += team[temp].nQstWrgTms[nQstNo]*20;
			team[temp].cHvSlved[nQstNo] = 'Y';
			team[temp].nQstSlvNum ++;
/*int cmp(const void* tmp1,const void* tmp2)  //for qsort
	ACMTEAM *team_1, *team_2;
	team_1 = (ACMTEAM*)tmp1;
	team_2 = (ACMTEAM*)tmp2;

	if(team_2->nQstSlvNum != team_1->nQstSlvNum) return team_2->nQstSlvNum > team_1->nQstSlvNum;
	if(team_2->nSumTime !=  team_1->nSumTime) return team_2->nSumTime < team_1->nSumTime;
	if(team_2->nNo > team_1->nNo) return -1;
	else return 1;
int cmp(ACMTEAM team_1,ACMTEAM team_2)// for ChoosenSort
	if(team_2.nQstSlvNum != team_1.nQstSlvNum) return team_2.nQstSlvNum > team_1.nQstSlvNum;
	if(team_2.nSumTime !=  team_1.nSumTime) return team_2.nSumTime < team_1.nSumTime;
	if(team_2.nNo > team_1.nNo) return -1;
	else return 1;

void swap(ACMTEAM &team_1,ACMTEAM &team_2)
	tmp = team_1;
	team_1 = team_2;
	team_2 = tmp;
void ChoosenSort(ACMTEAM *team,int teamNum)
	int i,j,k;
	for(i = 0;i < teamNum;i ++)
		k = i;
		for(j = i + 1;j < teamNum;j ++)
			if(cmp(team[k],team[j]) == 1)
				k = j;
		if(k != i)
void outPut(ACMTEAM *team,int teamNum)
	int i;
	for(i = 0;i < teamNum;i ++)
		printf("%d %d %d
",team[i].nNo,team[i].nQstSlvNum,team[i].nSumTime); } } int main() { ACMTEAM team[101]; int testNum; scanf("%d",&testNum); getchar();getchar();/*input the enter*/ int i,j,cnt; int nQstNo; int nTime; int teamNo; char cAnswState; char input_str[20]; for(i = 0;i < testNum;i ++) { memset(team,0,101*sizeof(ACMTEAM)); for(j = 0;j < 101;j ++) memset(team[j].cHvSlved,'N',12*sizeof(char)); cnt = 0; while(gets(input_str) && strlen(input_str)) { sscanf(input_str,"%d %d %d %c",&teamNo,&nQstNo,&nTime,&cAnswState); CountForTheTeam(team,teamNo,nQstNo,nTime,cAnswState,cnt); } ChoosenSort(team,cnt); //qsort(team,cnt,sizeof(ACMTEAM),cmp); outPut(team,cnt); if(i != testNum - 1) printf("
"); } return 0; }
